DINOSAUR-1995Jan by subject
- [no subject]
- [no subject] swh@eatl.co.uk (Stephen Hurrell) Thursday, January 12, 1995
- [no subject] BRUSH@UConnVM.UConn.Edu Wednesday, January 18, 1995
- Re: Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Wednesday, January 18, 1995
- [no subject] P Christensen Students <skbears@orca.esd114.wednet.edu> Wednesday, January 18, 1995
- [no subject] farlow@CVAX.IPFW.INDIANA.EDU Thursday, January 19, 1995
- [no subject] P Christensen Students <skbears@orca.esd114.wednet.edu> Thursday, January 19, 1995
- Re: Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Friday, January 20, 1995
- [no subject] P Christensen Students <skbears@orca.esd114.wednet.edu> Monday, January 23, 1995
- "Skeletons in the Sand" PBS show
- (fwd) RESULT: sci.bio.paleontology passes 309:19
- ?: Chinese Jurassic birds
- [Mike.Benton@BRISTOL.AC.UK: Paleoworld 2]
- _Archaeopteryx_
- _Archaeopteryx_ Phillip Bigelow <n8010095@henson.cc.wwu.edu> Saturday, January 28, 1995
- Re: _Archaeopteryx_ jdharris@teal.csn.net (Jerry D. Harris) Saturday, January 28, 1995
- Re: _Archaeopteryx_ jdharris@teal.csn.net (Jerry D. Harris) Sunday, January 29, 1995
- Re: _Archaeopteryx_ jdharris@teal.csn.net (Jerry D. Harris) Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- Re: _Archaeopteryx_ jdharris@teal.csn.net (Jerry D. Harris) Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- Re: _Archaeopteryx_ and sterna
- Afroventer sauropod
- Archaeopterix
- Archaeopterix Mike Bonham <bonham@jade.ab.ca> Friday, January 27, 1995
- Re: Archaeopterix "Taylor,Rod;=8728883" <RODT@kean.ucs.mun.ca> Friday, January 27, 1995
- Re: Archaeopterix Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Friday, January 27, 1995
- Re: Archaeopterix Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Saturday, January 28, 1995
- Re: Archaeopterix Jonathan D Marcot <jmarcot@gas.uug.arizona.edu> Saturday, January 28, 1995
- Archaeopteryx
- re:archaeopteryx
- re:archaeopteryx Crpntr@ix.netcom.com (Kenneth Carpenter) Saturday, January 28, 1995
- Re: Archaeopteryx and Flight
- Re: Archaeopteryx and Flight Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Monday, January 02, 1995
- Re: Archaeopteryx and Flight NCLARK@museum.gla.ac.uk Monday, January 02, 1995
- Re: Archaeopteryx and Flight NCLARK@museum.gla.ac.uk Monday, January 02, 1995
- Re: Archaeopteryx and Flight Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Monday, January 02, 1995
- Re: Archaeopteryx and Flight Chas Bedford <chasbed4d@chas.demon.co.uk> Monday, January 02, 1995
- Re: Archaeopteryx and Flight NEIL CLARK <NCLARK@museum.gla.ac.uk> Tuesday, January 03, 1995
- Re: Archaeopteryx and Flight @lepomis.psych.upenn.edu:murphy!acmcr!vr@uunet.uu.net (Vicki Rosenzweig) Tuesday, January 03, 1995
- Re: Archaeopteryx and Flight Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Tuesday, January 03, 1995
- Re: Archaeopteryx and Flight ornstn@hookup.net (Ronald Orenstein) Tuesday, January 03, 1995
- Re: Archaeopteryx and Flight ornstn@hookup.net (Ronald Orenstein) Tuesday, January 03, 1995
- Re: Archaeopteryx and Flight NCLARK@museum.gla.ac.uk Wednesday, January 04, 1995
- Re: Archaeopteryx and Flight Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Wednesday, January 04, 1995
- Argentinosaurus original reference
- Book Notice
- Book Notice "Constable,Miles [Edm]" <ConstableM@mail.edm.ab.doe.ca> Friday, January 13, 1995
- Charles Knight dinosaur calendar
- Charles Knight dinosaur calendar jimf@strauss.ncrmicro.ncr.com (Jim Foley) Thursday, January 12, 1995
- Re: Charles Knight dinosaur calendar Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Thursday, January 12, 1995
- Re: Charles Knight dinosaur calendar "Jane P. Davidson" <jdhexen@unr.edu> Thursday, January 12, 1995
- Re: Charles Knight dinosaur calendar Derek Tearne <derek@nezsdc.fujitsu.co.nz> Thursday, January 12, 1995
- Re: Charles Knight dinosaur calendar FEUKAC@PLU.edu Friday, January 13, 1995
- Re: Charles Knight dinosaur calendar Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Friday, January 13, 1995
- Re: Chicxulub and sulfur
- Re: Classes of Paleontologist
- Co. needs material to cast
- Re: Coelophysis
- Re: Coelophysis cnedin@geology.adelaide.edu.au (Chris Nedin) Wednesday, January 18, 1995
- Re: Coelophysis Steve Jackson <sj@io.com> Thursday, January 19, 1995
- Re: Coelophysis "Jane P. Davidson" <jdhexen@unr.edu> Thursday, January 19, 1995
- Coelophysis Ralph Chapman <MNHAD002@SIVM.SI.EDU> Thursday, January 19, 1995
- Re: Coelophysis "Eric, Diane, Alex and Caroline Winter" <winter@clark.net> Saturday, January 21, 1995
- Re: Coelophysis Steve Jackson <sj@io.com> Saturday, January 21, 1995
- Re: Coelophysis "Eric, Diane, Alex and Caroline Winter" <winter@clark.net> Sunday, January 22, 1995
- Coelophysis (long)
- Collecting trip to Morocco
- Re: competition between Pterosaurs and birds
- Re: competition between Pterosaurs and birds (fwd)
- Cost of a lawn dinosaur
- Cryolophosaurus
- Re: the deccan antipode
- Re: Deccan Traps
- Re: Deccan Traps Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- Re: Deccan Traps Ray McAllister <mcallist@gate.net> Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- Re: Deccan Traps art@acc.com (Art Berggreen) Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- Deccan Traps Ragonese <tjragone@vela.acs.oakland.edu> Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- re: the deccan traps and the bolide
- re: the deccan traps and the bolide binder@zk3.dec.com (vitam gustare) Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- Re: the deccan traps and the bolide Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- re: the deccan traps and the bolide NEIL CLARK <NCLARK@museum.gla.ac.uk> Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- the deccan traps and the bolide "Bonnie Blackwell, x 3332" <bonn@qcvaxa.acc.qc.edu> Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- re: the deccan traps and the bolide binder@zk3.dec.com (vitam gustare) Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- Re: the deccan traps and the bolide Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- re: the deccan traps and the bolide Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- Re: the deccan traps and the bolide chartiem@ERE.UMontreal.CA (Chartier Michel) Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- dino stampede
- dino stampede zooaw@zoom.zoo.latrobe.edu.au Thursday, January 12, 1995
- Re: dinosaur
- Re: dinosaur Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- Re: dinosaur Ray McAllister <mcallist@gate.net> Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- dinosaur quadrant@cerfnet.com Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- re: dinosaur CD-ROM reviews
- dinosaur CD-ROM reviews?
- The Dinosaur Egg Debate
- The Dinosaur Egg Debate Garry Platt <garry@gplatt.demon.co.uk> Wednesday, January 25, 1995
- Re: The Dinosaur Egg Debate NEIL CLARK <NCLARK@museum.gla.ac.uk> Wednesday, January 25, 1995
- Re: The Dinosaur Egg Debate NEIL CLARK <NCLARK@museum.gla.ac.uk> Friday, January 27, 1995
- Re: The Dinosaur Egg Debate Tompaleo@aol.com Friday, January 27, 1995
- Re: The Dinosaur Egg Debate "Eric, Diane, Alex and Caroline Winter" <winter@clark.net> Saturday, January 28, 1995
- Dinosaur eggs
- Dinosaur eggs tobin@cshl.org (Henry Tobin) Monday, January 23, 1995
- Re: Dinosaur eggs rowe@lepomis.psych.upenn.edu (Mickey Rowe) Monday, January 23, 1995
- Re: Dinosaur eggs jimf@vangelis.ncrmicro.ncr.com (Jim Foley) Monday, January 23, 1995
- Re: Dinosaur eggs cnedin@geology.adelaide.edu.au (Chris Nedin) Monday, January 23, 1995
- Re: Dinosaur eggs jimf@vangelis.ncrmicro.ncr.com (Jim Foley) Monday, January 23, 1995
- Re: Dinosaur eggs cnedin@geology.adelaide.edu.au (Chris Nedin) Monday, January 23, 1995
- Re: Dinosaur eggs NEIL CLARK <NCLARK@museum.gla.ac.uk> Tuesday, January 24, 1995
- Re: Dinosaur eggs "Taylor,Rod;=8728883" <RODT@kean.ucs.mun.ca> Tuesday, January 24, 1995
- Re: Dinosaur eggs Phillip Bigelow <n8010095@henson.cc.wwu.edu> Tuesday, January 24, 1995
- Re: Dinosaur eggs Flyinggoat@aol.com Tuesday, January 24, 1995
- Re: Dinosaur Footrprint Refs
- Dinosaur list
- Dinosaur list Ray McAllister <mcallist@gate.net> Monday, January 23, 1995
- Dinosaur stampede trackway
- Dragon/Flood
- Dragon/Flood peredur@usa.net (John Rising) Wednesday, January 25, 1995
- Re: Dragons
- Re: Dragons AnmlPeople@aol.com Wednesday, January 25, 1995
- Re: Dragons NEIL CLARK <NCLARK@museum.gla.ac.uk> Wednesday, January 25, 1995
- Re: Dragons sean.kerns@sdrc.com (Snake) Wednesday, January 25, 1995
- Re: Dragons hwchoy@zpovc.enet.dec.com (On a foul day, you can complain forever.) Wednesday, January 25, 1995
- Re: Dragons, GRIFFINS, etc
- Drier Lint and Species List
- Dryptosaurus MS
- Dryptosaurus MS Crpntr@ix.netcom.com (Kenneth Carpenter) Thursday, January 12, 1995
- einiosaurus, achelousaurus?
- Elementary School Report on Ancient Birds
- Re: email address
- Re: email address lbowlds@geosociety.org (Larry Bowlds) Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- Re: email address jdharris@teal.csn.net (Jerry D. Harris) Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- email address Martin Tillett <mtillett@umd5.umd.edu> Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- Re: Error Condition Re: Subscription to Dinosaur List
- Ethics
- Ethics Dan Phelps <JFCOST00@UKCC.uky.edu> Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- Extinction (Dinosaurs)
- Extinction - specific info
- Extinction - specific info "Baker, Michelle" <mbaker@CCGATE.UECI.COM> Tuesday, January 10, 1995
- Re: Extinction - specific info Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Tuesday, January 10, 1995
- Re: Extinction - specific info Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Tuesday, January 10, 1995
- Re: Extinction - specific info Peter Sheehan <sheehan@csd4.csd.uwm.edu> Tuesday, January 10, 1995
- Re: Extinction - specific info Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Tuesday, January 10, 1995
- Re: Extinction - specific info Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Tuesday, January 10, 1995
- Re: Extinction - specific info Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Tuesday, January 10, 1995
- Extinction theory (was Extinction - specific info)
- FAQ: what is the SVP?
- FAQ: what is the SVP? COCHISESC@aol.com Thursday, January 12, 1995
- Re: FAQ: what is the SVP? Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Friday, January 13, 1995
- Re: FAQ: what is the SVP? "Rafert, John" <JRAFERT@xray.indyrad.iupui.edu> Wednesday, January 18, 1995
- Re: FAQ: what is the SVP? Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Wednesday, January 18, 1995
- Re: FAQ: what is the SVP? Flyinggoat@aol.com Friday, January 20, 1995
- Re: FAQ: what is the SVP? "Jason P. Schlumbohm" <schlumbj@ucs.orst.edu> Friday, January 20, 1995
- Re: Feathers
- Re: Feathers Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Tuesday, January 10, 1995
- Re: Feathers ornstn@hookup.net (Ronald Orenstein) Tuesday, January 10, 1995
- Feathers and flight
- Feathers and flight, references
- Feathers and flight, section 2
- Feathers and flight, section 3
- Feathers and flight, section 4
- Footprint books and Archie
- fossil sales
- fossil sales George Engelmann <engelman@cwis.unomaha.edu> Tuesday, January 24, 1995
- Re: fossil sales Sherry Michael <st90snk7@dunx1.ocs.drexel.edu> Tuesday, January 24, 1995
- Re: fossil sales AnmlPeople@aol.com Wednesday, January 25, 1995
- Re: fossil sales George Engelmann <engelman@cwis.unomaha.edu> Wednesday, January 25, 1995
- Re: fossil sales larrys@zk3.dec.com Wednesday, January 25, 1995
- Re: fossil sales DragonFyr@aol.com Saturday, January 28, 1995
- Re: fossil sales AnmlPeople@aol.com Saturday, January 28, 1995
- Re: fossil sales larrys@zk3.dec.com Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- Re: fossil sales rowe@lepomis.psych.upenn.edu (Mickey Rowe) Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- Re: fossil sales AnmlPeople@aol.com Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- Re: fossil sales larrys@zk3.dec.com Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- Re: fossil sales Robert Johnson <johnsorl@Colorado.EDU> Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- Re: fossil sales larrys@zk3.dec.com Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- Re: fossil sales larrys@zk3.dec.com Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- fossil sales and administrivia
- fossils sales, etc.
- fossils sales, etc. "Bonnie Blackwell, x 3332" <bonn@qcvaxa.acc.qc.edu> Sunday, January 29, 1995
- from a class three human
- Galapagos Crisis (fwd)
- Gastroliths
- geologic periods
- geologic periods tonyf@ucmp1.Berkeley.EDU (Tony Fiorillo) Tuesday, January 10, 1995
- Re: geologic periods Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Tuesday, January 10, 1995
- Re: geologic periods NEIL CLARK <NCLARK@museum.gla.ac.uk> Tuesday, January 10, 1995
- Re: geologic periods NEIL CLARK <NCLARK@museum.gla.ac.uk> Tuesday, January 10, 1995
- Re: Re: Re: geologic periods tonyf@ucmp1.Berkeley.EDU (Tony Fiorillo) Tuesday, January 10, 1995
- Hall and the Teratorns
- Re: HELP
- Re: HELP "Eric, Diane, Alex and Caroline Winter" <winter@clark.net> Saturday, January 14, 1995
- Re: Help with models/reconstr... (fwd)
- Help with models/reconstructions
- Re: Help with models/reconstructions (fwd)
- Help! Reference recommendations
- Help! Reference recommendations mav2@aber.ac.uk Thursday, January 26, 1995
- RE: Help! Reference recommendations "Rafert, John" <JRAFERT@xray.indyrad.iupui.edu> Thursday, January 26, 1995
- Re: Help! Reference recommendations chartiem@ERE.UMontreal.CA (Chartier Michel) Thursday, January 26, 1995
- Re: Help! Reference recommendations DORSETT MICHAEL ERIK <dorsett@ucsub.Colorado.EDU> Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- Re: Help! Reference recommendations Bruce Fleury <bfleury@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu> Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- hips and dinner
- hips and dinner Jonathan D Marcot <jmarcot@gas.uug.arizona.edu> Thursday, January 26, 1995
- Re: hips and dinner Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Thursday, January 26, 1995
- Re: hips and dinner Roger Taylor <wwrtaylo@antelope.wcc.edu> Friday, January 27, 1995
- Re: hips and dinner John Schneiderman <dino@revelation.unomaha.edu> Friday, January 27, 1995
- Re: hips and dinner "Eric, Diane, Alex and Caroline Winter" <winter@clark.net> Saturday, January 28, 1995
- Homo sapiens
- Homo sapiens NEIL CLARK <NCLARK@museum.gla.ac.uk> Wednesday, January 25, 1995
- Re: Homo sapiens NEIL CLARK <NCLARK@museum.gla.ac.uk> Thursday, January 26, 1995
- Hopefully not much more on Dragons
- how many professionals here?
- how many professionals here? Phillip Bigelow <n8010095@henson.cc.wwu.edu> Tuesday, January 03, 1995
- Re: how many professionals here? Unknown Tuesday, January 03, 1995
- Re: how many professionals here? dantho@Cybernetics.NET (Dan Thomasson SLIP) Wednesday, January 04, 1995
- Re: how many professionals here? sean.kerns@sdrc.com (Snake) Wednesday, January 04, 1995
- Re: how many professionals here? Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Wednesday, January 04, 1995
- Re[2]: how many professionals here? "Terry Colvin" <colvint@CC.IMS.DISA.MIL> Wednesday, January 04, 1995
- Re: how many professionals here? Phillip Bigelow <n8010095@henson.cc.wwu.edu> Thursday, January 05, 1995
- Re: how many professionals here? Peter Sheehan <sheehan@csd4.csd.uwm.edu> Thursday, January 05, 1995
- Idaho Flood (was Deccan Traps)
- Re: Improper question re. ext...
- Improper question re. extinction
- Information
- Information John Schneiderman <dino@revelation.unomaha.edu> Friday, January 13, 1995
- Re: Information Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Friday, January 13, 1995
- Introduction
- Introduction mclemore@cps201.cps.cmich.edu (Douglas K McLemore) Saturday, January 14, 1995
- Ishtar Gate (was: More than we wanted to hear on Dragons)
- Jobs: Scientific support posts
- Re: K-T Theories
- Re: K-T Theories @lepomis.psych.upenn.edu:murphy!acmcr!vr@uunet.uu.net (Vicki Rosenzweig) Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- Re: K-T Theories Mikiel <Mikiel@ASU.Edu> Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- Re: K-T Theories Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- Re: K-T Theories Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- Re: K-T Theories larrys@zk3.dec.com Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- K-T Theories "Randy King, go player and all-around swell guy!" <rking@flir.com> Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- Re: K-T Theories Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- Re: K-T Theories larrys@zk3.dec.com Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- Re: K-T Theories @lepomis.psych.upenn.edu:murphy!acmcr!vr@uunet.uu.net (Vicki Rosenzweig) Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- Re: K-T Theories larrys@zk3.dec.com Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- Re: K-T Theories Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- Re: K-T Theories dennisb@test490.pac.sc.ti.com (Dennis Burke) Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- Re: K-T Theories larrys@zk3.dec.com Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- Re: K-T Theories jimf@vangelis.ncrmicro.ncr.com (Jim Foley) Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- Re: K-T Theories Derek Tearne <derek@nezsdc.fujitsu.co.nz> Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- Re: K-T Theories @lepomis.psych.upenn.edu:murphy!acmcr!vr@uunet.uu.net (Vicki Rosenzweig) Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- Re: K-T Theories Derek Tearne <derek@nezsdc.fujitsu.co.nz> Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- Re: K-T Theories Bruce Wielinga <wielinga@kelvin.physics.uq.oz.au> Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- Re: K-T Theories, specifically, exchange of virii
- large Argentine specimens
- Late Cretaceous diversities
- re: length of Cambrian vs. Cretaceous
- Linneaus (probably) not valid type of Homo sapiens
- Maastrichtian dinobase
- Maastrichtian dinos
- Re: mammal evolution
- Re:Manuscript submission
- Maps
- Maps FEUKAC@PLU.edu Tuesday, January 24, 1995
- Mastr. dino list
- Mesozoic Birds (was Archaeopteryx and Flight)
- missing ref
- missing ref nhi158@aberdeen.ac.uk Wednesday, January 11, 1995
- monatana field stuff
- more poetry (?)
- more poetry (?) "Bonnie Blackwell, x 3332" <bonn@qcvaxa.acc.qc.edu> Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- More than we wanted to hear on Dragons
- multiple bolide impacts
- multiple bolide impacts Pterodon@aol.com Sunday, January 29, 1995
- Re: multiple bolide impacts mcallist@gate.net Sunday, January 29, 1995
- Re: multiple bolide impacts cnedin@geology.adelaide.edu.au (Chris Nedin) Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- Re: multiple bolide impacts Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- Re: multiple bolide impacts Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- new ceratopsians
- New dino in China?
- new ideas on the K/T
- New ozone layer data article
- new paper about old dinosaur
- new pterosaur: Arthurdactylus conan-doylei
- NEWT-a dinosaur fan?
- Note from Kevin Padian
- Nova Scotia Fossils
- Oldest Living Tree
- Re: origin of flight
- Osteology texts for N America
- Paleocene dinos
- Paleocene dinos Phillip Bigelow <n8010095@henson.cc.wwu.edu> Friday, January 13, 1995
- Re: Paleocene dinos Peter Sheehan <sheehan@csd4.csd.uwm.edu> Saturday, January 14, 1995
- Re: Paleocene dinos "Jerry D. Harris" <73132.3372@compuserve.com> Saturday, January 14, 1995
- Paleontologist Classification
- Paleontology and Signal-Processing
- paleoworld
- paleoworld psparks@cerfnet.com Saturday, January 28, 1995
- Re: paleoworld Robert Johnson <johnsorl@Colorado.EDU> Saturday, January 28, 1995
- Paleoworld on Discovery Channel
- Re: plural of "archaeopteryx"
- Re: plural of "archaeopteryx" binder@zk3.dec.com (vitam gustare) Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- Re: plural of "archaeopteryx" NEIL CLARK <NCLARK@museum.gla.ac.uk> Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- Re: plural of "archaeopteryx" binder@zk3.dec.com (vitam gustare) Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- Re: plural of "archaeopteryx" Bruce Wielinga <wielinga@kelvin.physics.uq.oz.au> Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- Re: plural of "archaeopteryx" Steve Jackson <sj@io.com> Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- Re: plural of "archaeopteryx" larrys@zk3.dec.com Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- plural of "Archaeopteryx"
- plural of "archaeopteryx"
- presentation
- presentation "HEATHER RAMSAY" <RAMSAY@cfr.cfr.ncsu.edu> Tuesday, January 24, 1995
- Prosauropod cladistics
- Re: Question on new theory
- Re - Feathers and Flight
- Re Chicxulub and sulfur.
- Re Dinosaurs: A Guide to Research
- re Dragons
- re Dragons RHole@aol.com Wednesday, January 25, 1995
- Re: re Dragons freeman@netcom.com (Jay Reynolds Freeman) Wednesday, January 25, 1995
- Re: re Dragons "Bonnie Blackwell, x 3332" <bonn@qcvaxa.acc.qc.edu> Friday, January 27, 1995
- Re: re Dragons Thom Holmes <70621.2234@compuserve.com> Friday, January 27, 1995
- Re: re Dragons paitech@hntp2.hinet.net (Pai Technology) Friday, January 27, 1995
- Re: re Dragons paitech@hntp2.hinet.net (Pai Technology) Friday, January 27, 1995
- Re(2): Chicxulub and sulfur
- Re(2): More than we wanted to hear on Dragons
- Re(3): Chicxulub and sulfur
- re:reply to "class III human"
- re:reply to "class III human" @lepomis.psych.upenn.edu, @uga.cc.uga.edu:Schwimm@USCN.BITNET (Paleontology Columbus College, Georgia) Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- reptile scale-->feathers
- S.Carolina sharks
- S.Carolina sharks "CN. Trueman" <C.N.Trueman@bristol.ac.uk> Tuesday, January 03, 1995
- A sad story
- A sad story farlow@CVAX.IPFW.INDIANA.EDU Wednesday, January 25, 1995
- saling, saling...
- saling, saling... rowe@lepomis.psych.upenn.edu (Mickey Rowe) Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- Show some leg please request!
- RE: sick bones
- RE: sick bones "Rafert, John" <JRAFERT@xray.indyrad.iupui.edu> Thursday, January 12, 1995
- Re: Sick Bones
- Re: Sick Bones Crpntr@ix.netcom.com (Kenneth Carpenter) Saturday, January 14, 1995
- State paleontologists
- State paleontologists Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- Re: State paleontologists larrys@zk3.dec.com Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- Re: State paleontologists jdharris@teal.csn.net (Jerry D. Harris) Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- Re: State paleontologists John Schneiderman <dino@revelation.unomaha.edu> Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- Re: State paleontologists jdharris@teal.csn.net (Jerry D. Harris) Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- RE: stegosaur
- RE: stegosaur Crpntr@ix.netcom.com (Kenneth Carpenter) Tuesday, January 24, 1995
- RE: stegosaur ornstn@hookup.net (Ronald Orenstein) Wednesday, January 25, 1995
- RE: stegosaur Ray McAllister <mcallist@gate.net> Thursday, January 26, 1995
- RE: stegosaur ornstn@hookup.net (Ronald Orenstein) Thursday, January 26, 1995
- RE: stegosaur Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Thursday, January 26, 1995
- RE: stegosaur Crpntr@ix.netcom.com (Kenneth Carpenter) Friday, January 27, 1995
- RE: stegosaur Crpntr@ix.netcom.com (Kenneth Carpenter) Friday, January 27, 1995
- stegosaur origins
- Stegosaurs and fossil sails
- Re: stegosaurus
- Re: stegosaurus ornstn@hookup.net (Ronald Orenstein) Saturday, January 28, 1995
- Stratigraphy
- Stratigraphy NEIL CLARK <NCLARK@museum.gla.ac.uk> Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- Re: styracosaurus
- Re: styracosaurus Jonathan D Marcot <jmarcot@gas.uug.arizona.edu> Monday, January 23, 1995
- Re: styracosaurus Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Monday, January 23, 1995
- Re: styracosaurus rowe@lepomis.psych.upenn.edu (Mickey Rowe) Monday, January 23, 1995
- styracosaurus BPC.APA@email.apa.org (Considine, Blaise) Monday, January 23, 1995
- Re: styracosaurus Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Monday, January 23, 1995
- Re: Subject: Hard Rock Fossils
- Submitting manuscripts
- Sue
- Sue Roudebush@aol.com Monday, January 23, 1995
- Re: Sue Mikiel <Mikiel@ASU.Edu> Monday, January 23, 1995
- Re: Sue Flyinggoat@aol.com Monday, January 23, 1995
- Re: Sue "Jeremiah J. Burton" <jjb2747@silver.sdsmt.edu> Monday, January 23, 1995
- Sue Roudebush@aol.com Friday, January 27, 1995
- Sue rowe@lepomis.psych.upenn.edu (Mickey Rowe) Tuesday, January 31, 1995
- Sulfur-Rich Impact Site May Have Lead to Dinosaur's Demise
- Supernova and dinosaurs
- Supernova/mass extinction business
- SVP Outreach and the dearth of active professionals
- T. rex - Sue
- T. rex - Sue Crpntr@ix.netcom.com (Kenneth Carpenter) Monday, January 23, 1995
- T.rex skull anyone?
- Tell Me About Jack Horner
- Re:tertiary footprints
- Testing, testing
- Re: Triceratops and other Cha...
- Triceratops and other Chasmosaurines
- Tucson Show (fwd)
- Tyrannosaurus skull
- Ultrasaurus/Supersaurus
- Utahraptor
- Utahraptor Mikiel <Mikiel@ASU.Edu> Sunday, January 22, 1995
- Fwd: Utahraptor fossil@ix.netcom.com (EMMY KOEHL) Monday, January 23, 1995
- What is SVP
- What is SVP Phillip Bigelow <n8010095@henson.cc.wwu.edu> Wednesday, January 18, 1995
- Whatat`s new abaut dinosaurs?
- Re: Who was Katy Drivel ?
- Yet more on Dragons (long)
- Re: your mail
- Re: your mail chartiem@ERE.UMontreal.CA (Chartier Michel) Monday, January 23, 1995
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