DINOSAUR-2000Oct by thread
- Basal Hadrosauroidea "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Sunday, October 01, 2000
- Re: Feathered topics. alex@voyager.net Sunday, October 01, 2000
- A Temporary Absence Ronald Orenstein <ornstn@home.com> Sunday, October 01, 2000
- *Cernotaurus* Cervical Ribs "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Sunday, October 01, 2000
- Re: Feathered topics "David Marjanovic" <david.marjanovic@gmx.at> Sunday, October 01, 2000
- No apology needed (Reptilia Again) "Ken Kinman" <kinman@hotmail.com> Sunday, October 01, 2000
- More narratives, please "philidor11" <philidor11@snet.net> Sunday, October 01, 2000
- Abrictosaurus forelf@medianet.fr (Forel) Sunday, October 01, 2000
- Abrosaurus forelf@medianet.fr (Forel) Sunday, October 01, 2000
- what happened to TMK? "Scott Hartman" <scott_hartman@hotmail.com> Sunday, October 01, 2000
- Fw: Fun with Babel fish "Jeffrey Martz" <jeffmartz@earthlink.net> Sunday, October 01, 2000
- Re: Babies and Ecology Dann Pigdon <dannj@alphalink.com.au> Sunday, October 01, 2000
- Amurosaurus: a bit more info bh480@scn.org Sunday, October 01, 2000
- Bad Storytelling Oscar Quill <stonebugdotnet@yahoo.com> Sunday, October 01, 2000
- Pinnatus Aenigmaticus "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Monday, October 02, 2000
- Details on Tugulusaurus "Mickey_Mortimer" <Mickey_Mortimer@email.msn.com> Monday, October 02, 2000
- Megalancosaurus Renesto Silvio <renesto@mailserver.unimi.it> Monday, October 02, 2000
- Re: Contents of latest issue of JVP "Larry Febo" <larryf@capital.net> Monday, October 02, 2000
- Deinocheirus "Jean-michel BENOIT" <Jean-Michel.BENOIT@gemplus.com> Monday, October 02, 2000
(Possible followups)
- Re: Deinocheirus "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Monday, October 02, 2000
- paper info quest Oliver Wings <wings@uni-bonn.de> Monday, October 02, 2000
- Message not available
- Re: paper info quest "David Marjanovic" <david.marjanovic@gmx.at> Monday, October 02, 2000
- CASSOWARY CRESTS darren.naish@port.ac.uk Monday, October 02, 2000
- Dinofest Chicago details MKIRKALDY@aol.com Monday, October 02, 2000
- A very imprtant article on a topic we've been discussing....eric l. ELurio@aol.com Monday, October 02, 2000
- Stegosaur on eBay Larry Dunn <majestic_cheese@yahoo.com> Monday, October 02, 2000
- Dinosauricon problems "T. Mike Keesey" <tmk@dinosauricon.com> Monday, October 02, 2000
- Re: Astrodon vs Pleurocoelous "Timothy Williams" <twilliams_alpha@hotmail.com> Monday, October 02, 2000
- Caudipteryx and the dark side Kendall Clements <k.clements@auckland.ac.nz> Monday, October 02, 2000
- Re: Caudipteryx and the dark side "David Marjanovic" <david.marjanovic@gmx.at> Tuesday, October 03, 2000
(Possible followups)
- Re: Caudipteryx and the dark side Dinogeorge@aol.com Monday, October 02, 2000
- Re: Caudipteryx and the dark side Dinogeorge@aol.com Tuesday, October 03, 2000
- Re: Caudipteryx and the dark side "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Tuesday, October 03, 2000
- Caudipteryx and the dark side Kendall Clements <k.clements@auckland.ac.nz> Thursday, October 05, 2000
- Ribs in *Theriznosaurus* "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Tuesday, October 03, 2000
- Re: babies and ecology (Bakker) Stratigraphy@aol.com Tuesday, October 03, 2000
- Harpymimus "Timothy Williams" <twilliams_alpha@hotmail.com> Tuesday, October 03, 2000
- RE: Harpymimus "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <tholtz@geol.umd.edu> Tuesday, October 03, 2000
- The heart will go on... MKIRKALDY@aol.com Tuesday, October 03, 2000
- Dinofest Chicago Steve Jackson <sj@io.com> Tuesday, October 03, 2000
(Possible followups)
- Re: Dinofest Chicago "Brent Jones" <bjones@mail.cosi.org> Wednesday, October 04, 2000
- Re: Dinofest Chicago "GOBI 2010" <gobi2010@hotmail.com> Wednesday, October 04, 2000
- Re: Dinofest Chicago "Allan Smith" <fossilsmith@hotmail.com> Wednesday, October 04, 2000
- Re: Dinofest Chicago WhitcraJ@IPFW.EDU (Whitcraft,James) Wednesday, October 04, 2000
- Re: Dinofest Chicago Tompaleo@aol.com Wednesday, October 04, 2000
- Re: Dinofest Chicago Alien4240@aol.com Thursday, October 05, 2000
- Details on Phaedrolosaurus "Mickey_Mortimer" <Mickey_Mortimer@email.msn.com> Wednesday, October 04, 2000
- Re: Details on Phaedrolosaurus (JOKE) "Jerry D. Harris" <dinogami@hotmail.com> Wednesday, October 04, 2000
- T. rex larger than Sue "D Board" <daboard@mindspring.com> Wednesday, October 04, 2000
- Sue in Boston "T. Lepore" <raptortalon2@yahoo.com> Wednesday, October 04, 2000
- Re: Dinofest and Sue in Boston "Steve Brusatte" <dinoland@lycos.com> Wednesday, October 04, 2000
- Server Problems for Dinosaur Interplanetary Gazette Dinosaur Interplanetary Gazette <dinosaur@dinosaur.org> Wednesday, October 04, 2000
- Ken Carpenter and Luis Rey in THE STRAIGHT DOPE Dinosaur Interplanetary Gazette <dinosaur@dinosaur.org> Wednesday, October 04, 2000
- Ken Carpenter: Sentenceus Interuptus Dinosaur Interplanetary Gazette <dinosaur@dinosaur.org> Wednesday, October 04, 2000
- Sue in Chicago "Natasha Ramsey" <dinobabe@earthlink.net> Wednesday, October 04, 2000
- Nature Review journals free online MKIRKALDY@aol.com Thursday, October 05, 2000
- niger discoveries "calzola" <calzola@iol.it> Thursday, October 05, 2000
- Request for Titanosaurus paper "Timothy Williams" <twilliams_alpha@hotmail.com> Thursday, October 05, 2000
- New dino-art in books (was re survey) "Mr Barnett" <martin.barnett3@virgin.net> Thursday, October 05, 2000
- Re: Ceratopsian eggs? Stanley Friesen <sarima@friesen.net> Thursday, October 05, 2000
- Re: The Cretaceous Middle-East Stanley Friesen <sarima@friesen.net> Thursday, October 05, 2000
- Re: [Re: The Cretaceous Middle-East] Stanley Friesen <sarima@friesen.net> Thursday, October 05, 2000
- Grebes Have Wings For Toes: Implications for *Hesperornis*? "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Thursday, October 05, 2000
- Details on Nanshiungosaurus bohlini "Mickey_Mortimer" <Mickey_Mortimer@email.msn.com> Friday, October 06, 2000
- Pterosaur meeting: Toulouse, France david unwin <h0662eka@rz.hu-berlin.de> Friday, October 06, 2000
- International Dinosaur Month - Banners Available - October 1-31, 2000 Dinosaur Interplanetary Gazette <dinosaur@dinosaur.org> Friday, October 06, 2000
- IDM 2000 Banners - addendum Dinosaur Interplanetary Gazette <dinosaur@dinosaur.org> Friday, October 06, 2000
- Re: [Re: Feathered topics.] archosaur@usa.net Friday, October 06, 2000
- Re: [Re: [Re: Feathered topics.]] archosaur@usa.net Saturday, October 07, 2000
- Details on Hudiesaurus "Mickey_Mortimer" <Mickey_Mortimer@email.msn.com> Saturday, October 07, 2000
- Hadrosaur juveniles "Jordan Mallon" <j_mallon@hotmail.com> Saturday, October 07, 2000
- Re: Placement of Segnosauria (was Re: Details on Nanshiungosaurus bohlini) Dinogeorge@aol.com Saturday, October 07, 2000
(Possible followups)
- Re: Placement of Segnosauria (was Re: Details on Nanshiungosaurus bohlini) "Timothy Williams" <twilliams_alpha@hotmail.com> Saturday, October 07, 2000
- Re: Placement of Segnosauria (was Re: Details on Nanshiungosaurus bohlini) "Ken Kinman" <kinman@hotmail.com> Saturday, October 07, 2000
- Re: Placement of Segnosauria (was Re: Details on Nanshiungosaurus bohlini) "Timothy Williams" <twilliams_alpha@hotmail.com> Saturday, October 07, 2000
- Re: Placement of Segnosauria (was Re: Details on Nanshiungosaurus bohlini) Dinogeorge@aol.com Saturday, October 07, 2000
- Re: Placement of Segnosauria (was Re: Details on Nanshiungosaurus bohlini) Dinogeorge@aol.com Saturday, October 07, 2000
- Re: Placement of Segnosauria (was Re: Details on Nanshiungosaurus bohlini) "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Saturday, October 07, 2000
- News: Horner's T. rex MSNBC Dinosaur Interplanetary Gazette <dinosaur@dinosaur.org> Saturday, October 07, 2000
- educate me please "Jenny Lando" <jenny@amnh.org> Saturday, October 07, 2000
- BEIPIAOSAURUS AND THE LUFENG JAW Tetanurae@aol.com Saturday, October 07, 2000
- "Stunning T. rex find in Montana" MKIRKALDY@aol.com Saturday, October 07, 2000
- Dromaeosauridae names, please! Caleb Lewis <terminator2029@usa.net> Sunday, October 08, 2000
- Re: Dromaeosauridae names, please! dbensen <dbensen@gotnet.net> Sunday, October 08, 2000
- Re: Dromaeosauridae names, please! "Mickey_Mortimer" <Mickey_Mortimer@email.msn.com> Sunday, October 08, 2000
- Re: Dromaeosauridae names, please! dbensen <dbensen@gotnet.net> Sunday, October 08, 2000
- Re: Dromaeosauridae names, please! "T. Mike Keesey" <tmk@dinosauricon.com> Monday, October 09, 2000
- Re: Dromaeosauridae names, please! dbensen <dbensen@gotnet.net> Tuesday, October 10, 2000
- Re: Dromaeosauridae names, please! "T. Mike Keesey" <tmk@dinosauricon.com> Tuesday, October 10, 2000
- Re: Dromaeosauridae names, please! "David Marjanovic" <david.marjanovic@gmx.at> Monday, October 09, 2000
- Re: Dromaeosauridae names, please! "Mickey_Mortimer" <Mickey_Mortimer@email.msn.com> Sunday, October 08, 2000
- R: Dromaeosauridae names, please! "Alessandro Marisa" <amaris@tin.it> Sunday, October 08, 2000
- Re: Dromaeosauridae names, please! "David Marjanovic" <david.marjanovic@gmx.at> Monday, October 09, 2000
(Possible followups)
- Re: Dromaeosauridae names, please! Dinogeorge@aol.com Sunday, October 08, 2000
- Re: Dromaeosauridae names, please! "Brent Jones" <bjones@mail.cosi.org> Tuesday, October 10, 2000
- Re: Dromaeosauridae names, please! NJPharris@aol.com Tuesday, October 10, 2000
- Re: Dromaeosauridae names, please! Dinogeorge@aol.com Wednesday, October 11, 2000
- Re: Dromaeosauridae names, please! "Brent Jones" <bjones@mail.cosi.org> Wednesday, October 11, 2000
- Re: Dromaeosauridae names, please! "Mickey_Mortimer" <Mickey_Mortimer@email.msn.com> Wednesday, October 11, 2000
- Re: Dromaeosauridae names, please! "Brent Jones" <bjones@mail.cosi.org> Wednesday, October 11, 2000
- Re: Dromaeosauridae names, please! "David Marjanovic" <david.marjanovic@gmx.at> Wednesday, October 11, 2000
- Re: Dromaeosauridae names, please! "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Wednesday, October 11, 2000
- Re: Dromaeosauridae names, please! NJPharris@aol.com Thursday, October 12, 2000
- RE: Dromaeosauridae names, please! "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Thursday, October 12, 2000
- Re: Dromaeosauridae names, please! "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Saturday, October 14, 2000
- Dromaeosauridae names, please! "David Marjanovic" <david.marjanovic@gmx.at> Saturday, October 14, 2000
- Re: Dromaeosauridae names, please! Dinogeorge@aol.com Sunday, October 15, 2000
- Details on Isanosaurus "Mickey_Mortimer" <Mickey_Mortimer@email.msn.com> Sunday, October 08, 2000
- So Long, Betty Cunningham ceevans@home.com Sunday, October 08, 2000
- Clone "Patrick Norton" <ptnorton@email.msn.com> Sunday, October 08, 2000
(Possible followups)
- Re: Clone "Steve Brusatte" <dinoland@lycos.com> Sunday, October 08, 2000
- Re: Clone "Natasha Ramsey" <dinobabe@earthlink.net> Monday, October 09, 2000
- Re: Clone Finback <goodmr@ses.curtin.edu.au> Thursday, October 12, 2000
- Re: Clone Richard W Travsky <rtravsky@uwyo.edu> Friday, October 13, 2000
- Re: Clone dbensen <dbensen@gotnet.net> Friday, October 13, 2000
- Re: Clone "ekaterina amalitzkaya" <eamalitz@hotmail.com> Sunday, October 08, 2000
- Re: Clone Dann Pigdon <dannj@alphalink.com.au> Monday, October 09, 2000
- Re: Clone Richard W Travsky <rtravsky@uwyo.edu> Monday, October 09, 2000
- Re: Clone ELurio@aol.com Monday, October 09, 2000
- Re: Clone Oscar Quill <stonebugdotnet@yahoo.com> Monday, October 09, 2000
- Re: Clone "Patrick Norton" <ptnorton@email.msn.com> Monday, October 09, 2000
- Re: Clone "Patrick Norton" <ptnorton@email.msn.com> Monday, October 09, 2000
- Re: Clone "Patrick Norton" <ptnorton@email.msn.com> Monday, October 09, 2000
- Re: Clone "David Marjanovic" <david.marjanovic@gmx.at> Monday, October 09, 2000
- Re: Clone "Jeffrey Martz" <jeffmartz@earthlink.net> Monday, October 09, 2000
- Re: Clone "Natasha Ramsey" <dinobabe@earthlink.net> Tuesday, October 10, 2000
- Re: Clone Dinosaur Interplanetary Gazette <dinosaur@dinosaur.org> Tuesday, October 10, 2000
- Re: Clone Randy King <randyk@ims.com> Tuesday, October 10, 2000
- Re: Clone "David Marjanovic" <david.marjanovic@gmx.at> Wednesday, October 11, 2000
- some announcements "Mickey_Mortimer" <Mickey_Mortimer@email.msn.com> Monday, October 09, 2000
- ANNOUNCEMENT: GAIA Theropod Voume is Published!!!!!! "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <tholtz@geol.umd.edu> Monday, October 09, 2000
- Movie press David Krentz <David.Krentz@disney.com> Monday, October 09, 2000
- Gaia theropod follow-up: a "new" phylogeny "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <tholtz@geol.umd.edu> Monday, October 09, 2000
- Re: Gaia theropod follow-up: a "new" phylogeny "David Marjanovic" <david.marjanovic@gmx.at> Monday, October 09, 2000
- Re: Gaia theropod follow-up: a "new" phylogeny "Mickey_Mortimer" <Mickey_Mortimer@email.msn.com> Monday, October 09, 2000
(Possible followups)
- Re: Gaia theropod follow-up: a "new" phylogeny "ekaterina amalitzkaya" <eamalitz@hotmail.com> Monday, October 09, 2000
- Re: Gaia theropod follow-up: a "new" phylogeny Dinogeorge@aol.com Tuesday, October 10, 2000
- RE: Gaia theropod follow-up: a "new" phylogeny "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <tholtz@geol.umd.edu> Tuesday, October 10, 2000
- Re: Gaia theropod follow-up: a "new" phylogeny "Jeffrey Martz" <jeffmartz@earthlink.net> Tuesday, October 10, 2000
- Re: Gaia theropod follow-up: a "new" phylogeny Dinogeorge@aol.com Tuesday, October 10, 2000
- Re: Gaia theropod follow-up: a "new" phylogeny "philidor11" <philidor11@snet.net> Tuesday, October 10, 2000
- RE: Gaia theropod follow-up: a "new" phylogeny "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <tholtz@geol.umd.edu> Tuesday, October 10, 2000
- RE: Gaia theropod follow-up: a "new" phylogeny "Tracy Ford" <tlford@ix.netcom.com> Wednesday, October 11, 2000
- RE: Gaia theropod follow-up: a "new" phylogeny chris brochu <cbrochu@fieldmuseum.org> Wednesday, October 11, 2000
- Attempt at humor (was RE: Gaia theropod follow-up: a "new" phylogeny "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <tholtz@geol.umd.edu> Wednesday, October 11, 2000
- RE: Gaia theropod follow-up: a "new" phylogeny "Tracy Ford" <tlford@ix.netcom.com> Thursday, October 12, 2000
- RE: Gaia theropod follow-up: a "new" phylogeny christopher brochu <cbrochu@fieldmuseum.org> Thursday, October 12, 2000
- RE: Gaia theropod follow-up: a "new" phylogeny "Tracy Ford" <tlford@ix.netcom.com> Thursday, October 12, 2000
- Re: Gaia theropod follow-up: a "new" phylogeny Dinogeorge@aol.com Tuesday, October 10, 2000
- RE: Gaia theropod follow-up: a "new" phylogeny "Timothy Williams" <twilliams_alpha@hotmail.com> Tuesday, October 10, 2000
- Re: Gaia theropod follow-up: a "new" phylogeny Tompaleo@aol.com Wednesday, October 11, 2000
- RE: Gaia theropod follow-up: a "new" phylogeny "King, Norm R" <NKing@usi.edu> Wednesday, October 11, 2000
- Re: Gaia theropod follow-up: a "new" phylogeny "Jeffrey Martz" <jeffmartz@earthlink.net> Wednesday, October 11, 2000
- Re: Gaia theropod follow-up: a "new" phylogeny "ekaterina amalitzkaya" <eamalitz@hotmail.com> Wednesday, October 11, 2000
- Re: Gaia theropod follow-up: a "new" phylogeny "Jeffrey Martz" <jeffmartz@earthlink.net> Wednesday, October 11, 2000
- Re: Gaia theropod follow-up: a "new" phylogeny Dinogeorge@aol.com Thursday, October 12, 2000
- RE: Gaia theropod follow-up: a "new" phylogeny "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <tholtz@geol.umd.edu> Thursday, October 12, 2000
- Re: Gaia theropod follow-up: a "new" phylogeny "Jeffrey Martz" <jeffmartz@earthlink.net> Thursday, October 12, 2000
- Re: Gaia theropod follow-up: a "new" phylogeny Dinogeorge@aol.com Thursday, October 12, 2000
- RE: Gaia theropod follow-up: a "new" phylogeny "ekaterina amalitzkaya" <eamalitz@hotmail.com> Thursday, October 12, 2000
- RE: Gaia theropod follow-up: a "new" phylogeny "Ken Kinman" <kinman@hotmail.com> Friday, October 13, 2000
- Re: Gaia theropod follow-up: a "new" phylogeny "Jeffrey Martz" <jeffmartz@earthlink.net> Friday, October 13, 2000
- RE: Gaia theropod follow-up: a "new" phylogeny "Matthew Bonnan" <mbonnan@hotmail.com> Friday, October 13, 2000
- RE: Gaia theropod follow-up: a "new" phylogeny "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Saturday, October 14, 2000
- Fw: Gaia theropod follow-up: a "new" phylogeny "philidor11" <philidor11@snet.net> Sunday, October 15, 2000
- Re: Gaia theropod follow-up: a "new" phylogeny "Jeffrey Martz" <jeffmartz@earthlink.net> Sunday, October 15, 2000
- Re: Gaia theropod follow-up: a "new" phylogeny "Jeffrey Martz" <jeffmartz@earthlink.net> Sunday, October 15, 2000
- Re: Gaia theropod follow-up: a "new" phylogeny "philidor11" <philidor11@snet.net> Sunday, October 15, 2000
- RE: Gaia theropod follow-up: a "new" phylogeny "Jerry D. Harris" <dinogami@hotmail.com> Sunday, October 15, 2000
- Re: Gaia theropod follow-up: a "new" phylogeny "Jeffrey Martz" <jeffmartz@earthlink.net> Sunday, October 15, 2000
Re: IMO BETTY ceevans@home.com Monday, October 09, 2000
Re: [Re: Clone] Caleb Lewis <terminator2029@usa.net> Monday, October 09, 2000
- Re: [Re: Clone] "David Marjanovic" <david.marjanovic@gmx.at> Wednesday, October 11, 2000
(Possible followups)
- Re: [Re: Clone] Caleb Lewis <terminator2029@usa.net> Monday, October 09, 2000
- Re: [Re: Clone] NJPharris@aol.com Tuesday, October 10, 2000
Re: Placement of Segnosauria "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Monday, October 09, 2000
Re: [RE: "Stunning T. rex find in Montana"] archosaur@usa.net Monday, October 09, 2000
Enantiornithine or enantiornithean? "Mickey_Mortimer" <Mickey_Mortimer@email.msn.com> Monday, October 09, 2000
Bone Wars Shane Brandon <shane.brandon@utoronto.ca> Monday, October 09, 2000
(Possible followups)
- Re: Bone Wars "Brent Jones" <bjones@mail.cosi.org> Tuesday, October 17, 2000
- Fwd: Re: Bone Wars "Brent Jones" <bjones@mail.cosi.org> Wednesday, October 25, 2000
*Variraptor* "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Tuesday, October 10, 2000
Dinosauricon Features "T. Mike Keesey" <tmk@dinosauricon.com> Tuesday, October 10, 2000
RE: WAVP 2001 "Tracy Ford" <tlford@ix.netcom.com> Tuesday, October 10, 2000
Euro -> US $ Jarno Peschier <JarnoP@ccs.nl> Tuesday, October 10, 2000
A "new" phylogeny & methodology "Jerry D. Harris" <dinogami@hotmail.com> Tuesday, October 10, 2000
paper ref stuff. Caleb Lewis <terminator2029@usa.net> Tuesday, October 10, 2000
(Possible followups)
- Re: paper ref stuff. "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Tuesday, October 10, 2000
Re: Cladobabble "Matthew Bonnan" <mbonnan@hotmail.com> Wednesday, October 11, 2000
- RE: Cladobabble "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <tholtz@geol.umd.edu> Wednesday, October 11, 2000
(Possible followups)
- Re: Cladobabble znc14@TTACS.TTU.EDU Wednesday, October 11, 2000
- Re: Cladobabble "philidor11" <philidor11@snet.net> Wednesday, October 11, 2000
- Re: Cladobabble "Jonathan R. Wagner" <znc14@TTACS.TTU.EDU> Wednesday, October 11, 2000
- Re: Cladobabble "philidor11" <philidor11@snet.net> Thursday, October 12, 2000
- Re: Cladobabble "Jerry D. Harris" <dinogami@hotmail.com> Thursday, October 12, 2000
- cladobabble Kendall Clements <k.clements@auckland.ac.nz> Sunday, October 15, 2000
- Re: cladobabble "philidor11" <philidor11@snet.net> Sunday, October 15, 2000
- Re: cladobabble "Ken Kinman" <kinman@hotmail.com> Sunday, October 15, 2000
- Re: cladobabble Kendall Clements <k.clements@auckland.ac.nz> Monday, October 16, 2000
- Re: cladobabble "Ken Kinman" <kinman@hotmail.com> Monday, October 16, 2000
- Re: cladobabble Kendall Clements <k.clements@auckland.ac.nz> Monday, October 16, 2000
- Re: cladobabble NJPharris@aol.com Monday, October 16, 2000
Cladostuffola "Ralph Chapman" <Chapman.Ralph@NMNH.SI.EDU> Wednesday, October 11, 2000
The Size of Birds dbensen <dbensen@gotnet.net> Wednesday, October 11, 2000
Confuciusornis species dbensen <dbensen@gotnet.net> Wednesday, October 11, 2000
Vertebrata PalAsiatica christian farrell kammerer <cfkammer@midway.uchicago.edu> Wednesday, October 11, 2000
CMf Gastroliths Emily Tremain <etremain@gac.edu> Wednesday, October 11, 2000
Crichton and the frog DNA Martin Baeker <martin@raptor.ifw.ing.tu-bs.de> Thursday, October 12, 2000
Unpublished notion, we hardly knew ye [was: Re: The Size of Birds] znc14@TTACS.TTU.EDU Thursday, October 12, 2000
New Scientist article about the 5 _T. rex_ MKIRKALDY@aol.com Thursday, October 12, 2000
Hyenas and Small-Medium Predators "Rob Gay" <rob_redwing@hotmail.com> Friday, October 13, 2000
More T.rex in Montana stuff "Rob Gay" <rob_redwing@hotmail.com> Friday, October 13, 2000
New Pages at Oceans of Kansas Mike Everhart <mjever@southwind.net> Friday, October 13, 2000
The dinosaur Torvosaurus in Portugal "Octavio Mateus" <museulourinha@mail.telepac.pt> Friday, October 13, 2000
Bone strength indicators and stuff "David Marjanovic" <david.marjanovic@gmx.at> Friday, October 13, 2000
Gaia price? "Bruce Woollatt" <brucewoollatt@hotmail.com> Saturday, October 14, 2000
(Possible followups)
- Re: Gaia price? Garth Godsman <maniraptor@yahoo.com> Saturday, October 14, 2000
Book: In Search of Deep Time "Bruce Woollatt" <brucewoollatt@hotmail.com> Saturday, October 14, 2000
Re: Gaia theropod follow-up: a "new" phylogeny "philidor11" <philidor11@snet.net> Saturday, October 14, 2000
TRUTH AND "TRUTH" "Matthew Troutman" <m_troutman@hotmail.com> Saturday, October 14, 2000
I'm off "Tracy Ford" <tlford@ix.netcom.com> Saturday, October 14, 2000
The "Great" Cladistic Debate "Matthew Bonnan" <mbonnan@hotmail.com> Sunday, October 15, 2000
Re: Gaia theropod follow-up: a new phylogeny "philidor11" <philidor11@snet.net> Sunday, October 15, 2000
Cladistic glossary? "Bruce Woollatt" <brucewoollatt@hotmail.com> Sunday, October 15, 2000
New Dinosaur Art Web Site! "Jordan Mallon" <j_mallon@hotmail.com> Sunday, October 15, 2000
Triassic tetrapods "Jeffrey Martz" <jeffmartz@earthlink.net> Sunday, October 15, 2000
Betty Cunningham electronic memorial Darryl Jones <dinoguy@interlog.com> Sunday, October 15, 2000
Supersaurus found in Wyoming Richard W Travsky <rtravsky@uwyo.edu> Sunday, October 15, 2000
Age of Shonisaurus "Steve Brusatte" <dinoland@lycos.com> Sunday, October 15, 2000
ADRIOSAURUS, POLYCOTYLIDS darren.naish@port.ac.uk Monday, October 16, 2000
Re: ceratopsian frount limb stance "cliff green" <dinonaut@tacisp.com> Monday, October 16, 2000
trochlea Caleb Lewis <terminator2029@usa.net> Monday, October 16, 2000
Re: New Dinosaur Art Web Site! (long) "Jordan Mallon" <j_mallon@hotmail.com> Monday, October 16, 2000
Re: TRUTH AND "TRUTH" (joke!) NJPharris@aol.com Monday, October 16, 2000
African Eagles (was Re: Hyenas and Small-Medium Predators) NJPharris@aol.com Monday, October 16, 2000
Trochlea & Condyli "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Monday, October 16, 2000
New Refs znc14@TTACS.TTU.EDU Tuesday, October 17, 2000
this just in Farlow@IPFW.EDU (Farlow,James) Tuesday, October 17, 2000
Ceratopsian forelimbs "Bruce Woollatt" <brucewoollatt@hotmail.com> Tuesday, October 17, 2000
Dinofest 1998 Symposium Volume? Dino Guy and a Lady <gigi.babcock@alumni.usc.edu> Tuesday, October 17, 2000
ceratopsian front limbs (continued) "Bruce Woollatt" <brucewoollatt@hotmail.com> Tuesday, October 17, 2000
A few dino-dilemmas "Jordan Mallon" <j_mallon@hotmail.com> Tuesday, October 17, 2000
Ornithopod Gastroliths? Dino Guy and a Lady <gigi.babcock@alumni.usc.edu> Tuesday, October 17, 2000
Halloween genera "Jane P. Davidson" <jdhexen@unr.edu> Tuesday, October 17, 2000
Re: Supersaurus (mass and length) "Scott Hartman" <scott_hartman@hotmail.com> Tuesday, October 17, 2000
Re: Ornithopod Gastroliths Mike Everhart <mjever@southwind.net> Wednesday, October 18, 2000
Ornithischia with gastroliths Oliver Wings <wings@uni-bonn.de> Wednesday, October 18, 2000
pterosaur with the African dinosaur Fabio Marco Dalla Vecchia <fabdalla@box1.tin.it> Wednesday, October 18, 2000
Procompsognathus manus "Larry Febo" <larryf@capital.net> Wednesday, October 18, 2000
NEW RHYNCHOSAUR & TEMNOSPONDYLS Mickey Rowe <rowe@psych.ucsb.edu> Wednesday, October 18, 2000
Position Announcement, Director, Museum of Geology SDSM&T Mickey Rowe <rowe@psych.ucsb.edu> Wednesday, October 18, 2000
*Procompsognathus* "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Wednesday, October 18, 2000
250 myo bacteria "Rob Gay" <rob_redwing@hotmail.com> Wednesday, October 18, 2000
Logo Contest Winners for IDM 2000 Fourth Annual International Dinosaur Month October 1-31, 2000 are announced. Dinosaur Interplanetary Gazette <dinosaur@dinosaur.org> Wednesday, October 18, 2000
Dinosaur Dreaming 2000: Flat Rocks Site Report Dann Pigdon <dannj@alphalink.com.au> Thursday, October 19, 2000
Wisdom Teeth in Fossil Record "Steve Brusatte" <dinoland@lycos.com> Thursday, October 19, 2000
Re: more on Travel from Mexico City Airport maxsalas <maxsalas@prodigy.net.mx> Thursday, October 19, 2000
Sorry about being off topic...Re: Wisdom Teeth in Fossil Record ELurio@aol.com Thursday, October 19, 2000
polyphyodonty in dinosaurs "Ken Kinman" <kinman@hotmail.com> Thursday, October 19, 2000
- Re: polyphyodonty in dinosaurs dbensen <dbensen@gotnet.net> Friday, October 20, 2000
(Possible followups)
- Re: polyphyodonty in dinosaurs "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Friday, October 20, 2000
- Re: polyphyodonty in dinosaurs NJPharris@aol.com Friday, October 20, 2000
- Re: polyphyodonty in dinosaurs "Rob Gay" <rob_redwing@hotmail.com> Friday, October 20, 2000
- Re: polyphyodonty in dinosaurs znc14@TTACS.TTU.EDU Friday, October 20, 2000
- Re: polyphyodonty in dinosaurs NJPharris@aol.com Friday, October 20, 2000
- Re: polyphyodonty in dinosaurs "Rob Gay" <rob_redwing@hotmail.com> Friday, October 20, 2000
- Re: polyphyodonty in dinosaurs NJPharris@aol.com Saturday, October 21, 2000
squamosal articulations and lamina. Caleb Lewis <terminator2029@usa.net> Friday, October 20, 2000
Psittacosaurus gastroliths Oliver Wings <wings@uni-bonn.de> Friday, October 20, 2000
Son of Ceratopsian forelimbs "Bruce Woollatt" <brucewoollatt@hotmail.com> Friday, October 20, 2000
Tim Rowe "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Friday, October 20, 2000
EuroDino "DinoData" <fb@dinodata.net> Saturday, October 21, 2000
Ceratopsid footprints "Bruce Woollatt" <brucewoollatt@hotmail.com> Saturday, October 21, 2000
SVP Abstract Volume NJPharris@aol.com Saturday, October 21, 2000
Mosasaurs: Last of the Great Marine Reptiles Mike Everhart <mjever@southwind.net> Saturday, October 21, 2000
Re: Climates in Asia [Mongolia] "Jaime A. Headden" <qilongia@yahoo.com> Saturday, October 21, 2000
Deinonychus foramina Caleb Lewis <terminator2029@usa.net> Saturday, October 21, 2000
John Ostrom Caleb Lewis <terminator2029@usa.net> Saturday, October 21, 2000
Eoraptor (Was Re:polyphyodonty in dinosaurs) "Rob Gay" <rob_redwing@hotmail.com> Sunday, October 22, 2000
Details on Achillobator "Mickey_Mortimer" <Mickey_Mortimer@email.msn.com> Sunday, October 22, 2000
Ceratopsian anatomical clarification "Patty Ralrick" <pattyralrick@hotmail.com> Sunday, October 22, 2000
Mickey Rowe in _Discover_ NJPharris@aol.com Sunday, October 22, 2000
unsubscribe mailing list RedCCSU@aol.com Sunday, October 22, 2000
About dinosaurs and feathers. "hanneke meijer" <hanneskei@hotmail.com> Monday, October 23, 2000
dinosaurs and color vision Mickey Rowe <rowe@psych.ucsb.edu> Monday, October 23, 2000
SKINKS, CUCKOOS, AMNIOTE EGG etc darren.naish@port.ac.uk Tuesday, October 24, 2000
Revuletoraptor "Rob Gay" <rob_redwing@hotmail.com> Tuesday, October 24, 2000
About the Triassic... "Marcel Bertolucci" <mbertol@zaz.com.br> Tuesday, October 24, 2000
_Gojirasaurus quayi_ and _Caseosaurus crosbyensis_ "Rob Gay" <rob_redwing@hotmail.com> Wednesday, October 25, 2000
Papers on 'Lazarus' species "Bruce Woollatt" <brucewoollatt@hotmail.com> Wednesday, October 25, 2000
Lazarus species (Original reference) "Bruce Woollatt" <brucewoollatt@hotmail.com> Wednesday, October 25, 2000
Placerias Quarry "Rob Gay" <rob_redwing@hotmail.com> Wednesday, October 25, 2000
Re: DINOSAUR digest 1543 Thanh-Hoai Ha <cockatoo@csi.com> Wednesday, October 25, 2000
Eoraptor returns "Rob Gay" <rob_redwing@hotmail.com> Wednesday, October 25, 2000
feathers as parasite protection? "Ken Kinman" <kinman@hotmail.com> Thursday, October 26, 2000
unsubscribe "libero" <lafabbricadiolinda@libero.it> Thursday, October 26, 2000
Stuff on the agility of T. rex "Henri Rönkkö" <overmind@iobox.fi> Thursday, October 26, 2000
Lazarus species reference "Bruce Woollatt" <brucewoollatt@hotmail.com> Thursday, October 26, 2000
south korean footprints "Jenny Lando" <jenny@amnh.org> Thursday, October 26, 2000
even more fighting dinos "Jenny Lando" <jenny@amnh.org> Friday, October 27, 2000
vertebrae connections Caleb <terminator2029@usa.net> Friday, October 27, 2000
dinosaurs and color Mickey Rowe <rowe@psych.ucsb.edu> Friday, October 27, 2000
Biology versus Geology "Octavio Mateus" <museulourinha@mail.telepac.pt> Friday, October 27, 2000
WWD Tape One "Rob Gay" <rob_redwing@hotmail.com> Sunday, October 29, 2000
new publication Farlow@IPFW.EDU (Farlow,James) Monday, October 30, 2000
Reference for Predatory Dinosaurs Madagascar/Gondwana "Brian M McCarthy" <brian.mccarthy@snet.net> Monday, October 30, 2000
CUCKOOS & TOURACOS darren.naish@port.ac.uk Monday, October 30, 2000
Pterosaur Sculpture Finished "Allan Smith" <fossilsmith@hotmail.com> Monday, October 30, 2000
AMNH Collections On-Line Danvarner@aol.com Monday, October 30, 2000
An electronic memorial to Betty Cunningham Mickey Rowe <rowe@psych.ucsb.edu> Monday, October 30, 2000
Korean dinosaur symposium Farlow@IPFW.EDU (Farlow,James) Tuesday, October 31, 2000
Re: Nat'l Geographic article on Sue "Demetrios M. Vital" <vita0015@tc.umn.edu> Tuesday, October 31, 2000
Betsy Nicholls honored "Everhart, Mike J" <Mike.Everhart@Wichita.BOEING.com> Tuesday, October 31, 2000
REFS on Erythrosuchids "Alessandro Marisa" <amaris@tin.it> Tuesday, October 31, 2000
RE: Pleurocoelus vs. Astrodon "Bronson Barton" <j_period@hotmail.com> Tuesday, October 31, 2000
REFS on Batrachotomus kupferzellensis postcranial materials "Alessandro Marisa" <amaris@tin.it> Tuesday, October 31, 2000
Proposed downunder VP conference Dr Alex Cook <gmacook@uq.net.au> Tuesday, October 31, 2000
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