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CMf Gastroliths
A professor asked me to forward this to the list:
>X-From_: jmaxson@gustavus.edu Wed Oct 11 17:36:47 2000
>Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2000 17:36:55 -0500
>To: etremain@gac.edu
>From: Julie Maxson <jmaxson@gustavus.edu>
>Subject: CMf Gastroliths
>A few weeks ago someone posted with questions/comments about
>gastroliths in the Cedar Mountain Formation. I've been looking at
>these, as a part of a CMF sedimentology project, at Dinosaur National
>Monument, and have some ideas and plans for them, and would be happy
>to discuss them. Contact me at jmaxson@gac.edu
>Julie Maxson
> "Science is not a sacred cow. Science is a horse. Don't
>worship it. Feed it." -Aubrey Eben
>Julie A Maxson
>Department of Geology, Gustavus Adolphus College
>800 W. College, St. Peter, MN 56082
>jmaxson@gustavus.edu (507) 933-7442
Emily Tremain, JAU
800 W College Ave.
St. Peter, MN 56082
AOL screename: etasaurus
Yahoo! screename: eema_t