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Re: Dinofest and Sue in Boston

I've been fortunate enough to see both the original Sue in Chicago and the cast 
in Boston.  The Chicago exhibit, as expected is much more in depth, and, yes, 
was much better.  But, for all of you who get the chance to see one of these 
traveling Sue casts, I definitely recommend it.

In regards to Dinofest in Chicago, I'll be there for at least one day of it 
(maybe more?).  I can't say when, but look forward to seeing some of the new 


On Wed, 4 Oct 2000 12:41:08   
 T. Lepore wrote:
>..Okay, so it's a full-size skeletal replica.  Still,
>it was impressive.  As many of you may already know,
>one of the casts of the "Sue" skeleton was sent to the
>Museum of Science in Boston.  Being a native of the
>area, I made my way (finally) to see the exhibit (that
>ends October 9th) last weekend.  I'd like to make it
>to Chicago sometime to see the real thing (in all
>"her" glory) and to check out DinoFest, but
>unfortunetely no definite plans have been made as of
>yet.  Lots of good stuff going on there, though.  
>One other thing that might be of interest: the
>outdated (circa 1970s) huge Tyrannosaur model/statue
>in the permanent dinosaur/paleontology exhibit at the
>Museum of Science is going to be replaced with a new,
>more accurrately interpreted model by June 2001. 
>There's a bit of info about it here:
>(it's the sixth one down.)

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