DINOSAUR-1995Mar by thread
- Re: "Raymond" the triceratops NEIL CLARK <NCLARK@museum.gla.ac.uk> Wednesday, March 01, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: "Raymond" the triceratops AnmlPeople@aol.com Wednesday, March 01, 1995
- Re: "Raymond" the triceratops San Diego Natural History Museum Library <libsdnhm@CLASS.ORG> Wednesday, March 01, 1995
- Re: "Raymond" the triceratops Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Wednesday, March 01, 1995
- Re: "Raymond" the triceratops larrys@zk3.dec.com Wednesday, March 01, 1995
- Re: "Raymond" the triceratops Bill Adlam <bill.adlam@st-peters.oxford.ac.uk> Wednesday, March 01, 1995
- Re: "Raymond" the triceratops Ray McAllister <mcallist@gate.net> Wednesday, March 01, 1995
- Re: nerds & earth scientists Derek Tearne <derek@nezsdc.fujitsu.co.nz> Wednesday, March 01, 1995
- Jurassic Park: good and bad Bill Adlam <bill.adlam@st-peters.oxford.ac.uk> Wednesday, March 01, 1995
- Re: describing private specimens Todd L Marsh <tmarsh@oswego.Oswego.EDU> Wednesday, March 01, 1995
- Re: JP & Horner Crpntr@ix.netcom.com (Kenneth Carpenter) Wednesday, March 01, 1995
- educational outreach (was nerds...) "Bonnie Blackwell, x 3332" <bonn@qcvaxa.acc.qc.edu> Wednesday, March 01, 1995
- Various stuffq Ralph Chapman <MNHAD002@SIVM.SI.EDU> Wednesday, March 01, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: Various stuffq larrys@zk3.dec.com Wednesday, March 01, 1995
- Re: Various stuffq Nicholas Roy Longrich <longrich@phoenix.Princeton.EDU> Wednesday, March 01, 1995
- RE: schooling and kids.......was Re: T. rex vision Shaun Sinclair <ssinclai@gpu.srv.ualberta.ca> Wednesday, March 01, 1995
- Re: T. rex vision George Engelmann <engelman@cwis.unomaha.edu> Wednesday, March 01, 1995
- Paleo documentaries (was re: T. rex vision) Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Wednesday, March 01, 1995
- RE: motion and vision rking@mailhost.flir.COM (A really swell guy who plays go!) Wednesday, March 01, 1995
- Educational Materials & Paleoworld Ralph Chapman <MNHAD002@SIVM.SI.EDU> Wednesday, March 01, 1995
- Paleoworld, JP, etc. Mikiel <Mikiel@ASU.Edu> Wednesday, March 01, 1995
- So what're you going to do? Flyinggoat@aol.com Wednesday, March 01, 1995
- Dino HELP Lynn643@aol.com Wednesday, March 01, 1995
- FDPA RDaines@aol.com Wednesday, March 01, 1995
- JP Merilee@aol.com Wednesday, March 01, 1995
- Re: "Raymond" the triceratops & ICZN Crpntr@ix.netcom.com (Kenneth Carpenter) Wednesday, March 01, 1995
- Privateering, edu., & Paleo "First Stringers" sortta long Lightwaves@aol.com Wednesday, March 01, 1995
- Boy Scout Merit Badge "Dinosaurs" Ray McAllister <mcallist@gate.net> Thursday, March 02, 1995
- RE: paleo. documentaries Phillip Bigelow <n8010095@henson.cc.wwu.edu> Thursday, March 02, 1995
- Ray Triceratops & Other Issues Martin Tillett <mtillett@umd5.umd.edu> Thursday, March 02, 1995
- Arm-chair Paleontologists Martin Tillett <mtillett@umd5.umd.edu> Thursday, March 02, 1995
- Educators and Stuff Ralph Chapman <MNHAD002@SIVM.SI.EDU> Thursday, March 02, 1995
- JP theropod names Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Thursday, March 02, 1995
- Education + Dinosaurs "Jeff J. Liston" <JLISTON@museum.gla.ac.uk> Thursday, March 02, 1995
- Dino Fiction "Jeff J. Liston" <JLISTON@museum.gla.ac.uk> Thursday, March 02, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Dino fiction Ralph Chapman <MNHAD002@SIVM.SI.EDU> Thursday, March 02, 1995
- Re: Dino fiction San Diego Natural History Museum Library <libsdnhm@CLASS.ORG> Thursday, March 02, 1995
- Re: Dino Fiction ornstn@hookup.net (Ronald Orenstein) Thursday, March 02, 1995
- Re: Dino Fiction larrys@zk3.dec.com Thursday, March 02, 1995
- Dino fiction rowe@lepomis.psych.upenn.edu (Mickey Rowe) Thursday, March 02, 1995
- Re: Dino Fiction Steve Jackson <sj@io.com> Thursday, March 02, 1995
- Re: Dino fiction LBlosser@aol.com Saturday, March 04, 1995
- Dino fiction "Dan Lipkowitz" <lipkowit@midway.uchicago.edu> Saturday, March 04, 1995
- Re: Dino fiction art@acc.com (Art Berggreen) Saturday, March 04, 1995
- Re: Dino fiction Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Saturday, March 04, 1995
- Re: Dino fiction sean.kerns@sdrc.com (Snake) Saturday, March 04, 1995
- Re: Dino fiction Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Saturday, March 04, 1995
- Re: Dino fiction jimf@vangelis.ncrmicro.ncr.com (Jim Foley) Saturday, March 04, 1995
- Re: Dino fiction Stephen Dedman <dedmans@perth.DIALix.oz.au> Saturday, March 04, 1995
- DINO FICTION Martin Tillett <mtillett@umd5.umd.edu> Sunday, March 05, 1995
- Re: Dino fiction Flyinggoat@aol.com Sunday, March 05, 1995
- Re: Dino fiction larrys@zk3.dec.com Monday, March 06, 1995
- dino fiction RSXG73E@prodigy.com (KELLI WARNKEN) Tuesday, March 07, 1995
- Re: Dino fiction Skip Dahlgren <SDAHLGREN@liblan.uams.edu> Tuesday, March 07, 1995
- Re: Dino fiction allosaur@mcs.com (Samuel Crider) Tuesday, March 07, 1995
- Re: DINO FICTION "Jeff J. Liston" <JLISTON@museum.gla.ac.uk> Wednesday, March 08, 1995
- bill s314 - petition notice (fwd) "Bonnie Blackwell, x 3332" <bonn@qcvaxa.acc.qc.edu> Thursday, March 02, 1995
- museum "Bonnie Blackwell, x 3332" <bonn@qcvaxa.acc.qc.edu> Thursday, March 02, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: museum San Diego Natural History Museum Library <libsdnhm@CLASS.ORG> Thursday, March 02, 1995
- MUSEUM rowe@lepomis.psych.upenn.edu (Mickey Rowe) Thursday, March 09, 1995
- New Mexico mammal find? Ralph Chapman <MNHAD002@SIVM.SI.EDU> Thursday, March 02, 1995
- Arm-chair Paleo & Other Things Martin Tillett <mtillett@umd5.umd.edu> Thursday, March 02, 1995
- Re: DinoQuestion lbowlds@geosociety.org (Larry Bowlds) Thursday, March 02, 1995
- Re: Dino doo-doo (was:Jurassic Park: good and bad) ornstn@hookup.net (Ronald Orenstein) Thursday, March 02, 1995
- nerds, scientific accuracy, etc. RECAP & PROPOSAL lbowlds@geosociety.org (Larry Bowlds) Thursday, March 02, 1995
- Public viewing, what priority? PNorton247@aol.com Thursday, March 02, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: Public viewing, what priority? NEIL CLARK <NCLARK@museum.gla.ac.uk> Friday, March 03, 1995
- Re: Public viewing, what priority? San Diego Natural History Museum Library <libsdnhm@CLASS.ORG> Friday, March 03, 1995
- Re: Public viewing, what priority? "Bjork, Phil" <pbjork@msmailgw.sdsmt.edu> Saturday, March 04, 1995
- Dinosaurs in Media and Education Amado Narvaez <anarvaez@umd5.umd.edu> Thursday, March 02, 1995
- armchairs, & other topics Crpntr@ix.netcom.com (Kenneth Carpenter) Friday, March 03, 1995
- Re: armchairs, & other topics Bill Adlam <bill.adlam@st-peters.oxford.ac.uk> Friday, March 03, 1995
- Take this with salt tablets AnmlPeople@aol.com Friday, March 03, 1995
- Information about dinosaur society catalog farlow@CVAX.IPFW.INDIANA.EDU Friday, March 03, 1995
- women scientists in the media (fwd from coswa-l) "Bonnie Blackwell, x 3332" <bonn@qcvaxa.acc.qc.edu> Friday, March 03, 1995
- meszoic dinosaur fossils William Mckinnie <mckinnie@nic.hookup.net> Friday, March 03, 1995
- hyperspace museums "Bonnie Blackwell, x 3332" <bonn@qcvaxa.acc.qc.edu> Friday, March 03, 1995
- Education - I'm doing my part. cristeaj@pt.Cyanamid.COM Friday, March 03, 1995
- new article, auf Deutsch Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Friday, March 03, 1995
- Triceratops AnmlPeople@aol.com Saturday, March 04, 1995
- Displays in museums Steve Jackson <sj@io.com> Saturday, March 04, 1995
- Re: K-T Extinctions Peter Sheehan <sheehan@csd4.csd.uwm.edu> Saturday, March 04, 1995
(Possible followups)
- K-T Extinctions Janice Dependahl <dependj@gate1.sbcc.cc.ca.us> Saturday, March 04, 1995
- education and hyperspace Sherry Michael <st90snk7@dunx1.ocs.drexel.edu> Saturday, March 04, 1995
- Re: Casts of good and unique ... GeorgeW363@aol.com Saturday, March 04, 1995
- children education Ian Newman <ian@mc.com> Saturday, March 04, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: children education "Mary Ann Turner" <mat@george.peabody.yale.edu> Tuesday, March 07, 1995
- Whetstone Mountains Dinosaur? "Terry Colvin" <colvint@CC.IMS.DISA.MIL> Saturday, March 04, 1995
- [no subject] Phillip Bigelow <n8010095@henson.cc.wwu.edu> Saturday, March 04, 1995
- Re: Casts of good and unique specimens for public display/purchase Ray McAllister <mcallist@gate.net> Saturday, March 04, 1995
- museum policies San Diego Natural History Museum Library <libsdnhm@CLASS.ORG> Saturday, March 04, 1995
- Ray Triceratops, Arm-chairs & whatever Martin Tillett <mtillett@umd5.umd.edu> Saturday, March 04, 1995
- Dinosaurs, actually "Paul R. Milbrand" <72540.2663@compuserve.com> Saturday, March 04, 1995
- Education and outreach keel@bildad.astr.ua.edu (William Keel) Saturday, March 04, 1995
- CD Rom called ZDinosaur Adventures Ray McAllister <mcallist@gate.net> Sunday, March 05, 1995
- RE: DINO FICTION (and CDs) "Dan Lipkowitz" <lipkowit@midway.uchicago.edu> Sunday, March 05, 1995
- reptile ref. Crpntr@ix.netcom.com (Kenneth Carpenter) Sunday, March 05, 1995
- Dougie the dinosaur NEIL CLARK <NCLARK@museum.gla.ac.uk> Monday, March 06, 1995
- Common names for dinosaur finds John Schneiderman <dino@revelation.unomaha.edu> Monday, March 06, 1995
- Dinosaur Questions sgivner@llwnet.ll.pbs.org (Sari Givner) Monday, March 06, 1995
- Dinotopia Ralph Chapman <MNHAD002@SIVM.SI.EDU> Monday, March 06, 1995
- senate bill s314, house bill h1004 - sources for more info "Bonnie Blackwell, x 3332" <bonn@qcvaxa.acc.qc.edu> Monday, March 06, 1995
- Re: Common names for dinosaur... Flyinggoat@aol.com Monday, March 06, 1995
- ORNITHOLESTES BadPentium@aol.com Monday, March 06, 1995
- "West of Eden" (was Re: Dino fiction) Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Tuesday, March 07, 1995
- [75451.163@COMPUSERVE.COM: Dinosaur Park Field Program] rowe@lepomis.psych.upenn.edu (Mickey Rowe) Tuesday, March 07, 1995
- Re: Tyrannosaurus skull "Terry Colvin" <colvint@CC.IMS.DISA.MIL> Tuesday, March 07, 1995
- Paleo Field School dave@iggy.oscs.montana.edu Tuesday, March 07, 1995
- Dinosaur Questions (last) sgivner@llwnet.ll.pbs.org (Sari Givner) Tuesday, March 07, 1995
- Re: Amateur question "HEATHER RAMSAY" <RAMSAY@cfr.cfr.ncsu.edu> Tuesday, March 07, 1995
- Oviraptor name and egg P Christensen Students <skbears@orca.esd114.wednet.edu> Tuesday, March 07, 1995
- Brontosaurus lives, kind of! Steve Jackson <sj@io.com> Tuesday, March 07, 1995
- Re: Dinosaur Questions (last) - Freisen Crpntr@ix.netcom.com (Kenneth Carpenter) Tuesday, March 07, 1995
- Doris Daynonichus AnmlPeople@aol.com Wednesday, March 08, 1995
- Re: live birth AnmlPeople@aol.com Wednesday, March 08, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: live birth Bill Adlam <bill.adlam@st-peters.oxford.ac.uk> Wednesday, March 08, 1995
- Re: live birth Crpntr@ix.netcom.com (Kenneth Carpenter) Wednesday, March 08, 1995
- Re: live birth "Jeff J. Liston" <JLISTON@museum.gla.ac.uk> Wednesday, March 08, 1995
- Re: live birth Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Wednesday, March 08, 1995
- Re: live birth larrys@zk3.dec.com Wednesday, March 08, 1995
- Re: live birth Bill Adlam <bill.adlam@st-peters.oxford.ac.uk> Wednesday, March 08, 1995
- re: live birth Flyinggoat@aol.com Wednesday, March 08, 1995
- Re: live birth "Jeff J. Liston" <JLISTON@museum.gla.ac.uk> Thursday, March 09, 1995
- Re: live birth "Klemm - Pamela S." <psklemm@umd5.umd.edu> Thursday, March 09, 1995
- Re: live birth Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Thursday, March 09, 1995
- No fossil evidence for live birth AnmlPeople@aol.com Wednesday, March 08, 1995
- A forwarded request... DragonFyr@aol.com Wednesday, March 08, 1995
- Re: scientific accuracy/ dinosaur society "Jeff J. Liston" <JLISTON@museum.gla.ac.uk> Wednesday, March 08, 1995
- Re: dino questions "Pat Grant (Library: Serials Catalog" <PATG@VAX2.CONCORDIA.CA> Wednesday, March 08, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: dino questions Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Wednesday, March 08, 1995
- Re: dino questions Shaun Sinclair <ssinclai@gpu.srv.ualberta.ca> Wednesday, March 08, 1995
- Re: dino questions Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Wednesday, March 08, 1995
- Still more on Dino Bones for sale (WWW) R lindberg + E Winnie <rlindber@kendaco.telebyte.com> Wednesday, March 08, 1995
- Large French Eggs "Chris Illes" <chris_illes@qm.claris.com> Wednesday, March 08, 1995
- what is a J.P. Velociraptor Scott <HORTON@BCRSSU.AGR.CA> Wednesday, March 08, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: what is a J.P. Velociraptor binder@zk3.dec.com (vitam gustare) Wednesday, March 08, 1995
- Re: what is a J.P. Velociraptor John Schneiderman <dino@revelation.unomaha.edu> Wednesday, March 08, 1995
- Re: what is a J.P. Velociraptor binder@zk3.dec.com (vitam gustare) Wednesday, March 08, 1995
- what is a J.P. Velociraptor PESELYG@LYNX.APSU.EDU Wednesday, March 08, 1995
- Re: what is a J.P. Velociraptor Flyinggoat@aol.com Wednesday, March 08, 1995
- Re: what is a J.P. Velociraptor Ray McAllister <mcallist@gate.net> Thursday, March 09, 1995
- help! farlow@CVAX.IPFW.INDIANA.EDU Wednesday, March 08, 1995
(Possible followups)
- HELP! ed.godsey@cdmg.uucp.netcom.com (Ed Godsey) Thursday, March 23, 1995
- RE: Dino books Phillip Bigelow <n8010095@henson.cc.wwu.edu> Wednesday, March 08, 1995
- Stuff Ralph Chapman <MNHAD002@SIVM.SI.EDU> Wednesday, March 08, 1995
- Re: Those Artifacts for sale (What's New) larrys@zk3.dec.com Wednesday, March 08, 1995
- plesiosaur reproduction Sherry Michael <st90snk7@dunx1.ocs.drexel.edu> Wednesday, March 08, 1995
- Reproduction Bill Adlam <bill.adlam@st-peters.oxford.ac.uk> Wednesday, March 08, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Reproduction Ralph Chapman <MNHAD002@SIVM.SI.EDU> Thursday, March 09, 1995
- Sauropod eggs Mikiel <Mikiel@ASU.Edu> Wednesday, March 08, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Sauropod eggs Mikiel <Mikiel@ASU.Edu> Wednesday, March 08, 1995
- RE: Sauropod eggs Garret Romaine <GRomaine@msmail.radisys.com> Wednesday, March 08, 1995
- RE: Sauropod eggs Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Wednesday, March 08, 1995
- Re: live birth(social solutons?) Flyinggoat@aol.com Wednesday, March 08, 1995
- Re: live birth(social solution Flyinggoat@aol.com Wednesday, March 08, 1995
- Re: senate bill s314, house bill h1004 Joe Average <71573.2027@compuserve.com> Wednesday, March 08, 1995
- dinosaurs SDALLAS@LOYOLA.EDU Wednesday, March 08, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: dinosaurs Ray McAllister <mcallist@gate.net> Thursday, March 09, 1995
- Re: dino toys AnmlPeople@aol.com Thursday, March 09, 1995
- egg size BRUSH@UConnVM.UConn.Edu Thursday, March 09, 1995
- Re: Swimming dinosaurs "M.A.Whyte" <M.A.Whyte@sheffield.ac.uk> Thursday, March 09, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: Swimming dinosaurs Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Thursday, March 09, 1995
- Jurassosaurus John Schneiderman <dino@revelation.unomaha.edu> Thursday, March 09, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: Jurassosaurus Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Thursday, March 09, 1995
- more new refs Ralph Chapman <MNHAD002@SIVM.SI.EDU> Thursday, March 09, 1995
- Gastralia "Rich Hengst" <rhengst@davros.cc.purduenc.edu> Thursday, March 09, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: Gastralia John Schneiderman <dino@revelation.unomaha.edu> Thursday, March 09, 1995
- Re: Gastralia Crpntr@ix.netcom.com (Kenneth Carpenter) Thursday, March 09, 1995
- Re: Gastralia Crpntr@ix.netcom.com (Kenneth Carpenter) Thursday, March 09, 1995
- Re: Gastralia chartiem@ERE.UMontreal.CA (Chartier Michel) Friday, March 10, 1995
- Re: Gastralia Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Friday, March 10, 1995
- Re: Gastralia chartiem@ERE.UMontreal.CA (Chartier Michel) Friday, March 10, 1995
- new ref, w/ corrected spelling of dino name Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Thursday, March 09, 1995
- DINOSAUR EGGS IN JAPAN jdharris@teal.csn.net (Jerry D. Harris) Thursday, March 09, 1995
- My new web page larrys@zk3.dec.com Thursday, March 09, 1995
- more new refs (II) Ralph Chapman <MNHAD002@SIVM.SI.EDU> Thursday, March 09, 1995
- Europe pss1nw@surrey.ac.uk (Nigel Woodger) Friday, March 10, 1995
- gastralia and tendons John Schneiderman <dino@revelation.unomaha.edu> Friday, March 10, 1995
- Quetzalcoatlus steinas@rhi.hi.is (Steinar Logi Sigurdsson) Friday, March 10, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: Quetzalcoatlus Phillip Bigelow <n8010095@henson.cc.wwu.edu> Friday, March 10, 1995
- Re: Quetzalcoatlus Crpntr@ix.netcom.com (Kenneth Carpenter) Saturday, March 11, 1995
- definition of a species Scott <HORTON@BCRSSU.AGR.CA> Friday, March 10, 1995
- Re: definition of species Phillip Bigelow <n8010095@henson.cc.wwu.edu> Friday, March 10, 1995
- Re: Dino mimicry "Eric Winter" <winter@clark.net> Friday, March 10, 1995
- Dr. Quinn & Paleontologist Martin Tillett <mtillett@umd5.umd.edu> Friday, March 10, 1995
- technical dino question Martin Tillett <mtillett@umd5.umd.edu> Friday, March 10, 1995
- [no subject] Skip Dahlgren <SDAHLGREN@liblan.uams.edu> Saturday, March 11, 1995
- epicontinental seas Roudebush@aol.com Saturday, March 11, 1995
(Possible followups)
- epicontinental seas "Bonnie Blackwell, x 3332" <bonn@qcvaxa.acc.qc.edu> Monday, March 13, 1995
- Re: Epicontinental Seas Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Monday, March 13, 1995
- epicontinental seas Ralph Chapman <MNHAD002@SIVM.SI.EDU> Monday, March 13, 1995
- Re: epicontinental seas Peter Sheehan <sheehan@csd4.csd.uwm.edu> Monday, March 13, 1995
- Re: epicontinental seas Crpntr@ix.netcom.com (Kenneth Carpenter) Monday, March 13, 1995
- epicontinental seas Roudebush@aol.com Tuesday, March 14, 1995
- Fwd: Re: Archaeopteryx Crpntr@ix.netcom.com (Kenneth Carpenter) Saturday, March 11, 1995
- Re: Interior Seaway Crpntr@ix.netcom.com (Kenneth Carpenter) Saturday, March 11, 1995
- Info Needed Tompaleo@aol.com Saturday, March 11, 1995
- Dr. Quinn & Paleontologist Martin Tillett <mtillett@umd5.umd.edu> Sunday, March 12, 1995
- USGS safe (for now).... WERNER@VAXL1.DANAVICTOR.COM (Werner L. Stunkel) Sunday, March 12, 1995
- Re: Dr. Quinn & Paleontologists Phillip Bigelow <n8010095@henson.cc.wwu.edu> Sunday, March 12, 1995
- Deinonychus found? Mikiel <Mikiel@ASU.Edu> Sunday, March 12, 1995
- e-mail address GeorgeW363@aol.com Sunday, March 12, 1995
- beast psparks@CERF.NET (paul sparks) Sunday, March 12, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: beast Crpntr@ix.netcom.com (Kenneth Carpenter) Sunday, March 12, 1995
- Re: beast "Robert G. Tuck Jr." <tuckr@digital.net> Sunday, March 12, 1995
- beast psparks@CERF.NET (paul sparks) Monday, March 13, 1995
- Re: beast Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Tuesday, March 14, 1995
- digital dinos psparks@CERF.NET (paul sparks) Sunday, March 12, 1995
- Extinction Theories Trina Michelle Graham <trinag@sfu.ca> Sunday, March 12, 1995
- Dinosaur Society and Paleoworld Ray McAllister <mcallist@gate.net> Sunday, March 12, 1995
- Queries cnedin@geology.adelaide.edu.au (Chris Nedin) Sunday, March 12, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: Queries Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Monday, March 13, 1995
- Re: Queries Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Tuesday, March 14, 1995
- Fwd: Re: Queries tidwell@ix.netcom.com (Virginia Tidwell) Tuesday, March 14, 1995
- Re: Fwd: Re: Queries Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Wednesday, March 15, 1995
- On speciation Lars_Bergquist@public.se (Lars Bergquist) Monday, March 13, 1995
- Running speeds Chris Geatch <cig100@unix.york.ac.uk> Monday, March 13, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: Running speeds Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Tuesday, March 14, 1995
- dr. quinn and the archaeologist "Bonnie Blackwell, x 3332" <bonn@qcvaxa.acc.qc.edu> Monday, March 13, 1995
- Dino digs in Canada NEIL CLARK <NCLARK@museum.gla.ac.uk> Monday, March 13, 1995
- MODELS psparks@CERF.NET (paul sparks) Monday, March 13, 1995
- dinosaurs as-yet-undescribed John Schneiderman <dino@revelation.unomaha.edu> Monday, March 13, 1995
- Duckbills FEUKAC@PLU.edu Monday, March 13, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: Duckbills @lepomis.psych.upenn.edu:murphy!acmcr!vr@uunet.uu.net (Vicki Rosenzweig) Monday, March 13, 1995
- Re: Duckbills Flyinggoat@aol.com Monday, March 13, 1995
- Re: Duckbills Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Tuesday, March 21, 1995
- Horner TchrJamie@aol.com Monday, March 13, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: Horner R lindberg + E Winnie <rlindber@kendaco.telebyte.com> Monday, March 13, 1995
- Two Brains??? SDALLAS@LOYOLA.EDU Monday, March 13, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Fwd: Two Brains??? tidwell@ix.netcom.com (Virginia Tidwell) Tuesday, March 14, 1995
- Re: Two Brains??? Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Tuesday, March 21, 1995
- Elizabeth Gomani Address Martin Tillett <mtillett@umd5.umd.edu> Monday, March 13, 1995
- Minorities in Paleo Martin Tillett <mtillett@umd5.umd.edu> Monday, March 13, 1995
- Sauropod necks and blood pressure Mikiel <Mikiel@ASU.Edu> Tuesday, March 14, 1995
- Dinosaur Sex spn3877@sae.ssu.umd.edu Tuesday, March 14, 1995
- Dig in Morrison Formation of NE Wyoming jacobson@geoserv.isgs.uiuc.edu (Dino Russ) Tuesday, March 14, 1995
- Dinosaur speeds, sauropod hearts Tony Thulborn <paswamp@mailbox.uq.oz.au> Tuesday, March 14, 1995
- T-rex eating habits AnmlPeople@aol.com Tuesday, March 14, 1995
- veins etc. "Bonnie Blackwell, x 3332" <bonn@qcvaxa.acc.qc.edu> Wednesday, March 15, 1995
- Re: hot-dinosaurs Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Wednesday, March 15, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: hot-dinosaurs tonyc@foe.co.uk (Tony Canning) Thursday, March 16, 1995
- hollow bones in theropods Phillip Bigelow <n8010095@henson.cc.wwu.edu> Wednesday, March 15, 1995
- Student Question... SDALLAS@LOYOLA.EDU Wednesday, March 15, 1995
- More Info Needed Tompaleo@aol.com Wednesday, March 15, 1995
- new refs Ralph Chapman <MNHAD002@SIVM.SI.EDU> Thursday, March 16, 1995
- Dino lives Jurassic Japan. 遠藤 礼暁 <VED00656@niftyserve.or.jp> Thursday, March 16, 1995
- Two ideas that may ruffle feathers Ray McAllister <mcallist@gate.net> Thursday, March 16, 1995
- Re: Two ideas that may ruffle... Flyinggoat@aol.com Thursday, March 16, 1995
- CORRECT:Dino lives Jurassic Japan 遠藤 礼暁 <VED00656@niftyserve.or.jp> Thursday, March 16, 1995
- Dino DNA in fossil egg "Chris Illes" <chris_illes@qm.claris.com> Thursday, March 16, 1995
- Dino amino acid studies NEIL CLARK <NCLARK@museum.gla.ac.uk> Thursday, March 16, 1995
- Re: funny hats Scott <HORTON@BCRSSU.AGR.CA> Thursday, March 16, 1995
- Bakker and popularizing science "Bonnie Blackwell, x 3332" <bonn@qcvaxa.acc.qc.edu> Thursday, March 16, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: Bakker and popularizing science Ray McAllister <mcallist@gate.net> Thursday, March 16, 1995
- Re: Bakker and popularizing science Stephen Dedman <dedmans@perth.DIALix.oz.au> Tuesday, March 21, 1995
- Re: Bakker and popularizing science Ray McAllister <mcallist@gate.net> Tuesday, March 21, 1995
- Re: Bakker and popularizing science ornstn@hookup.net (Ronald Orenstein) Tuesday, March 21, 1995
- Re: Bakker and popularizing science Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Tuesday, March 21, 1995
- The verdict is in! GeorgeW363@aol.com Thursday, March 16, 1995
- Thank you! 遠藤 礼暁 <VED00656@niftyserve.or.jp> Friday, March 17, 1995
- BHI trial update Crpntr@ix.netcom.com (Kenneth Carpenter) Friday, March 17, 1995
- Yo! steinas@rhi.hi.is (Steinar Logi Sigurdsson) Friday, March 17, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: Yo! Flyinggoat@aol.com Friday, March 17, 1995
- Re: Yo! Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Friday, March 17, 1995
- Re: Yo! Rich Travsky <RTRAVSKY@UWYO.EDU> Friday, March 17, 1995
- Re: Yo! Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Tuesday, March 21, 1995
- Re: Yo! rowe@lepomis.psych.upenn.edu (Mickey Rowe) Tuesday, March 21, 1995
- Hollow theropod bones tidwell@ix.netcom.com (Virginia Tidwell) Friday, March 17, 1995
- Dinosaurs: the encyclopedia John Schneiderman <dino@revelation.unomaha.edu> Friday, March 17, 1995
- Banana "Showalter, Steven K." <SKSHOWA@energylan.sandia.gov> Friday, March 17, 1995
(Possible followups)
- RE: Banana rking@mailhost.flir.COM (A really swell guy who plays go!) Friday, March 17, 1995
- Re: Banana Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Friday, March 17, 1995
- Re: PRPA bill, Fossil Facts and Fiction jimf@vangelis.ncrmicro.ncr.com (Jim Foley) Friday, March 17, 1995
- info spn3877@sae.ssu.umd.edu Friday, March 17, 1995
- Fwd: INFORMATION ON DEINONYCHUS JCarterOne@aol.com Friday, March 17, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: Fwd: INFORMATION ON DEINONYCHUS larrys@zk3.dec.com Friday, March 17, 1995
- Re: Fwd: INFORMATION ON DEINONYCHUS @lepomis.psych.upenn.edu:murphy!acmcr!vr@uunet.uu.net (Vicki Rosenzweig) Friday, March 17, 1995
- Re: Fwd: INFORMATION ON DEINONYCHUS art@acc.com (Art Berggreen) Friday, March 17, 1995
- Re: Fwd: INFORMATION ON DEINONYCHUS ornstn@hookup.net (Ronald Orenstein) Friday, March 17, 1995
- Re: Fwd: INFORMATION ON DEINONYCHUS jdharris@teal.csn.net (Jerry D. Harris) Saturday, March 18, 1995
- Re: Fwd: INFORMATION ON DEINONYCHUS spn3877@sae.ssu.umd.edu Tuesday, March 21, 1995
- Re: Brachiodudes' nasalthingies Scott <HORTON@BCRSSU.AGR.CA> Friday, March 17, 1995
- Re: Yo! Brachiodudes! Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Friday, March 17, 1995
- doing kid's homework for them Phillip Bigelow <n8010095@henson.cc.wwu.edu> Friday, March 17, 1995
- Re; Deinonychus etc Tompaleo@aol.com Friday, March 17, 1995
- Doing Kids Homework TchrJamie@aol.com Friday, March 17, 1995
- FAQs and noise levels rowe@lepomis.psych.upenn.edu (Mickey Rowe) Friday, March 17, 1995
- Oyster Shells in Amber Ron Baalke <BAALKE@kelvin.jpl.nasa.gov> Friday, March 17, 1995
- Student Questions Amado Narvaez <anarvaez@umd5.umd.edu> Friday, March 17, 1995
- Re: Thanks for the info "Terry Colvin" <colvint@CC.IMS.DISA.MIL> Friday, March 17, 1995
- Dealing with homework requests Steve Jackson <sj@io.com> Friday, March 17, 1995
- Trip recommendations WERNER@VAXL1.DANAVICTOR.COM (Werner L. Stunkel) Friday, March 17, 1995
- Re: Dinosaur society contact Stephen Dedman <dedmans@perth.DIALix.oz.au> Friday, March 17, 1995
- How many calories Trina Michelle Graham <trinag@sfu.ca> Friday, March 17, 1995
- Dinosaurs Hibernate? Trina Michelle Graham <trinag@sfu.ca> Friday, March 17, 1995
- Re: HELP!! (fwd) Ray McAllister <mcallist@gate.net> Friday, March 17, 1995
- Deinonychus/Velociraptor Stang1996@aol.com Saturday, March 18, 1995
- homework questions psparks@CERF.NET (paul sparks) Saturday, March 18, 1995
- Royal Tyrrell Museum website now online horteniw@cuug.ab.ca (Wayne Hortensius) Saturday, March 18, 1995
- Re: Colored skin larrys@zk3.dec.com Tuesday, March 21, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Colored skin spn3877@sae.ssu.umd.edu Tuesday, March 21, 1995
- Re: Colored skin art@acc.com (Art Berggreen) Tuesday, March 21, 1995
- Re: Colored skin Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Tuesday, March 21, 1995
- Re: Student homework AnmlPeople@aol.com Tuesday, March 21, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: Student homework "Lawrence A. Collins" <lcollins@seagrant.acenet.auburn.edu> Tuesday, March 21, 1995
- Re: Student homework larrys@zk3.dec.com Tuesday, March 21, 1995
- Re: Student homework Stang1996@aol.com Tuesday, March 21, 1995
- Re: Student homework art@acc.com (Art Berggreen) Tuesday, March 21, 1995
- Re: Student homework Ray McAllister <mcallist@gate.net> Tuesday, March 21, 1995
- Re: student homework Phillip Bigelow <n8010095@henson.cc.wwu.edu> Tuesday, March 21, 1995
- Re: Student homework Peter Sheehan <sheehan@csd4.csd.uwm.edu> Tuesday, March 21, 1995
- Re: Student homework AnmlPeople@aol.com Tuesday, March 21, 1995
- Re: Student homework Ray McAllister <mcallist@gate.net> Tuesday, March 21, 1995
- Student homework Martin Tillett <mtillett@umd5.umd.edu> Tuesday, March 21, 1995
- Re: ceratopsian frills Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Tuesday, March 21, 1995
- Skin color in dinos Ralph Chapman <MNHAD002@SIVM.SI.EDU> Tuesday, March 21, 1995
- Inquiries & Stuff Ralph Chapman <MNHAD002@SIVM.SI.EDU> Tuesday, March 21, 1995
- New Ref Ralph Chapman <MNHAD002@SIVM.SI.EDU> Tuesday, March 21, 1995
(Possible followups)
- new ref Ralph Chapman <MNHAD002@SIVM.SI.EDU> Friday, March 24, 1995
- Re: T. rex hearing Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Tuesday, March 21, 1995
(Possible followups)
- T. rex hearing Scott Graham <n9349176@scooter.cc.wwu.edu> Tuesday, March 21, 1995
- Re: circannual and mailing li... rowe@lepomis.psych.upenn.edu (Mickey Rowe) Tuesday, March 21, 1995
- Sexual Selection Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Tuesday, March 21, 1995
- Velociraptor Stang1996@aol.com Tuesday, March 21, 1995
- More Facts UWGEOMS@UWYO.EDU Tuesday, March 21, 1995
- Re: Ceratopsian neck frills Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Tuesday, March 21, 1995
- Extinction at end of Jurassic VCSOne@aol.com Tuesday, March 21, 1995
- Re: skin color George Engelmann <engelman@cwis.unomaha.edu> Tuesday, March 21, 1995
- Various things Ralph Chapman <MNHAD002@SIVM.SI.EDU> Tuesday, March 21, 1995
- WWW Dinosaur Site "Constable,Miles [Edm]" <CONSTABLEM@mail.edm.ab.doe.ca> Tuesday, March 21, 1995
- Re: circannual and mailing list rhythms Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Tuesday, March 21, 1995
- Dinosaur Silhouettes??? "Constable,Miles [Edm]" <CONSTABLEM@mail.edm.ab.doe.ca> Tuesday, March 21, 1995
- Re: kids' homework George Engelmann <engelman@cwis.unomaha.edu> Tuesday, March 21, 1995
- Re: Questions about dinosaur skin Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Tuesday, March 21, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Questions about dinosaur skin Bruce Howard <70410.3262@compuserve.com> Tuesday, March 21, 1995
- Re: Questions about dinosaur skin Skip Dahlgren <SDAHLGREN@liblan.uams.edu> Wednesday, March 22, 1995
- Re: Questions about dinosaur skin Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Wednesday, March 22, 1995
- Re: Questions about dinosaur skin Derek Tearne <derek@nezsdc.fujitsu.co.nz> Wednesday, March 22, 1995
- Re: Questions about dinosaur skin Ray McAllister <mcallist@gate.net> Wednesday, March 22, 1995
- Tyrannosaur Skin Inprint Found in Alberta "Constable,Miles [Edm]" <CONSTABLEM@mail.edm.ab.doe.ca> Tuesday, March 21, 1995
- Info on a Book(?) spn3877@sae.ssu.umd.edu Tuesday, March 21, 1995
- Re: Avimimus Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Tuesday, March 21, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Avimimus Phillip Bigelow <n8010095@henson.cc.wwu.edu> Tuesday, March 21, 1995
- Re: deinonychus spn3877@sae.ssu.umd.edu Tuesday, March 21, 1995
- Re: Barney vs Tweety Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Tuesday, March 21, 1995
- school libraries TchrJamie@aol.com Tuesday, March 21, 1995
- References & KT Ralph Chapman <MNHAD002@SIVM.SI.EDU> Tuesday, March 21, 1995
- IAP Course Announcement (fwd) San Diego Natural History Museum Library <libsdnhm@CLASS.ORG> Tuesday, March 21, 1995
- Biogeochemistry! ST-grock@artemis.earth.monash.edu.au (Darren R. Grocke) Tuesday, March 21, 1995
- colour "Bonnie Blackwell, x 3332" <bonn@qcvaxa.acc.qc.edu> Tuesday, March 21, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: colour @lepomis.psych.upenn.edu:murphy!acmcr!vr@uunet.uu.net (Vicki Rosenzweig) Wednesday, March 22, 1995
- Re: colour Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Wednesday, March 22, 1995
- Re: colour George Engelmann <engelman@cwis.unomaha.edu> Wednesday, March 22, 1995
- Re: colour Flyinggoat@aol.com Wednesday, March 22, 1995
- (fwd) Gastroliths - contact needed rowe@PENDER.EE.UPENN.EDU (Mickey Rowe) Tuesday, March 21, 1995
- skin colour Tony Thulborn <paswamp@mailbox.uq.oz.au> Tuesday, March 21, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: skin colour jdharris@teal.csn.net (Jerry D. Harris) Tuesday, March 21, 1995
- FAQ Welcome to Sci.Geo.Geology (fwd) rowe@lepomis.psych.upenn.edu (Mickey Rowe) Tuesday, March 21, 1995
- dinosaur coloration rowe@lepomis.psych.upenn.edu (Mickey Rowe) Tuesday, March 21, 1995
- Fur or /Feathers? Trina Michelle Graham <trinag@sfu.ca> Tuesday, March 21, 1995
- Did Dinosaurs BECOME Oil? Willa25743@aol.com Wednesday, March 22, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: Did Dinosaurs BECOME Oil? Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Wednesday, March 22, 1995
- Re: Did Dinosaurs BECOME Oil? art@acc.com (Art Berggreen) Wednesday, March 22, 1995
- Re: Did Dinosaurs BECOME Oil? stssram@st.unocal.com (Bob Myers) Wednesday, March 22, 1995
- Re: Did Dinosaurs BECOME Oil? Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Wednesday, March 22, 1995
- Re: Did Dinosaurs BECOME Oil? art@acc.com (Art Berggreen) Wednesday, March 22, 1995
- Re: Did Dinosaurs BECOME Oil? Derek Tearne <derek@nezsdc.fujitsu.co.nz> Wednesday, March 22, 1995
- New refs (and a correction) Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Wednesday, March 22, 1995
- Did dinosaurs become oil anatomy@acl.nyit.edu Wednesday, March 22, 1995
- colors BRUSH@UConnVM.UConn.Edu Wednesday, March 22, 1995
- Re: New refs. (and a correction) Phillip Bigelow <n8010095@henson.cc.wwu.edu> Wednesday, March 22, 1995
- ceratopsian questions "Pat Grant (Library: Serials Catalog" <PATG@VAX2.CONCORDIA.CA> Wednesday, March 22, 1995
- Tuatara (living fossil) jimf@vangelis.ncrmicro.ncr.com (Jim Foley) Wednesday, March 22, 1995
- Sinclair and dino-oil tonyf@ucmp1.Berkeley.EDU (Tony Fiorillo) Wednesday, March 22, 1995
- Did Donosaurs BECOME Oil? steam@hopf.dnai.com (Rosanne Esposito) Wednesday, March 22, 1995
- Request for arcane information San Diego Natural History Museum Library <libsdnhm@CLASS.ORG> Wednesday, March 22, 1995
- RE: THOSE ARTIFACTS FOR S ed.godsey@cdmg.uucp.netcom.com (Ed Godsey) Thursday, March 23, 1995
- sphenos, oil & living fossils Ralph Chapman <MNHAD002@SIVM.SI.EDU> Thursday, March 23, 1995
- successful lineages "Bonnie Blackwell, x 3332" <bonn@qcvaxa.acc.qc.edu> Thursday, March 23, 1995
- useful information source @lepomis.psych.upenn.edu:murphy!acmcr!vr@uunet.uu.net (Vicki Rosenzweig) Thursday, March 23, 1995
- Tuatara ta-ra "John Allen" <J.A.Allen@soton.ac.uk> Thursday, March 23, 1995
- [no subject] BRUSH@UConnVM.UConn.Edu Thursday, March 23, 1995
- [no subject] BRUSH@UConnVM.UConn.Edu Thursday, March 23, 1995
- hollow bones (revisited) Phillip Bigelow <n8010095@henson.cc.wwu.edu> Thursday, March 23, 1995
- Placement of Segnosaurs within the Dinosauria John Schneiderman <dino@revelation.unomaha.edu> Thursday, March 23, 1995
- Re: Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Thursday, March 23, 1995
- the mummies "Bonnie Blackwell, x 3332" <bonn@qcvaxa.acc.qc.edu> Thursday, March 23, 1995
- Colored skin continued. spn3877@sae.ssu.umd.edu Thursday, March 23, 1995
- Re: ornstn@hookup.net (Ronald Orenstein) Thursday, March 23, 1995
- Very good trackway book Ray McAllister <mcallist@gate.net> Friday, March 24, 1995
- * Help * Martin Kundrat <mkundrat@kosice.upjs.sk> Friday, March 24, 1995
- Re: NEIL CLARK <NCLARK@museum.gla.ac.uk> Friday, March 24, 1995
- Re: Tom Gold's theory Charlotte Mooers <mooers@nic.near.net> Friday, March 24, 1995
- CHANGE: ROADMAP@UA1VM "Terry Colvin" <colvint@CC.IMS.DISA.MIL> Friday, March 24, 1995
- Paleoworld and extinction theories "Dana L. Naldrett" <naldret@cc.UManitoba.CA> Friday, March 24, 1995
- trip to Harrisburg Penn in April Flyinggoat@aol.com Friday, March 24, 1995
- colour vision / skin pigmentation Mike Bonham <bonham@jade.ab.ca> Friday, March 24, 1995
- Sinclair Oil Robert Hill <banded9@haven.ios.com> Friday, March 24, 1995
- Harrisburg trip fossils "Dana L. Naldrett" <naldret@cc.UManitoba.CA> Friday, March 24, 1995
- Re: Gold's hypothesis George Engelmann <engelman@cwis.unomaha.edu> Friday, March 24, 1995
- No, I have not been hit by an asteroid rowe@PENDER.EE.UPENN.EDU (Mickey Rowe) Monday, March 27, 1995
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