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Re: Bakker and popularizing science
>[Note, except for Triceratops, the neck frill bones of ceratopsians
>have big holes in them, making then useless as shields, which
>leaves only display].
>swf@elsegundoca.attgis.com sarima@netcom.com
And, I would have thought, increased area for the atachment of adductor
muscles of the jaw; I would be astonished if these areas in life were not
covered with tendinous material providing surfaces for the origin of muscle
fibres, prbably on both sides. This sort of setup makes for a lighter skull
without losing areas of origin; perhaps the short frill of Triceraops
obviated the need for this?
Anyway, I would think that even a frill with large fenestrae could serve to
protect the neck from an attack from above; it would be that much harder to
get a killing grip on the back of the neck (assuming that the predators on
ceratopians killed their prey in this way).
Ronald I. Orenstein Phone: (905) 820-7886 (home)
International Wildlife Coalition Fax/Modem: (905) 569-0116 (home)
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