DINOSAUR-1996Mar by thread
- new dinosaur documentary coming up Betty Cunningham <bettyc@flyinggoat.com> Friday, March 01, 1996
- OUTLINE: NBC CREATIONIST PROGRAM GSP1954@aol.com Friday, March 01, 1996
- Respiratory turbinates, what they don't mean GSP1954@aol.com Friday, March 01, 1996
- SEND MORE LETTERS TO NBC GSP1954@aol.com Friday, March 01, 1996
- SICKLE CLAWED PROTOBIRD? GSP1954@aol.com (by way of cnedin@geology.adelaide.edu.au (Chris Nedin)) Friday, March 01, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: SICKLE CLAWED PROTOBIRD? Jeff Poling <jpoling@infinet.com> (by way of cnedin@geology.adelaide.edu.au (Chris Nedin)) Friday, March 01, 1996
- Re: BURROWING SEGNOSAURS Dinogeorge@aol.com Friday, March 01, 1996
- SHUKER BOOK "Darren Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Friday, March 01, 1996
- Re: Fossil Collecting Results . . . Tompaleo@aol.com Friday, March 01, 1996
- Coelurosaurs (was segnosaurs) Thomas_R_HOLTZ@umail.umd.edu (th81) Friday, March 01, 1996
- segnosaurs & sloths Thomas_R_HOLTZ@umail.umd.edu (th81) Friday, March 01, 1996
- Re: Thomas_R_HOLTZ@umail.umd.edu (th81) (by way of cnedin@geology.adelaide.edu.au (Chris Nedin)) Friday, March 01, 1996
- Re: Sharovipteryx ornstn@inforamp.net (Ronald Orenstein) Friday, March 01, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Sharovipteryx cowen@jade.ucdavis.edu Monday, March 04, 1996
- Re: segnosaurs ornstn@inforamp.net (Ronald Orenstein) Friday, March 01, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: segnosaurs Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Monday, March 04, 1996
- Re: Origins of Man ornstn@inforamp.net (Ronald Orenstein) Friday, March 01, 1996
- mysterious origins enews@amnh.org (Kevin Walker) Friday, March 01, 1996
- Dino gizzards Robert.J.Meyerson@uwrf.edu (Rob Meyerson) Friday, March 01, 1996
- Weishampel & Young's new Dino Book Tompaleo@aol.com Friday, March 01, 1996
- Re: Light relief paleo@ix.netcom.com (Glen J. Kuban ) Friday, March 01, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: Light relief paleo@ix.netcom.com (Glen J. Kuban ) Friday, March 01, 1996
- IN Search of Prehistoric Survivors bz050@freenet.carleton.ca (Ben S. Roesch) Friday, March 01, 1996
- History of Creationism FossilAce@aol.com Friday, March 01, 1996
- Re: Segnosaurs (again) "Tim Williams" <T.Williams@cclru.randwick.unsw.edu.au> Saturday, March 02, 1996
- [no subject] rush@astro.ucla.edu (Brian Rush UCLA Astronomy) Saturday, March 02, 1996
- some ref's islest@UVic.CA (Timothy E. Isles) Saturday, March 02, 1996
- Fossilized theropod soft tissue cnedin@geology.adelaide.edu.au (Chris Nedin) Saturday, March 02, 1996
- Letter for perusal ssevier@ditell.com (Samuel M. Sevier) Sunday, March 03, 1996
- Dinosaur charts "T. Mike Keesey" <tmkeesey@wam.umd.edu> Sunday, March 03, 1996
- Rational discussion tidwell@ix.netcom.com (Virginia Tidwell ) Monday, March 04, 1996
- Tubinates & Nano T. Mark Sumner <range@inlink.com> Monday, March 04, 1996
- DINOSAUR MAGAZINE LIST steve.cole@genie.com Monday, March 04, 1996
- PACHYRHINOSAUR LINEAGE "Darren Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Monday, March 04, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: PACHYRHINOSAUR LINEAGE Jeffrey Martz <martz@holly.ColoState.EDU> Monday, March 04, 1996
- Re: PACHYRHINOSAUR LINEAGE "Tim Williams" <T.Williams@cclru.randwick.unsw.edu.au> Monday, March 04, 1996
- Re: PACHYRHINOSAUR LINEAGE Jeffrey Martz <martz@holly.ColoState.EDU> Monday, March 04, 1996
- Re: PACHYRHINOSAUR LINEAGE "Tim Williams" <T.Williams@cclru.randwick.unsw.edu.au> Monday, March 04, 1996
- Re: PACHYRHINOSAUR LINEAGE Jeffrey Martz <martz@holly.ColoState.EDU> Tuesday, March 05, 1996
- Re: PACHYRHINOSAUR LINEAGE "Nicholas J. Pharris" <pharrinj@PLU.edu> Tuesday, March 05, 1996
- Re: PACHYRHINOSAUR LINEAGE "Tim Williams" <T.Williams@cclru.randwick.unsw.edu.au> Tuesday, March 05, 1996
- Re: PACHYRHINOSAUR LINEAGE Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Tuesday, March 05, 1996
- Re: PACHYRHINOSAUR LINEAGE "Nicholas J. Pharris" <pharrinj@PLU.edu> Tuesday, March 05, 1996
- Phylogenetic taxonomy Thomas_R_HOLTZ@umail.umd.edu (th81) Monday, March 04, 1996
- Bakker's address "King, Norm" <nking.ucs@smtp.usi.edu> Monday, March 04, 1996
- Turbinates and welcome Mark Sumner rstephen@cswnet.com (Roger A. Stephenson) Monday, March 04, 1996
- SLOTHS-SEGNOSAURS-TERMITES "Darren Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Monday, March 04, 1996
- PROOVING VARANUS AS INFECTOR-KILLER "Darren Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Monday, March 04, 1996
- new ref. Mikiel <Mikiel@ASU.Edu> Monday, March 04, 1996
(Possible followups)
- new ref. Mikiel <Mikiel@ASU.Edu> Monday, March 18, 1996
- new ref. Mikiel <Mikiel@ASU.Edu> Tuesday, March 26, 1996
- new ref. Mikiel <Mikiel@ASU.Edu> Tuesday, March 26, 1996
- Archelon sj@IO.COM (Steve Jackson) Monday, March 04, 1996
- falling Tyrannosaurs (was Re: Turbinates and welcome Mark Sumner) egood@ALPHA2.CURTIN.EDU.AU Monday, March 04, 1996
- Turbinates revisited rowe@lepomis.psych.upenn.edu (Mickey Rowe) Monday, March 04, 1996
- Crops? Raptor <rganuza@luna.cas.usf.edu> Monday, March 04, 1996
- NBC's Origins/Creationist View ed seidl <eseidl@cris.com> Monday, March 04, 1996
- [no subject] "Andrew H. Roberts" <arobert2@ix.netcom.com> Tuesday, March 05, 1996
- Re: Titanosaur-like sauropods Dinogeorge@aol.com Tuesday, March 05, 1996
- _ErliKosaurus_ and Pterosaurs Stang1996@aol.com Tuesday, March 05, 1996
- Re: falling Tyrannosaurs (was Re: Turbinates and welcome Mark Jeff Poling <jpoling@infinet.com> Tuesday, March 05, 1996
- TECHNOSAURUS, DOCKUM ARCHOSAURS "Darren Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Tuesday, March 05, 1996
- T-rex. shoulder rolls rstephen@cswnet.com (Roger A. Stephenson) Tuesday, March 05, 1996
- PTEROSAURS CLOSE TO THEROPODS "Darren Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Tuesday, March 05, 1996
- Cenozoic dinosaurs???!!! FAC_WARNKEN@western.edu Tuesday, March 05, 1996
- Scopes, take 2 Bruce Mortensen <Bruce_Mortensen@qmgates.affymax.com> Tuesday, March 05, 1996
- Resource bla00166@wvnvm.wvnet.edu (Var) Tuesday, March 05, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: Resource FossilAce@aol.com Tuesday, March 05, 1996
- DINO Smell bla00166@wvnvm.wvnet.edu (Var) Tuesday, March 05, 1996
- Re: Gravigrades bz050@freenet.carleton.ca (Ben S. Roesch) Tuesday, March 05, 1996
- Scopes II PESELYG@APSU01.APSU.EDU Tuesday, March 05, 1996
- Sources of OLD Paleo Texts of Potomac Group Fauna Wanted Tompaleo@aol.com Tuesday, March 05, 1996
- Achelosaurus endocrin@desktop.com.au (Graeme Worth) Tuesday, March 05, 1996
- Insects/Large Animals (veni, vidi, concreti) <martin@hpentccl.grenoble.hp.com> Wednesday, March 06, 1996
- DINOS OUT-OF-TIME "Darren Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Wednesday, March 06, 1996
- [martin@srv0.ems.ed.ac.uk: Dinosaur skull brings a cry from the past] bz050@freenet.carleton.ca (Ben S. Roesch) Wednesday, March 06, 1996
- Dinosaurs found 40 MYA Bob Heinly <heinly@osiris.cso.uiuc.edu> Wednesday, March 06, 1996
- Tenn. 2nd Monkey Trial bla00166@wvnvm.wvnet.edu (Var) Wednesday, March 06, 1996
- theropod hollow bones "King, Norm" <nking.ucs@smtp.usi.edu> Wednesday, March 06, 1996
- RE:dinosaur skull bring a cry from the past bla00166@wvnvm.wvnet.edu (Var) Wednesday, March 06, 1996
- Dino Noises bz050@freenet.carleton.ca (Ben S. Roesch) Wednesday, March 06, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: Dino Noises Robert.J.Meyerson@uwrf.edu (Rob Meyerson) Wednesday, March 06, 1996
- sauropod taxonomy DRosent288@aol.com Wednesday, March 06, 1996
- T. wrecks Jeffrey Martz <martz@holly.ColoState.EDU> Wednesday, March 06, 1996
- new dinosaur John Schneiderman <dino@revelation.unomaha.edu> Wednesday, March 06, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: new dinosaur John Schneiderman <dino@revelation.unomaha.edu> Thursday, March 07, 1996
- Cerat elbow (was: T. wrecks) Robert.J.Meyerson@uwrf.edu (Rob Meyerson) Wednesday, March 06, 1996
- Technosaurus endocrin@desktop.com.au (Graeme Worth) Wednesday, March 06, 1996
- Info on experiences w/ 2D-to-3D imaging software? Gertsch <lgertsch@slate.Mines.EDU> Wednesday, March 06, 1996
- _Parasaurolophus'_ crest and how much we can't deduce from it. Stang1996@aol.com Thursday, March 07, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: _Parasaurolophus'_ crest and how much we can't deduce from it. rowe@lepomis.psych.upenn.edu (Mickey Rowe) Thursday, March 07, 1996
- Re: _Parasaurolophus'_ crest and how much we can't deduce from it. Robert.J.Meyerson@uwrf.edu (Rob Meyerson) Thursday, March 07, 1996
- Re: _Parasaurolophus'_ crest and how much we can't deduce from it. egood@ALPHA2.CURTIN.EDU.AU Thursday, March 07, 1996
- Re: _Parasaurolophus'_ crest and how much we can't deduce from it. Betty Cunningham <bettyc@flyinggoat.com> Friday, March 08, 1996
- Re: _Parasaurolophus'_ crest and how much we can't deduce from it. Robert.J.Meyerson@uwrf.edu (Rob Meyerson) Friday, March 08, 1996
- Re: _Parasaurolophus'_ crest and how much we can't deduce from it. JCMcL <darwincr@laplaza.taos.nm.us> Saturday, March 09, 1996
- Re: _Parasaurolophus'_ crest and how much we can't deduce from it. "Nicholas R. Longrich" <longrich@phoenix.Princeton.EDU> Sunday, March 10, 1996
- Re: _Parasaurolophus'_ crest and how much we can't deduce from it. JCMcL <darwincr@laplaza.taos.nm.us> Monday, March 11, 1996
- new refs. Mikiel <Mikiel@ASU.Edu> Thursday, March 07, 1996
(Possible followups)
- new refs. Mikiel <Mikiel@ASU.Edu> Wednesday, March 13, 1996
- new refs. Mikiel <Mikiel@ASU.Edu> Saturday, March 16, 1996
- New refs. Mikiel <Mikiel@ASU.Edu> Thursday, March 28, 1996
- dino honks "Bonnie Blackwell, x 3332" <bonn@qcvaxa.acc.qc.edu> Thursday, March 07, 1996
- Falling face first, with big eyes rstephen@cswnet.com (Roger A. Stephenson) Thursday, March 07, 1996
- Dinosaur Genera List corrections #42 Dinogeorge@aol.com Thursday, March 07, 1996
- RE:dinosaur skull.... bla00166@wvnvm.wvnet.edu (Var) Thursday, March 07, 1996
- Dinofest '96 Mikiel <Mikiel@ASU.Edu> Thursday, March 07, 1996
- big eyes "Nicholas R. Longrich" <longrich@phoenix.Princeton.EDU> Thursday, March 07, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: big eyes Robert.J.Meyerson@uwrf.edu (Rob Meyerson) Friday, March 08, 1996
- nbc PWSPARKS@aol.com Thursday, March 07, 1996
- New Home Page bz050@freenet.carleton.ca (Ben S. Roesch) Friday, March 08, 1996
- Aquatic Locusts? (veni, vidi, concreti) <martin@hpentccl.grenoble.hp.com> Friday, March 08, 1996
- [martin@srv0.ems.ed.ac.uk: A misunderstood dinosaur gets back on its feet ] bz050@freenet.carleton.ca (Ben S. Roesch) Friday, March 08, 1996
- Re: Dino Noises* crpntr@ix.netcom.com (Kenneth Carpenter ) Friday, March 08, 1996
- A TENN. TIME OUT FossilAce@aol.com Friday, March 08, 1996
- Paluxy "man track" Web site paleo@ix.netcom.com (Glen J. Kuban ) Friday, March 08, 1996
- _Parasaurolophus_ and Hadrosaur running Stang1996@aol.com Friday, March 08, 1996
- 2 _Parasaurolophus_ honking... rowe@lepomis.psych.upenn.edu (Mickey Rowe) Friday, March 08, 1996
- news article "Sharon A. Hill (717) 621-3118" <HILL.SHARON@a1.pader.gov> Friday, March 08, 1996
- Re: _Turanoceratops tardabilis_ "Tim Williams" <T.Williams@cclru.randwick.unsw.edu.au> Saturday, March 09, 1996
- Tyranosaurus nose dives bla00166@wvnvm.wvnet.edu (Var) Saturday, March 09, 1996
- Hadrosaur runnig profile rstephen@cswnet.com (Roger A. Stephenson) Saturday, March 09, 1996
- Hypacrosaurines Stang1996@aol.com Saturday, March 09, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: Hypacrosaurines mickey@lepomis.psych.upenn.edu (Mickey P. Rowe) Saturday, March 09, 1996
- Re: Hypacrosaurines Robert.J.Meyerson@uwrf.edu (Rob Meyerson) Monday, March 11, 1996
- leg injuries in large theropods, etc "D. Tanke" <dtanke@dns.magtech.ab.ca> Saturday, March 09, 1996
- Re: Hypacrosaurines* crpntr@ix.netcom.com (Kenneth Carpenter ) Sunday, March 10, 1996
- Query: primitive ornithomimosaurs "T. Mike Keesey" <tmkeesey@wam.umd.edu> Sunday, March 10, 1996
- "Good Mother"- or "Mommie Dearest"-lizard???? Dave Hardenbrook <DAVEH47@delphi.com> Sunday, March 10, 1996
- Nonsense about Sue on the Berkeley web pages sj@io.com (Steve Jackson) Sunday, March 10, 1996
- Dinosaurs of the East Coast Ad pg 23 of 3/96 Natural History "Gary Bull" <GWinston@msn.com> Sunday, March 10, 1996
- T. rex hunting endocrin@desktop.com.au (Graeme Worth) Monday, March 11, 1996
- Tyrannosaurus rex biomechanics guy leahy <n9435712@henson.cc.wwu.edu> Monday, March 11, 1996
- NEDCOLBERTIA dwn194@soton.ac.uk Monday, March 11, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: NEDCOLBERTIA Thomas_R_HOLTZ@umail.umd.edu (th81) Monday, March 11, 1996
- seminar on fossil preservation (forwarded) "Bonnie Blackwell, x 3332" <bonn@qcvaxa.acc.qc.edu> Monday, March 11, 1996
- Dino Article in High Country News "William B." <bhansen@mt1613.gfra.mt.blm.gov> Monday, March 11, 1996
- notice "Mike Brett-Surman" <MNHPB018@SIVM.SI.EDU> Monday, March 11, 1996
- Maiasaura parental care and _Earth_ magazine awitze@earthmag.com (Alex Witze) Monday, March 11, 1996
- help farlow@CVAX.IPFW.INDIANA.EDU Monday, March 11, 1996
- Re: CROCODYLOMORPH ENDOTHERMY Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Monday, March 11, 1996
- URL for New Home Page bz050@freenet.carleton.ca (Ben S. Roesch) Monday, March 11, 1996
- What it takes to study dinosaurs?? Thomas Duffy <thomasd@clark.edu> Monday, March 11, 1996
- Injuries in (running) hadrosaurs "D. Tanke" <dtanke@dns.magtech.ab.ca> Monday, March 11, 1996
- T. rex "SUE" legal paper "D. Tanke" <dtanke@dns.magtech.ab.ca> Monday, March 11, 1996
- NEDCOLBERTIA-ORNITHOLESTES "Darren Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Tuesday, March 12, 1996
- QUADRUPEDAL TYRANNOSAURS? "Darren Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Tuesday, March 12, 1996
- Dino studies question muriel29@wavenet.com (MC2) Tuesday, March 12, 1996
- Re: QUADRUPEDAL TYRANNOSAURS? (JOKE added) freeman@netcom.com (Jay Reynolds Freeman) Tuesday, March 12, 1996
- Etomology pwillis@ozemail.com.au (Paul Willis) Wednesday, March 13, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: Etomology Jeff Poling <jpoling@dinosauria.com> Wednesday, March 13, 1996
- Re: Etomology Jeff Poling <jpoling@dinosauria.com> Wednesday, March 13, 1996
- Re: Etomology Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Wednesday, March 13, 1996
- Re: quadrupedal tyrannosaurs mrh_dmz@bart.nl (M.R. Hoare) Wednesday, March 13, 1996
- Much ado about a bird farlow@CVAX.IPFW.INDIANA.EDU Wednesday, March 13, 1996
- Help with long words "Sharon A. Hill (717) 621-3118" <HILL.SHARON@a1.pader.gov> Wednesday, March 13, 1996
- Mongolian Strata GROSS CORY WALTER <GROS4891@ADC.MtRoyal.AB.CA> Wednesday, March 13, 1996
- Cincinnati Fossil Festival Nigel.Hughes@UC.Edu Wednesday, March 13, 1996
- Etymology Dinogeorge@aol.com Wednesday, March 13, 1996
- Summary of responses and THANKS Thomas Duffy <thomasd@clark.edu> Wednesday, March 13, 1996
- Dinosaur diversity "Tim Williams" <T.Williams@cclru.randwick.unsw.edu.au> Thursday, March 14, 1996
- ostriches bla00166@wvnvm.wvnet.edu (Var) Thursday, March 14, 1996
- wipe outs and stuff Betty Cunningham <bettyc@flyinggoat.com> Thursday, March 14, 1996
- re:T rex hunting techniques Betty Cunningham <bettyc@flyinggoat.com> Thursday, March 14, 1996
(Possible followups)
- re:T rex hunting techniques Robert.J.Meyerson@uwrf.edu (Rob Meyerson) Thursday, March 14, 1996
- re:T rex hunting techniques Jeff Poling <jpoling@dinosauria.com> Friday, March 15, 1996
- re:T rex hunting techniques Robert.J.Meyerson@uwrf.edu (Rob Meyerson) Friday, March 15, 1996
- re:T rex hunting techniques djsmith@ccnet.com (Derek Smith) Saturday, March 16, 1996
- Re: T rex hunting techniques Betty Cunningham <bettyc@flyinggoat.com> Monday, March 18, 1996
- Re: T rex hunting techniques Robert.J.Meyerson@uwrf.edu (Rob Meyerson) Monday, March 18, 1996
- Re: T rex hunting techniques Darkclaw <GROS4891@ADC.MtRoyal.AB.CA> Monday, March 18, 1996
- Re: T rex hunting techniques Mark Sumner <range@inlink.com> Monday, March 18, 1996
- Dinosaur Web Page "T. Mike Keesey" <tmkeesey@wam.umd.edu> Thursday, March 14, 1996
- glues PWSPARKS@aol.com Thursday, March 14, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: glues bonebug@halcyon.com (Joe Small) Thursday, March 14, 1996
- Re: glues San Diego Natural History Museum <libsdnhm@CLASS.ORG> Thursday, March 14, 1996
- T-rex. falls and sujectivity rstephen@troi.csw.net (Roger A. Stephenson) Friday, March 15, 1996
- EDUCATING THE MASSES "B.Boneham" <88004110BFB@nene.ac.uk> Friday, March 15, 1996
- Having a nice trip farlow@CVAX.IPFW.INDIANA.EDU Friday, March 15, 1996
- re:T rex hunting techniques [joke] rowe@lepomis.psych.upenn.edu (Mickey Rowe) Friday, March 15, 1996
- t-rex EThor10328@aol.com Friday, March 15, 1996
- New URL for Tyrrell Museum Homepage "D. Tanke" <dtanke@dns.magtech.ab.ca> Friday, March 15, 1996
- Euhelopodidae "Tim Williams" <T.Williams@cclru.randwick.unsw.edu.au> Saturday, March 16, 1996
- DINOSAUR PARENTING (fairly long) GSP1954@aol.com Saturday, March 16, 1996
- DINOFEST #1 SYMPOSIUM VOLUME GSP1954@aol.com Saturday, March 16, 1996
- Tyrannohands Jeff Poling <jpoling@dinosauria.com> Saturday, March 16, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: Tyrannohands Thomas_R_HOLTZ@umail.umd.edu (th81) Monday, March 18, 1996
- Dinosaur Genera List corrections #43 Dinogeorge@aol.com Sunday, March 17, 1996
- Berkeley web page revisited sj@io.com (Steve Jackson) Sunday, March 17, 1996
- Re: DINOSAUR PARENTING Dalmiro <dalmiro@mesopy.obspm.fr> Sunday, March 17, 1996
- Proposed Tyrrell Museum activities column for Dino Digest "D. Tanke" <dtanke@dns.magtech.ab.ca> Sunday, March 17, 1996
- DML Omnipedia stuff; new Safari/Battat Jeff Poling <jpoling@dinosauria.com> Monday, March 18, 1996
- [no subject] GSP1954@aol.com Monday, March 18, 1996
- Help with long words - a FAQ? Richard Keatinge <richard@gwyha3.demon.co.uk> Monday, March 18, 1996
- The Dinosauria bla00166@wvnvm.wvnet.edu (Var) Monday, March 18, 1996
- Dinosaur Genera List corrections #44 Dinogeorge@aol.com Monday, March 18, 1996
- Cool Rex Models Jeff Miller <jbmiller@fn.net> Tuesday, March 19, 1996
- Size of baby hadrosaurs at Devils Coulee, Alberta "D. Tanke" <dtanke@dns.magtech.ab.ca> Tuesday, March 19, 1996
- Brooding Oviraptor "D. Tanke" <dtanke@dns.magtech.ab.ca> Tuesday, March 19, 1996
- brooding oviraptor, etc. "King, Norm" <nking.ucs@smtp.usi.edu> Tuesday, March 19, 1996
- Does anyone have...? jdharris@post.cis.smu.edu (Jerry D. Harris) Tuesday, March 19, 1996
- arms PWSPARKS@aol.com Tuesday, March 19, 1996
- Re: egg laying rates crpntr@ix.netcom.com (Kenneth Carpenter ) Wednesday, March 20, 1996
- Re: t.rex Jeff Miller <jbmiller@fn.net> Wednesday, March 20, 1996
- Re: dogma of tree feeding sauropods crpntr@ix.netcom.com (Kenneth Carpenter ) Wednesday, March 20, 1996
- Gnawing animals Robert.J.Meyerson@uwrf.edu (Rob Meyerson) Wednesday, March 20, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: Gnawing animals Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Wednesday, March 20, 1996
- Reference on bird origins endocrin@desktop.com.au (Graeme Worth) Wednesday, March 20, 1996
- Dinotopia CDROM sokay@snm.com Wednesday, March 20, 1996
- nocturnal submissions [joke] dkelsber@ix.netcom.com (Daniel Kelsberg) Wednesday, March 20, 1996
- Dinosaur Models "Rafert, John" <JRAFERT@xray.indyrad.iupui.edu> Wednesday, March 20, 1996
- NBC REPLY GSP1954@aol.com Thursday, March 21, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: NBC Reply "King, Norm" <nking.ucs@smtp.usi.edu> Thursday, March 21, 1996
- NBC Reply Jim.Foley@symbios.com Thursday, March 21, 1996
- Tyrannosaur arms UACGWIN@MSUVX1.MEMPHIS.EDU Thursday, March 21, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: Tyrannosaur arms Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Thursday, March 21, 1996
- LOng NECKS (veni, vidi, concreti) <martin@hpentccl.grenoble.hp.com> Thursday, March 21, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: LOng NECKS ornstn@inforamp.net (Ronald Orenstein) Friday, March 22, 1996
- egg-sposure (was Re: egg laying rates) mickey@lepomis.psych.upenn.edu (Mickey P. Rowe) Thursday, March 21, 1996
- T-rex. arm strength rstephen@cswnet.com (Roger A. Stephenson) Thursday, March 21, 1996
- egg-sposure revisited mickey@lepomis.psych.upenn.edu (Mickey P. Rowe) Thursday, March 21, 1996
- two or three sacral vertebrae? "King, Norm" <nking.ucs@smtp.usi.edu> Thursday, March 21, 1996
- sauropod feeding dogma* crpntr@ix.netcom.com (Kenneth Carpenter ) Thursday, March 21, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: sauropod feeding dogma* Robert.J.Meyerson@uwrf.edu (Rob Meyerson) Friday, March 22, 1996
- Re: sauropod feeding dogma* Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Friday, March 22, 1996
- Re: sauropod feeding dogma* Robert.J.Meyerson@uwrf.edu (Rob Meyerson) Tuesday, March 26, 1996
- Re: sauropod feeding dogma* GSP1954@aol.com Tuesday, March 26, 1996
- Re: sauropod feeding dogma* GSP1954@aol.com Tuesday, March 26, 1996
- Re: sauropod feeding dogma* Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Tuesday, March 26, 1996
- Re: sauropod feeding dogma* "Nicholas R. Longrich" <longrich@phoenix.Princeton.EDU> Tuesday, March 26, 1996
- Re: sauropod feeding dogma* Jeffrey Martz <martz@holly.ColoState.EDU> Wednesday, March 27, 1996
- Re: sauropod feeding dogma* GSP1954@aol.com Wednesday, March 27, 1996
- Re: sauropod feeding dogma* Robert.J.Meyerson@uwrf.edu (Rob Meyerson) Wednesday, March 27, 1996
- Re: sauropod feeding dogma* "Nicholas J. Pharris" <pharrinj@PLU.edu> Wednesday, March 27, 1996
- Re: sauropod feeding dogma* Jeffrey Martz <martz@holly.ColoState.EDU> Thursday, March 28, 1996
- Re: sauropod feeding dogma* "Tim Williams" <T.Williams@cclru.randwick.unsw.edu.au> Sunday, March 31, 1996
- We don't look at our feet Stang1996@aol.com Thursday, March 21, 1996
- Dino Knees Tony Hillman <a.w.hillman@bnr.co.uk> Friday, March 22, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: Dino Knees ornstn@inforamp.net (Ronald Orenstein) Friday, March 22, 1996
- Re: Dino Knees Jeffrey Martz <martz@holly.ColoState.EDU> Friday, March 22, 1996
- Re: Dino Knees Robert.J.Meyerson@uwrf.edu (Rob Meyerson) Friday, March 22, 1996
- Re: Dino Knees Betty Cunningham <bettyc@flyinggoat.com> Tuesday, March 26, 1996
- Re: Dino Knees GSP1954@aol.com Tuesday, March 26, 1996
- Re: Dino Knees Robert.J.Meyerson@uwrf.edu (Rob Meyerson) Tuesday, March 26, 1996
- Queries endocrin@desktop.com.au (Graeme Worth) Friday, March 22, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: Queries Jeff Poling <jpoling@dinosauria.com> Friday, March 22, 1996
- Re: Queries Dinogeorge@aol.com Tuesday, March 26, 1996
- Dino Comix Jeff Miller <jbmiller@fn.net> Friday, March 22, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: Dino Comix Darkclaw <GROS4891@ADC.MtRoyal.AB.CA> Friday, March 22, 1996
- Re: Dino Comix Raptor <rganuza@luna.cas.usf.edu> Friday, March 22, 1996
- The Great Dinosaur Trail Matthew Davison <matthew@dinos.demon.co.uk> Friday, March 22, 1996
- diplodocid radiation John Schneiderman <dino@revelation.unomaha.edu> Friday, March 22, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: diplodocid radiation Thomas_R_HOLTZ@umail.umd.edu (th81) Friday, March 22, 1996
- Re: diplodocid radiation "Tim Williams" <T.Williams@cclru.randwick.unsw.edu.au> Saturday, March 23, 1996
- Re: diplodocid radiation GSP1954@aol.com Saturday, March 23, 1996
- Re: diplodocid radiation Adam Yates <zooamy@zoo.latrobe.edu.au> Tuesday, March 26, 1996
- Re: Re: diplodocid radiation Thomas_R_HOLTZ@umail.umd.edu (th81) Tuesday, March 26, 1996
- Re: diplodocid radiation Dinogeorge@aol.com Tuesday, March 26, 1996
- Re: Re: diplodocid radiation Thomas_R_HOLTZ@umail.umd.edu (th81) Wednesday, March 27, 1996
- help with a television series Matthew Davison <matthew@dinos.demon.co.uk> Friday, March 22, 1996
- egg laying time crpntr@ix.netcom.com (Kenneth Carpenter ) Friday, March 22, 1996
- academic field camps "King, Norm" <nking.ucs@smtp.usi.edu> Friday, March 22, 1996
- NBC show: creationist? paleo@ix.netcom.com (Glen J. Kuban ) Friday, March 22, 1996
- Woods runnin' T-rex rstephen@cswnet.com (Roger A. Stephenson) Friday, March 22, 1996
- temporary hiatus rowe@lepomis.psych.upenn.edu (Mickey Rowe) Friday, March 22, 1996
- "Geology and Revelation" Debbie Schneider <wookie@warwick.net> Saturday, March 23, 1996
- _The Historical Atlas of the Earth_ tuckr@digital.net Saturday, March 23, 1996
- Discoveries nclark@museum.gla.ac.uk Saturday, March 23, 1996
- Question concerning british Dromaeosaurid klausman@rz.uni-sb.de (Klaus Richter) Tuesday, March 26, 1996
- Re:NBC program: creationist? paleo@ix.netcom.com (Glen J. Kuban ) Tuesday, March 26, 1996
- RESULTS OF *FAVORITE DINOSAUR SURVEY* RaptorRKC@aol.com Tuesday, March 26, 1996
- Hunting Techniques-T-rex. comparison rstephen@cswnet.com (Roger A. Stephenson) Tuesday, March 26, 1996
- Continental drift Jeff Poling <jpoling@dinosauria.com> Tuesday, March 26, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: Continental drift Robert.J.Meyerson@uwrf.edu (Rob Meyerson) Wednesday, March 27, 1996
- Email address for Powell endocrin@desktop.com.au (Graeme Worth) Tuesday, March 26, 1996
- [no subject] Matthew Davison <matthew@dinos.demon.co.uk> Tuesday, March 26, 1996
- URGENT: Agilisaurus, Galtonia and Gasparinisaura "ruiz omenaca, jose ignacio" <ignacio.ruiz@MSF.UNIZAR.ES> Tuesday, March 26, 1996
- patellas Betty Cunningham <bettyc@flyinggoat.com> Wednesday, March 27, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: patellas ornstn@inforamp.net (Ronald Orenstein) Wednesday, March 27, 1996
- Re: patellas nclark@museum.gla.ac.uk Wednesday, March 27, 1996
- MORE ON SAUROPOD FEEDING HIGH & LOW GSP1954@aol.com Wednesday, March 27, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: MORE ON SAUROPOD FEEDING HIGH & LOW "Nicholas R. Longrich" <longrich@phoenix.Princeton.EDU> Wednesday, March 27, 1996
- Re: MORE ON SAUROPOD FEEDING HIGH & LOW Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Wednesday, March 27, 1996
- Re: MORE ON SAUROPOD FEEDING HIGH & LOW "Nicholas R. Longrich" <longrich@phoenix.Princeton.EDU> Wednesday, March 27, 1996
- Re: MORE ON SAUROPOD FEEDING HIGH & LOW Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Wednesday, March 27, 1996
- Re: MORE ON SAUROPOD FEEDING HIGH & LOW ornstn@inforamp.net (Ronald Orenstein) Wednesday, March 27, 1996
- Re: MORE ON SAUROPOD FEEDING HIGH & LOW "King, Norm" <nking.ucs@smtp.usi.edu> Wednesday, March 27, 1996
- Re: MORE ON SAUROPOD FEEDING HIGH & LOW Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Wednesday, March 27, 1996
- Re: MORE ON SAUROPOD FEEDING HIGH & LOW "Nicholas R. Longrich" <longrich@phoenix.Princeton.EDU> Wednesday, March 27, 1996
- Re: MORE ON SAUROPOD FEEDING HIGH & LOW endocrin@desktop.com.au (Graeme Worth) Thursday, March 28, 1996
- Re[2]: MORE ON SAUROPOD FEEDING HIGH & LOW "King, Norm" <nking.ucs@smtp.usi.edu> Thursday, March 28, 1996
- Re: MORE ON SAUROPOD FEEDING HIGH & LOW Jeffrey Martz <martz@holly.ColoState.EDU> Thursday, March 28, 1996
- Re: MORE ON SAUROPOD FEEDING HIGH & LOW GSP1954@aol.com Friday, March 29, 1996
- Re: MORE ON SAUROPOD FEEDING HIGH & LOW GSP1954@aol.com Friday, March 29, 1996
- Re: MORE ON SAUROPOD FEEDING HIGH & LOW GSP1954@aol.com Friday, March 29, 1996
- Re: MORE ON SAUROPOD FEEDING HIGH & LOW ornstn@inforamp.net (Ronald Orenstein) Friday, March 29, 1996
- jawbone "Nicholas R. Longrich" <longrich@phoenix.Princeton.EDU> Wednesday, March 27, 1996
- Datousaurus "Nicholas J. Pharris" <pharrinj@PLU.edu> Wednesday, March 27, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: Datousaurus Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Wednesday, March 27, 1996
- Re: Datousaurus "Tim Williams" <T.Williams@cclru.randwick.unsw.edu.au> Wednesday, March 27, 1996
- JVP 16(1) Dinogeorge@aol.com Wednesday, March 27, 1996
- Arizona Dinosaurs "Terry Colvin" <colvint@fhu.disa.mil> Wednesday, March 27, 1996
- T.rex bone: general query "Pat Grant (Library: Serials Catalog" <PATG@vax2.concordia.ca> Wednesday, March 27, 1996
- NBC - reply (with attachment this time...) cm514@freenet.carleton.ca (Frank Habets) Wednesday, March 27, 1996
- Ankylosaurs & Nodosaurs UACGWIN@MSUVX1.MEMPHIS.EDU Thursday, March 28, 1996
- Poll Question "Mike Brett-Surman" <MNHPB018@SIVM.SI.EDU> Thursday, March 28, 1996
- Eggs? rstephen@cswnet.com (Roger A. Stephenson) Thursday, March 28, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: Eggs? nclark@museum.gla.ac.uk Friday, March 29, 1996
- help needed for another geology dept! "Bonnie Blackwell, x 3332" <bonn@qcvaxa.acc.qc.edu> Thursday, March 28, 1996
- NBC in the dark paleo@ix.netcom.com (Glen J. Kuban ) Thursday, March 28, 1996
- [no subject] UACGWIN@MSUVX1.MEMPHIS.EDU Thursday, March 28, 1996
- SAUROPOD FEEDING HIGH & LOW -Reply JNorton@MAILBOX.UNE.EDU Friday, March 29, 1996
- Dino Fest Speakers Adam Trenholm <adam@nilenet.com> Friday, March 29, 1996
- Sauropod feeding crpntr@ix.netcom.com (Kenneth Carpenter ) Friday, March 29, 1996
- encephalization quotient (was Re: MORE ON SAUROPOD FEEDING HIGH & LOW) mickey@lepomis.psych.upenn.edu (Mickey P. Rowe) Friday, March 29, 1996
- the ankylosaur/nodosaur thing "King, Norm" <nking.ucs@smtp.usi.edu> Friday, March 29, 1996
- News Flash AP rstephen@cswnet.com (Roger A. Stephenson) Friday, March 29, 1996
(Possible followups)
- Re: News Flash AP Jeff Poling <jpoling@dinosauria.com> Friday, March 29, 1996
- Not exactly dinosaurs... "Nicholas J. Pharris" <pharrinj@PLU.edu> Friday, March 29, 1996
- Re: your mail John Schneiderman <dino@revelation.unomaha.edu> Friday, March 29, 1996
- Theropod forelimb design and it's implications... JWagner@snlnet.com Friday, March 29, 1996
- Tennessee Monkey Law PESELYG@APSU01.APSU.EDU Friday, March 29, 1996
- [wormman@thehub.com.au: Not-so-clever ways to raise money in museums #1] bz050@freenet.carleton.ca (Ben S. Roesch) Saturday, March 30, 1996
- Revised dates--Federal and international permits workshop San Diego Natural History Museum <libsdnhm@CLASS.ORG> Saturday, March 30, 1996
- More Books for Sale bz050@freenet.carleton.ca (Ben S. Roesch) Saturday, March 30, 1996
- Another News Flash The Times Matthew Davison <matthew@dinos.demon.co.uk> Saturday, March 30, 1996
- Forwarded: Re: Discoveries nclark@museum.gla.ac.uk Sunday, March 31, 1996
- Einiosaurus Jeffrey Martz <martz@holly.ColoState.EDU> Sunday, March 31, 1996
- Achelousaurus Jeffrey Martz <martz@holly.ColoState.EDU> Sunday, March 31, 1996
Mail converted by MHonArc 2.6.10