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Re: RE:dinosaur skull bring a cry from the past
It was David Weishampel who made the PVC pipe _Parasaurolophus_
resonating chamber, in the PBS video "The Great Dinosaur Hunt." He could
blow into a special mouthpiece (which _Para_ didn't have!) to produce a
low-pitched tone. He speculated that such vocalization could have been
used to warn other _Para's_ of a marauding _T. rex_, and the individual
sounding the alarm would not be located easily by the _T. rex_ because
the source of low-pitched tones is more difficult to locate than the
source of high-pitched tones. Also, low-pitched tones travel farther
than high-pitched tones. I don't think the PVC apparatus was a close
match to the anatomy of _Para_, but the principle may be valid.
Elephants use low-pitched tones to locate each other during mating
season. The tones they produce for this purpose are below the range of
human hearing. (Sorry, I don't have references for that information--call
your local zoo!) If they can locate each other with such low-pitched
tones, I don't see why a _T. rex_ couldn't locate a _Para_ making similar
Norman R. King tel: (812) 464-1794
Department of Geosciences fax: (812) 464-1960
University of Southern Indiana
8600 University Blvd.
Evansville, IN 47712 e-mail: nking.ucs@smtp.usi.edu