DINOSAUR-1995Jun by thread
- re:Jurassic Park 2(footprints) Flyinggoat@aol.com Thursday, June 01, 1995
- Re:Jurassic Park 2(leftout bits) Flyinggoat@aol.com Thursday, June 01, 1995
- Re: Virtual reality dinos (+ Flyinggoat@aol.com Thursday, June 01, 1995
- Raptor & Gallimimus toes "D. Williams (813) 744-8200" <WILLIAD5@mail.firn.edu> Thursday, June 01, 1995
- [no subject] wraddatz@wheel.dcn.davis.ca.us (Warren Raddatz) Thursday, June 01, 1995
- Re: Extinction (was Jurassic Intelligence) binder@zk3.dec.com (vitam gustare) Thursday, June 01, 1995
- JP and Dino Skin` jdharris@csn.net (Jerry D. Harris) Thursday, June 01, 1995
- RAPTOR AND JELLO? "D.W.Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Thursday, June 01, 1995
- Re: query about K-T extinction Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Thursday, June 01, 1995
- Exile ending (was Re: query about K-T extinction) Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Thursday, June 01, 1995
- re: JP and noticed oddities Rebecca Howery <rhowery@motown.ge.com> Thursday, June 01, 1995
- RoamingOrGrazingPacksOrHerds STEVEN9120@aol.com Thursday, June 01, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: RoamingOrGrazingPacksOrHerds Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Thursday, June 01, 1995
- Re: RoamingOrGrazingPacksOrHerds John Schneiderman <dino@revelation.unomaha.edu> Thursday, June 01, 1995
- Re: RoamingOrGrazingPacksOrHerds KelMHDino@aol.com Thursday, June 01, 1995
- Re: RoamingOrGrazingPacksOrHerds freeman@netcom.com (Jay Reynolds Freeman) Thursday, June 01, 1995
- Re: RoamingOrGrazingPacksOrHerds KelMHDino@aol.com Thursday, June 01, 1995
- Re: RoamingOrGrazingPacksOrHerds John Schneiderman <dino@revelation.unomaha.edu> Friday, June 02, 1995
- Sheffield WWW site pss1nw@surrey.ac.uk (Nigel Woodger) Thursday, June 01, 1995
- Re: Dinosaur Vacation Map KelMHDino@aol.com Thursday, June 01, 1995
- Re: hominid species Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Thursday, June 01, 1995
- Re: I think I have something ... Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Thursday, June 01, 1995
- Re: Parasaurolophus ornstn@hookup.net (Ronald Orenstein) Thursday, June 01, 1995
- Question on flocks of scavengers Phillip Bigelow <n8010095@henson.cc.wwu.edu> Thursday, June 01, 1995
- the last word on JP the movie? :) Timothy Isles <tisles@sol.uvic.ca> Thursday, June 01, 1995
- reference help Mikiel <Mikiel@ASU.Edu> Thursday, June 01, 1995
- sauropod? vertebra NEIL CLARK <NCLARK@museum.gla.ac.uk> Thursday, June 01, 1995
- Re: JP Opinion jpoling@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Jeff Poling) Thursday, June 01, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: JP Opinion Derek Tearne <derek@iconz.co.nz> Thursday, June 01, 1995
- Re: JP Opinion jpoling@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Jeff Poling) Thursday, June 01, 1995
- Re: JP Opinion Kiran Wagle <groo@netcom.com> Friday, June 02, 1995
- Re: JP Opinion Flyinggoat@aol.com Friday, June 02, 1995
- Re: JP Opinion Paul McRae <mcrae@gaul.csd.uwo.ca> Friday, June 02, 1995
- Re: JP Opinion BP9238@KUHUB.CC.UKANS.EDU Friday, June 02, 1995
- Re: JP Opinion KelMHDino@aol.com Friday, June 02, 1995
- Re: JP Opinion jdharris@csn.net (Jerry D. Harris) Friday, June 02, 1995
- Re: Some silly misinformed journalists' been at it again! jshields@iol.ie (James Shields) Thursday, June 01, 1995
- Re: Some silly misinformed jo... KelMHDino@aol.com Thursday, June 01, 1995
- Some vision stuff rowe@lepomis.psych.upenn.edu (Mickey Rowe) Thursday, June 01, 1995
- JP Bloopers skshow@Rt66.com Thursday, June 01, 1995
- JP images? rowe@lepomis.psych.upenn.edu (Mickey Rowe) Thursday, June 01, 1995
- DIATRYMA DDelano65@aol.com Thursday, June 01, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: DIATRYMA Phillip Bigelow <n8010095@henson.cc.wwu.edu> Thursday, June 01, 1995
- Re: DIATRYMA Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Friday, June 02, 1995
- "terrible bird"? PESELYG@LYNX.APSU.EDU Thursday, June 01, 1995
- Jefff Poling is Graduating!! Greg Claytor <greg1@svpal.org> Friday, June 02, 1995
- Lysine Stang1996@aol.com Friday, June 02, 1995
- Re: and where did the parents come from? Sundance Bilson-Thompson <kickaha@student.adelaide.edu.au> Friday, June 02, 1995
- DIATRYMA: ITS SKULL "D.W.Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Friday, June 02, 1995
- Lysine some more. Chris Geatch <cig100@unix.york.ac.uk> Friday, June 02, 1995
- Re:JP and noticed oddities. Flyinggoat@aol.com Friday, June 02, 1995
- ARCHAIC WHALES "D.W.Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Friday, June 02, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: ARCHAIC WHALES cnedin@geology.adelaide.edu.au (Chris Nedin) Friday, June 02, 1995
- Real Dino Types Ralph Chapman <MNHAD002@SIVM.SI.EDU> Friday, June 02, 1995
- K/T survivors "Bonnie Blackwell, x 3332" <bonn@qcvaxa.acc.qc.edu> Friday, June 02, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: K/T survivors ST-grock@artemis.earth.monash.edu.au (Darren R. Grocke) Friday, June 02, 1995
- Re: K/T survivors Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Friday, June 02, 1995
- Re: K/T survivors jshields@iol.ie (James Shields) Friday, June 02, 1995
- Re: K/T survivors jdharris@csn.net (Jerry D. Harris) Friday, June 02, 1995
- Dinornis (was Re: "terrible bird"?) Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Friday, June 02, 1995
- old paleontologists "Bonnie Blackwell, x 3332" <bonn@qcvaxa.acc.qc.edu> Friday, June 02, 1995
- Bakker? NEIL CLARK <NCLARK@museum.gla.ac.uk> Friday, June 02, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: Bakker? KelMHDino@aol.com Friday, June 02, 1995
- Re: Bakker? derek@iconz.co.nz (Derek Tearne) Friday, June 02, 1995
- Re: Bakker? jshields@iol.ie (James Shields) Friday, June 02, 1995
- Re: Bakker? DragonFyr@aol.com Friday, June 02, 1995
- Re: Bakker? KelMHDino@aol.com Saturday, June 03, 1995
- Re: Bakker? wraddatz@wheel.dcn.davis.ca.us (Warren Raddatz) Monday, June 05, 1995
- Re: Bakker? jshields@iol.ie (James Shields) Wednesday, June 07, 1995
- Re: and where did the parents... KelMHDino@aol.com Friday, June 02, 1995
- PENGUINS... HIBERNATING? "D.W.Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Friday, June 02, 1995
- dino enthusiasm psparks@CERF.NET (paul sparks) Friday, June 02, 1995
- re: more JP - delete if you so desire Rebecca Howery <rhowery@motown.ge.com> Friday, June 02, 1995
- err.. "D.W.Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Friday, June 02, 1995
- Packs of Deinonychus anatomy@acl.nyit.edu Friday, June 02, 1995
- MOA jokes Ray McAllister <mcallist@gate.net> Friday, June 02, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: MOA jokes derek@iconz.co.nz (Derek Tearne) Friday, June 02, 1995
- DINO program on Discovery TONITE Ray McAllister <mcallist@gate.net> Friday, June 02, 1995
- The Question Of The Day ? STEVEN9120@aol.com Friday, June 02, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: The Question Of The Day ? Ray McAllister <mcallist@gate.net> Friday, June 02, 1995
- Re: The Question Of The Day ? KelMHDino@aol.com Friday, June 02, 1995
- re: The Question Of The Day ? Rebecca Howery <rhowery@motown.ge.com> Friday, June 02, 1995
- Re: The Question Of The Day ? binder@zk3.dec.com (vitam gustare) Friday, June 02, 1995
- Re: The Question Of The Day ? "Dan Lipkowitz" <lipkowit@midway.uchicago.edu> Friday, June 02, 1995
- re: The Question Of The Day ? Greg Claytor <greg1@svpal.org> Friday, June 02, 1995
- Re: The Question Of The Day ? Mike Bonham <bonham@jade.ab.ca> Friday, June 02, 1995
- Re: The Question Of The Day ? BP9238@KUHUB.CC.UKANS.EDU Friday, June 02, 1995
- Re: The Question Of The Day ? John Schneiderman <dino@revelation.unomaha.edu> Friday, June 02, 1995
- Re: The Question Of The Day ? jpoling@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Jeff Poling) Friday, June 02, 1995
- re: The Question Of The Day ? Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Friday, June 02, 1995
- re: The Question Of The Day ? freeman@netcom.com (Jay Reynolds Freeman) Friday, June 02, 1995
- Re: The Question Of The Day ? jdharris@csn.net (Jerry D. Harris) Friday, June 02, 1995
- Re: The Question of The Day ? Phillip Bigelow <n8010095@henson.cc.wwu.edu> Friday, June 02, 1995
- Re: The Question Of The Day ? jshields@iol.ie (James Shields) Friday, June 02, 1995
- Re: The Question Of The Day ? ST-grock@artemis.earth.monash.edu.au (Darren R. Grocke) Friday, June 02, 1995
- Re: The Question Of The Day ? "Robert G. Tuck Jr." <tuckr@ddi.digital.net> Friday, June 02, 1995
- Re: The Question Of The Day ? Stephen Okay <sokay@snm.com> Saturday, June 03, 1995
- Re:The Question Of The Day ? hgarman@eagle.wbm.ca (Henry Garman) Saturday, June 03, 1995
- Re: The Question Of The Day ? Flyinggoat@aol.com Saturday, June 03, 1995
- Re: The Question Of The Day ? Renee83512@aol.com Sunday, June 04, 1995
- Re: The Question Of The Day ? Skip Dahlgren <SDAHLGREN@liblan.uams.edu> Sunday, June 04, 1995
- Re: The Question Of The Day ? Bill Adlam <bill.adlam@st-peters.oxford.ac.uk> Sunday, June 04, 1995
- Re: The Question Of The Day ? Lee Jefferis <ljefferi@mt1669.ddo.mt.blm.gov> Monday, June 05, 1995
- Re: The Question Of The Day ? Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Monday, June 05, 1995
- Re: patience... Ray McAllister <mcallist@gate.net> Friday, June 02, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: patience... Lee Jefferis <ljefferi@mt1669.ddo.mt.blm.gov> Friday, June 02, 1995
- patience... "Bob Bakker" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Friday, June 02, 1995
- Re: dino-enthusiasm Phillip Bigelow <n8010095@henson.cc.wwu.edu> Friday, June 02, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: dino-enthusiasm PAVW98B@prodigy.com (MRS KATHY M VICKERS) Friday, June 02, 1995
- Re: dino-enthusiasm wraddatz@wheel.dcn.davis.ca.us (Warren Raddatz) Monday, June 05, 1995
- (1) Extinction; (2) Mercury "Terry Colvin" <colvint@CC.IMS.DISA.MIL> Friday, June 02, 1995
- Re: Extinction binder@zk3.dec.com (vitam gustare) Friday, June 02, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: Extinction jshields@iol.ie (James Shields) Friday, June 02, 1995
- Re: Extinction jdharris@csn.net (Jerry D. Harris) Friday, June 02, 1995
- Bakker who? U_WIGNALL@SLCCVA.CC.SLCC.EDU Friday, June 02, 1995
- Diatryma Footprints and ICZN Stang1996@aol.com Friday, June 02, 1995
- Thecodonts? "Terry Colvin" <colvint@CC.IMS.DISA.MIL> Friday, June 02, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: Thecodonts? jpoling@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Jeff Poling) Friday, June 02, 1995
- Re: Thecodonts? Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Friday, June 02, 1995
- Re: Diatryma footprints Phillip Bigelow <n8010095@henson.cc.wwu.edu> Friday, June 02, 1995
- Dixie the Dino wraddatz@wheel.dcn.davis.ca.us (Warren Raddatz) Friday, June 02, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: Dixie the Dino Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Friday, June 02, 1995
- Re: Dixie the Dino jshields@iol.ie (James Shields) Friday, June 02, 1995
- Re: Dixie the Dino wraddatz@wheel.dcn.davis.ca.us (Warren Raddatz) Monday, June 05, 1995
- Re: Dixie the Dino jshields@iol.ie (James Shields) Wednesday, June 07, 1995
- Re: Dixie the Dino wraddatz@wheel.dcn.davis.ca.us (Warren Raddatz) Thursday, June 08, 1995
- The Question Ralph Chapman <MNHAD002@SIVM.SI.EDU> Friday, June 02, 1995
- Re: re: The Question Of The D... KelMHDino@aol.com Friday, June 02, 1995
- Dinos on Discovery--NOT!!! Ray McAllister <mcallist@gate.net> Friday, June 02, 1995
- Dinos on the Learning Channel TONITE! Ray McAllister <mcallist@gate.net> Friday, June 02, 1995
- Favorites. Robert Hill <banded9@haven.ios.com> Friday, June 02, 1995
- Bakker / The Question of the Day Stang1996@aol.com Friday, June 02, 1995
- Mystery Ceratopsian DAVEH47@delphi.com Friday, June 02, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: Mystery Ceratopsian KelMHDino@aol.com Saturday, June 03, 1995
- Re: Mystery Ceratopsian NEIL CLARK <NCLARK@museum.gla.ac.uk> Sunday, June 04, 1995
- Re: Mystery Ceratopsian John Schneiderman <dino@revelation.unomaha.edu> Sunday, June 04, 1995
- Re: Mystery Ceratopsian hgarman@eagle.wbm.ca (Henry Garman) Sunday, June 04, 1995
- Re: Mystery Ceratopsian Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Monday, June 05, 1995
- Re: Mystery Ceratopsian Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Monday, June 05, 1995
- "Sue" DAVEH47@delphi.com Friday, June 02, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: "Sue" KelMHDino@aol.com Saturday, June 03, 1995
- Re: T. rex eating habits Steve Jackson <sj@io.com> Saturday, June 03, 1995
- Introduction & poser astile@candelo.dpie.gov.au (Amy Tilescia) Saturday, June 03, 1995
- Old?plus question of the day. wraddatz@wheel.dcn.davis.ca.us (Warren Raddatz) Saturday, June 03, 1995
- Re: Jurassic Park 2 Steve Jackson <sj@io.com> Saturday, June 03, 1995
- Hi! DAVEH47@delphi.com Saturday, June 03, 1995
- Birth to live young? DAVEH47@delphi.com Saturday, June 03, 1995
- The Question Of The Day-After chartiem@ERE.UMontreal.CA (Chartier Michel) Saturday, June 03, 1995
- Re: Hello! Phillip Bigelow <n8010095@henson.cc.wwu.edu> Saturday, June 03, 1995
- Favorate dinosaur (again) Stang1996@aol.com Saturday, June 03, 1995
- Utahraptor+JP hgarman@eagle.wbm.ca (Henry Garman) Saturday, June 03, 1995
(Possible followups)
- RE: Utahraptor+JP "D. Williams (813) 744-8200" <WILLIAD5@mail.firn.edu> Saturday, June 03, 1995
- Favourite Dinosaur & Why jmorris@Direct.CA (Joel R. Morris/darrel A. Seyler) Saturday, June 03, 1995
- Jurassic Park site "D. Williams (813) 744-8200" <WILLIAD5@mail.firn.edu> Saturday, June 03, 1995
- address wanted hgarman@eagle.wbm.ca (Henry Garman) Saturday, June 03, 1995
- Disbelief Darick Chamberlin <drogue@eskimo.com> Saturday, June 03, 1995
- Re:Jurassic Park [ftp] site Dawn E Stano 72/661-0950 <STANOD@utelfla.com> Saturday, June 03, 1995
- Bird Origins + Ref: ST-grock@artemis.earth.monash.edu.au (Darren R. Grocke) Sunday, June 04, 1995
- Sue and her "family" stuart.milliken@geofuel.north.net (Stuart Milliken) Sunday, June 04, 1995
- Naming of Dinos DAVEH47@delphi.com Sunday, June 04, 1995
- Amy's "Poser" DAVEH47@delphi.com Sunday, June 04, 1995
- Re: Sue and "family" Phillip Bigelow <n8010095@henson.cc.wwu.edu> Sunday, June 04, 1995
- Stegosaurus mating "D. Williams (813) 744-8200" <WILLIAD5@mail.firn.edu> Sunday, June 04, 1995
- Deinosuchus hgarman@eagle.wbm.ca (Henry Garman) Sunday, June 04, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Deinosuchus pwillis@ozemail.com.au (Paul Willis) Monday, June 05, 1995
- Deinosuchus Phillip Bigelow <n8010095@henson.cc.wwu.edu> Monday, June 05, 1995
- Re: Deinosuchus Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Monday, June 05, 1995
- Deinosuchus pwillis@ozemail.com.au (Paul Willis) Tuesday, June 06, 1995
- Re: Deinosuchus hgarman@eagle.wbm.ca (Henry Garman) Tuesday, June 06, 1995
- Re: Deinosuchus ed.godsey@cdmg.uucp.netcom.com (Ed Godsey) Wednesday, June 14, 1995
- misidentified theropod PESELYG@LYNX.APSU.EDU Sunday, June 04, 1995
- new refs. Mikiel <Mikiel@ASU.Edu> Sunday, June 04, 1995
(Possible followups)
- new refs. Mikiel <Mikiel@ASU.Edu> Thursday, June 15, 1995
- new refs. Mikiel <Mikiel@ASU.Edu> Saturday, June 24, 1995
- new refs. Mikiel <Mikiel@ASU.Edu> Sunday, June 25, 1995
- Blunders in Vert. Paleo + Nopcsa Stang1996@aol.com Monday, June 05, 1995
- French jpoling@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Jeff Poling) Monday, June 05, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: French Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Monday, June 05, 1995
- Re: French Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Monday, June 05, 1995
- Re: French jpoling@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Jeff Poling) Monday, June 05, 1995
- Re: French Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Monday, June 05, 1995
- favourites Tony Thulborn <paswamp@mailbox.uq.oz.au> Monday, June 05, 1995
- My fav dino and fam pal'ist NEIL CLARK <NCLARK@museum.gla.ac.uk> Monday, June 05, 1995
- JP mistakes pwillis@ozemail.com.au (Paul Willis) Monday, June 05, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: JP mistakes Ray McAllister <mcallist@gate.net> Monday, June 05, 1995
- Re: JP mistakes jpoling@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Jeff Poling) Monday, June 05, 1995
- Re: JP mistakes Joseph Cotton <jmcotton@nando.net> Tuesday, June 06, 1995
- Nopsca pwillis@ozemail.com.au (Paul Willis) Monday, June 05, 1995
- VIVAPARITY "D.W.Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Monday, June 05, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: VIVAPARITY jdharris@csn.net (Jerry D. Harris) Monday, June 05, 1995
- Re: VIVAPARITY KelMHDino@aol.com Monday, June 05, 1995
- Re: VIVAPARITY Ray McAllister <mcallist@gate.net> Monday, June 05, 1995
- Re: VIVAPARITY ed.godsey@cdmg.uucp.netcom.com (Ed Godsey) Wednesday, June 14, 1995
- favorite dino "Moody, Scott" <Moody@mail.oucom.ohiou.edu> Monday, June 05, 1995
- BIG CROCS - REALLY, REALLY BIG CROCS "D.W.Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Monday, June 05, 1995
- PBS (OR WHATEVER?) CERATOPSIAN WITH NASAL HORN.. "D.W.Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Monday, June 05, 1995
- More Megalancosaurus chartiem@ERE.UMontreal.CA (Chartier Michel) Monday, June 05, 1995
- Favorite dinosaur "Ed Montes" <EMONTES@us.oracle.com> Monday, June 05, 1995
- BIG CROCS II "D.W.Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Monday, June 05, 1995
- Favorite Living Fossil? Skip Dahlgren <SDAHLGREN@liblan.uams.edu> Monday, June 05, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: Favorite Living Fossil? freeman@netcom.com (Jay Reynolds Freeman) Monday, June 05, 1995
- Re: Favorite Living Fossil? @lepomis.psych.upenn.edu:murphy!acmcr!vr (Vicki Rosenzweig) Monday, June 05, 1995
- Re: Favorite Living Fossil? grenard <grenard@herpmed.com> Monday, June 05, 1995
- Re: Favorite Living Fossil? Phillip Bigelow <n8010095@henson.cc.wwu.edu> Monday, June 05, 1995
- Re: Favorite Living Fossil? Ray McAllister <mcallist@gate.net> Monday, June 05, 1995
- Re: Favorite Living Fossil? Greg Claytor <greg1@svpal.org> Monday, June 05, 1995
- Re: Favorite Living Fossil? hgarman@eagle.wbm.ca (Henry Garman) Monday, June 05, 1995
- Re: Favorite Living Fossil? Derek Tearne <derek@iconz.co.nz> Tuesday, June 06, 1995
- Re: Favorite Living Fossil? Renee83512@aol.com Tuesday, June 06, 1995
- Re: Favorite Living Fossil? KelMHDino@aol.com Tuesday, June 06, 1995
- Re: Favorite Living Fossil? NEIL CLARK <NCLARK@museum.gla.ac.uk> Tuesday, June 06, 1995
- Re: Favorite Living Fossil? STUCHKUS@GG.csc.peachnet.edu Wednesday, June 07, 1995
- Re: PBS (OR WHATEVER?) CERATO... KelMHDino@aol.com Monday, June 05, 1995
- Re: languages Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Monday, June 05, 1995
- Deinonychosauria (was Re: The Question Of The Day ?) Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Monday, June 05, 1995
- Archosaur phylogeny (was Re: Thecodonts?) Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Monday, June 05, 1995
- Dinosauria (was Re: Amy's "Poser") Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Monday, June 05, 1995
- favorite dino/living fossil jbauer@capital.edu (John Bauer) Monday, June 05, 1995
- Dinosaur Radiography "Rafert, John" <JRAFERT@xray.indyrad.iupui.edu> Monday, June 05, 1995
- Re: Deinonychosauria jpoling@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Jeff Poling) Monday, June 05, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: Deinonychosauria Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Monday, June 05, 1995
- Re: Deinonychosauria jpoling@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Jeff Poling) Monday, June 05, 1995
- Re: Deinonychosauria Mike Bonham <bonham@jade.ab.ca> Monday, June 05, 1995
- Re: Deinonychosauria "Moody, Scott" <Moody@mail.oucom.ohiou.edu> Tuesday, June 06, 1995
- Re: Deinonychosauria Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Tuesday, June 06, 1995
- Re: Deinonychosauria pwillis@ozemail.com.au (Paul Willis) Wednesday, June 07, 1995
- Therizinosauroids (was Re: French) Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Monday, June 05, 1995
- Dixie continued... wraddatz@wheel.dcn.davis.ca.us (Warren Raddatz) Monday, June 05, 1995
- viviparity Bill Adlam <bill.adlam@st-peters.oxford.ac.uk> Monday, June 05, 1995
- Sauropod viviparity Bill Adlam <bill.adlam@st-peters.oxford.ac.uk> Monday, June 05, 1995
- Re: Forum rowe@lepomis.psych.upenn.edu (Mickey Rowe) Monday, June 05, 1995
- Cladism (akin to masochism) jpoling@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Jeff Poling) Monday, June 05, 1995
- Aussie dinos + other stuff Sundance Bilson-Thompson <kickaha@student.adelaide.edu.au> Tuesday, June 06, 1995
- birds are reptiles?! Tony Thulborn <paswamp@mailbox.uq.oz.au> Tuesday, June 06, 1995
- favorite living fossil "Moody, Scott" <Moody@mail.oucom.ohiou.edu> Tuesday, June 06, 1995
- living fossils Bill Adlam <bill.adlam@st-peters.oxford.ac.uk> Tuesday, June 06, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: living fossils @lepomis.psych.upenn.edu:murphy!acmcr!vr (Vicki Rosenzweig) Tuesday, June 06, 1995
- Re: living fossils "John W. Atwood, Computer Specialist, Bismarck, ND "<jwatwood@wrdmail.er.usgs.gov> Tuesday, June 06, 1995
- Re: living fossils pwillis@ozemail.com.au (Paul Willis) Wednesday, June 07, 1995
- Atlanta, Georgia exhibit Dan Phelps <JFCOST00@UKCC.uky.edu> Tuesday, June 06, 1995
- Hot Moa Debate [[Living Fossil?]] "Terry Colvin" <colvint@CC.IMS.DISA.MIL> Tuesday, June 06, 1995
- RE: Oxymoron/Living Fossil grenard <grenard@herpmed.com> Tuesday, June 06, 1995
- more stupid JP stuff BRIN736@aol.com Tuesday, June 06, 1995
- Re: Travelling Chinese exhibit "Randy King, go player and all-around swell guy!" <rking@flir.com> Tuesday, June 06, 1995
- Sinornithoides Ralph Chapman <MNHAD002@SIVM.SI.EDU> Tuesday, June 06, 1995
- Rank taxonomy (was Re: Cladism (akin to masochism)) Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Tuesday, June 06, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: Rank taxonomy (was Re: Cladism (akin to masochism)) jpoling@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Jeff Poling) Wednesday, June 07, 1995
- Re: Rank taxonomy (was Re: Cladism (akin to masochism)) jshields@iol.ie (James Shields) Wednesday, June 07, 1995
- Re: Rank taxonomy (was Re: Cladism (akin to masochism)) Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Wednesday, June 07, 1995
- Re: Rank taxonomy (was Re: Cladism (akin to masochism)) jpoling@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Jeff Poling) Wednesday, June 07, 1995
- Re: Rank taxonomy (was Re: Cladism (akin to masochism)) Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Wednesday, June 07, 1995
- Re: Rank taxonomy (was Re: Cladism (akin to masochism)) jpoling@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Jeff Poling) Wednesday, June 07, 1995
- Re: Rank taxonomy (was Re: Cladism (akin to masochism)) jpoling@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Jeff Poling) Wednesday, June 07, 1995
- Re: Rank taxonomy (was Re: Cladism (akin to masochism)) jshields@iol.ie (James Shields) Wednesday, June 07, 1995
- Re: THERIZINOSAUROIDS jdharris@csn.net (Jerry D. Harris) Wednesday, June 07, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: THERIZINOSAUROIDS jdharris@csn.net (Jerry D. Harris) Wednesday, June 07, 1995
- THERIZINOSAUROIDS "D.W.Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Wednesday, June 07, 1995
- Re: THERIZINOSAUROIDS Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Wednesday, June 07, 1995
- Re: THERIZINOSAUROIDS Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Wednesday, June 07, 1995
- Re: THERIZINOSAUROIDS Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Wednesday, June 07, 1995
- Re: THERIZINOSAUROIDS Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Wednesday, June 07, 1995
- Re: THERIZINOSAUROIDS Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Wednesday, June 07, 1995
- T. REX cf. BROOKSIA "D.W.Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Wednesday, June 07, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: T. REX cf. BROOKSIA Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Wednesday, June 07, 1995
- Re: T. REX cf. BROOKSIA Bill Adlam <bill.adlam@st-peters.oxford.ac.uk> Wednesday, June 07, 1995
- Re: T. REX cf. BROOKSIA Derek Tearne <derek@iconz.co.nz> Wednesday, June 07, 1995
- Re: T. REX cf. BROOKSIA Flyinggoat@aol.com Friday, June 09, 1995
- Re: T. REX cf. BROOKSIA Jeff Feeback <jfeeback@systema.westark.edu> Friday, June 09, 1995
- Re: #1(3) DINOSAUR digest 464 BRIN736@aol.com Wednesday, June 07, 1995
- LIVING FOSSILS - ARGH! "D.W.Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Wednesday, June 07, 1995
- Aussie Refs: ST-grock@artemis.earth.monash.edu.au (Darren R. Grocke) Wednesday, June 07, 1995
- Re: Aussie Dinosaurs ST-grock@artemis.earth.monash.edu.au (Darren R. Grocke) Wednesday, June 07, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: Aussie Dinosaurs art@acc.com (Art Berggreen) Wednesday, June 07, 1995
- Aussie Dinosaurs pwillis@ozemail.com.au (Paul Willis) Wednesday, June 07, 1995
- Re: Aussie Dinosaurs ST-grock@artemis.earth.monash.edu.au (Darren R. Grocke) Wednesday, June 07, 1995
- Re: Aussie Dinosaurs Mikiel <Mikiel@ASU.Edu> Tuesday, June 13, 1995
- Re: Aussie Dinosaurs wraddatz@wheel.dcn.davis.ca.us (Warren Raddatz) Tuesday, June 13, 1995
- Is this a reasonable price? Greg Claytor <greg1@svpal.org> Wednesday, June 07, 1995
- Re: Running dinos jdharris@csn.net (Jerry D. Harris) Wednesday, June 07, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Running dinos jpoling@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Jeff Poling) Wednesday, June 07, 1995
- Re: Running dinos cnedin@geology.adelaide.edu.au (Chris Nedin) Wednesday, June 07, 1995
- Re: Running dinos Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Wednesday, June 07, 1995
- Re: USA today today (yesterday) Phillip Bigelow <n8010095@henson.cc.wwu.edu> Wednesday, June 07, 1995
- Theropod forearm musculature cnedin@geology.adelaide.edu.au (Chris Nedin) Wednesday, June 07, 1995
- Greg Paul and _Alxasaurus_ Stang1996@aol.com Wednesday, June 07, 1995
- Re: Cladism and Ranking Phillip Bigelow <n8010095@henson.cc.wwu.edu> Wednesday, June 07, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: Cladism and Ranking jpoling@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Jeff Poling) Wednesday, June 07, 1995
- Traffic level art@acc.com (Art Berggreen) Wednesday, June 07, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: Traffic level art@acc.com (Art Berggreen) Wednesday, June 07, 1995
- Pennsylvanian Fossil Jellyfish rowe@lepomis.psych.upenn.edu (Mickey Rowe) Wednesday, June 07, 1995
- String breaking & real Q's, sortta Lightwaves@aol.com Wednesday, June 07, 1995
- embryos pwillis@ozemail.com.au (Paul Willis) Wednesday, June 07, 1995
- Re: USA Today today Ray McAllister <mcallist@gate.net> Wednesday, June 07, 1995
(Possible followups)
- USA Today today "Chris Illes" <chris_illes@qm.claris.com> Wednesday, June 07, 1995
- Favorite Living Fossil. Stang1996@aol.com Wednesday, June 07, 1995
- Russians in the USA!!!! ST-grock@artemis.earth.monash.edu.au (Darren R. Grocke) Wednesday, June 07, 1995
- miscellaneous questions Phillip Bigelow <n8010095@henson.cc.wwu.edu> Wednesday, June 07, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: miscellaneous questions Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Thursday, June 08, 1995
- Re: miscellaneous questions Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Thursday, June 08, 1995
- Re: miscellaneous questions jdharris@csn.net (Jerry D. Harris) Thursday, June 08, 1995
- Re: miscellaneous questions jdharris@csn.net (Jerry D. Harris) Thursday, June 08, 1995
- Re: miscellaneous questions Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Thursday, June 08, 1995
- Re: miscellaneous questions ornstn@hookup.net (Ronald Orenstein) Friday, June 09, 1995
- Favorite Dinos DAVEH47@delphi.com Wednesday, June 07, 1995
- Comments on JP errors DAVEH47@delphi.com Wednesday, June 07, 1995
- Platypus a living fossil? DAVEH47@delphi.com Wednesday, June 07, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: Platypus a living fossil? jshields@iol.ie (James Shields) Thursday, June 08, 1995
- Re: Platypus a living fossil? ornstn@hookup.net (Ronald Orenstein) Friday, June 09, 1995
- Re: Platypus a living fossil? Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Friday, June 09, 1995
- Re: Platypus a living fossil? Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Monday, June 12, 1995
- Re: Platypus a living fossil? ornstn@hookup.net (Ronald Orenstein) Tuesday, June 13, 1995
- Re: Platypus a living fossil? Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Monday, June 19, 1995
- Fishy crocs? DAVEH47@delphi.com Wednesday, June 07, 1995
- Kronosaurus DAVEH47@delphi.com Wednesday, June 07, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: Kronosaurus Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Friday, June 09, 1995
- Re: Kronosaurus DAVEH47@delphi.com Saturday, June 10, 1995
- Dino live birth...Yes! DAVEH47@delphi.com Wednesday, June 07, 1995
- Meeting Dr Bakker DAVEH47@delphi.com Wednesday, June 07, 1995
(Possible followups)
- RE: Meeting Dr Bakker "Moody, Scott" <Moody@mail.oucom.ohiou.edu> Thursday, June 08, 1995
- Will the real Tanystropheus please stand up?! DAVEH47@delphi.com Wednesday, June 07, 1995
- raven Tony Thulborn <paswamp@mailbox.uq.oz.au> Wednesday, June 07, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: raven VanKathy@aol.com Sunday, June 18, 1995
- Re: raven rowe@lepomis.psych.upenn.edu (Mickey Rowe) Sunday, June 18, 1995
- Traveling Chinese/Canadian Exhibit wraddatz@wheel.dcn.davis.ca.us (Warren Raddatz) Thursday, June 08, 1995
- CASSOWARIES AND APOLOGIES "D.W.Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Thursday, June 08, 1995
- theropod forearms BRUSH@UConnVM.UConn.Edu Thursday, June 08, 1995
- Re: T. REX cf. BROOKSIA (fwd) "D.W.Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Thursday, June 08, 1995
- bogus taxonoy pwillis@ozemail.com.au (Paul Willis) Thursday, June 08, 1995
- Re: THERIZINOSAUROIDS (fwd) "D.W.Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Thursday, June 08, 1995
- CASSOWARIES II "D.W.Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Thursday, June 08, 1995
- BASAL ORNITHOMIMOSAURS "D.W.Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Thursday, June 08, 1995
- Fossil on CD-ROM/ON-LINE Phillip Bigelow <n8010095@henson.cc.wwu.edu> Thursday, June 08, 1995
- Crow & Raven Intelligence Skip Dahlgren <SDAHLGREN@liblan.uams.edu> Thursday, June 08, 1995
- THINGS OF INTEREST... "D.W.Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Thursday, June 08, 1995
- Eoraptor "Judy M. Lundquist" <lundq@iia2.org> Thursday, June 08, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: Eoraptor Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Friday, June 09, 1995
- Holy Bob! DinoLvr@ix.netcom.com (Kelly Milner-Halls ) Thursday, June 08, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: Holy Bob! STEVEN9120@aol.com Thursday, June 08, 1995
- Some references Ralph Chapman <MNHAD002@SIVM.SI.EDU> Thursday, June 08, 1995
- Response to Coleman "Terry Colvin" <colvint@CC.IMS.DISA.MIL> Thursday, June 08, 1995
- Titan's revenge Tony Thulborn <paswamp@mailbox.uq.oz.au> Friday, June 09, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: Titan's revenge Marie Bissette <bissette@laplaza.taos.nm.us> Tuesday, June 20, 1995
- Sauropod live birth - maybe Tony Thulborn <paswamp@mailbox.uq.oz.au> Friday, June 09, 1995
- eastern us dinos (2nd attempt) "Considine, Blaise" <bpc.apa@email.apa.org> Friday, June 09, 1995
- Re: ad hominem [[GS - General Semantics]] "Terry Colvin" <colvint@CC.IMS.DISA.MIL> Friday, June 09, 1995
- Thom's East coast Dinos DinoLvr@ix.netcom.com (Kelly Milner-Halls ) Friday, June 09, 1995
- TERMITE EATERS? YEAH RIGHT.. "D.W.Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Friday, June 09, 1995
- one more try... Timothy Isles <tisles@sol.uvic.ca> Friday, June 09, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: one more try... Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Friday, June 09, 1995
- A couple more refs Ralph Chapman <MNHAD002@SIVM.SI.EDU> Friday, June 09, 1995
- Are there really any Styracosaur bonebeds? "Pat Grant (Library: Serials Catalog" <PATG@VAX2.CONCORDIA.CA> Friday, June 09, 1995
- fish and other monsters PESELYG@LYNX.APSU.EDU Friday, June 09, 1995
- Ceratopsian leg position "Rafert, John" <JRAFERT@xray.indyrad.iupui.edu> Friday, June 09, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: Ceratopsian leg position Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Friday, June 09, 1995
- Re: Ceratopsian leg position Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Friday, June 09, 1995
- Re: Ceratopsian leg position Amado Narvaez <anarvaez@umd5.umd.edu> Friday, June 09, 1995
- Re: Ceratopsian leg position jshields@iol.ie (James Shields) Friday, June 09, 1995
- Re: Ceratopsian leg position DAVEH47@delphi.com Saturday, June 10, 1995
- Re: Ceratopsian leg position Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Monday, June 19, 1995
- dem bones "Considine, Blaise" <bpc.apa@email.apa.org> Friday, June 09, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: dem bones Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Friday, June 09, 1995
- Re: dem bones Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Friday, June 09, 1995
- Re: dem bones Phillip Bigelow <n8010095@henson.cc.wwu.edu> Friday, June 09, 1995
- Re: dem bones NEIL CLARK <NCLARK@museum.gla.ac.uk> Saturday, June 10, 1995
- Re: dem bones Neil Clark <NCLARK@museum.gla.ac.uk> Saturday, June 10, 1995
- Therizinosaur diet John Schneiderman <dino@revelation.unomaha.edu> Friday, June 09, 1995
- Re: Hello ? art@acc.com (Art Berggreen) Friday, June 09, 1995
- Dinos on National Public Radio Phillip Bigelow <n8010095@henson.cc.wwu.edu> Friday, June 09, 1995
- Therizanosaurs + Cladistics Stang1996@aol.com Friday, June 09, 1995
- Administrivia rowe@lepomis.psych.upenn.edu (Mickey Rowe) Friday, June 09, 1995
- Jurassic Park GinaS@ix.netcom.com (Joseph Scelso) Friday, June 09, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: Jurassic Park bz050@freenet.carleton.ca (Ben S. Roesch) Saturday, June 10, 1995
- Re: Jurassic Park jshields@iol.ie (James Shields) Saturday, June 10, 1995
- Re: Jurassic Park John Schneiderman <dino@revelation.unomaha.edu> Sunday, June 11, 1995
- Linnean Ornithischia Stang1996@aol.com Friday, June 09, 1995
- Linnean Theropoda Stang1996@aol.com Friday, June 09, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: Linnean Theropoda Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Monday, June 12, 1995
- JP Plants Gilfredo Rodriguez <ab564@seorf.ohiou.edu> Friday, June 09, 1995
- JP Mistake Gilfredo Rodriguez <ab564@seorf.ohiou.edu> Friday, June 09, 1995
- Linnean Sauropods + Boo Boos Stang1996@aol.com Friday, June 09, 1995
- Sauropod reproduction Bill Adlam <bill.adlam@st-peters.oxford.ac.uk> Saturday, June 10, 1995
- Switerland DLarwa@aol.com Saturday, June 10, 1995
- Hunterian Web Page Bill Adlam <bill.adlam@st-peters.oxford.ac.uk> Saturday, June 10, 1995
- Battat's hair jpoling@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Jeff Poling) Saturday, June 10, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: Battat's hair derek@iconz.co.nz (Derek Tearne) Sunday, June 11, 1995
- Re: Battat's hair jpoling@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Jeff Poling) Sunday, June 11, 1995
- Re: Battat's hair "Jerry D. Harris" <jdharris@csn.net> Sunday, June 11, 1995
- Re: Battat's hair Phillip Bigelow <n8010095@henson.cc.wwu.edu> Sunday, June 11, 1995
- Re: Battat's hair "Robert G. Tuck Jr." <tuckr@ddi.digital.net> Sunday, June 11, 1995
- Re: Battat's hair Stang1996@aol.com Monday, June 12, 1995
- Re: Battat's hair NEIL CLARK <NCLARK@museum.gla.ac.uk> Monday, June 12, 1995
- Re: Battat's hair "Rafert, John" <JRAFERT@xray.indyrad.iupui.edu> Monday, June 12, 1995
- Re: Battat's hair Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Monday, June 12, 1995
- Re: Battat's hair Skip Dahlgren <SDAHLGREN@liblan.uams.edu> Monday, June 12, 1995
- Re: Battat's hair pss1nw@surrey.ac.uk (Nigel Woodger) Monday, June 12, 1995
- Re: Battat's hair pwillis@ozemail.com.au (Paul Willis) Tuesday, June 13, 1995
- Re: Battat's hair "Moody, Scott" <Moody@mail.oucom.ohiou.edu> Tuesday, June 13, 1995
- Re: Therizanosaurs and Cladistics Phillip Bigelow <n8010095@henson.cc.wwu.edu> Saturday, June 10, 1995
- Dino Clip Art DLarwa@aol.com Saturday, June 10, 1995
(Possible followups)
- RE: Dino Clip Art "Rafert, John" <JRAFERT@xray.indyrad.iupui.edu> Monday, June 12, 1995
- In Defense of Cladistics Phillip Bigelow <n8010095@henson.cc.wwu.edu> Saturday, June 10, 1995
- Mail glut marty@bb.iu.net (Marty Loss) Saturday, June 10, 1995
- Re: Unsubscribing wraddatz@wheel.dcn.davis.ca.us (Warren Raddatz) Saturday, June 10, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Unsubscribing Sheryl Zinsli <psu02135@odin.cc.pdx.edu> Monday, June 19, 1995
- Stegosaurus Gilfredo Rodriguez <ab564@seorf.ohiou.edu> Saturday, June 10, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: Stegosaurus jshields@iol.ie (James Shields) Saturday, June 10, 1995
- Re: Stegosaurus "Jerry D. Harris" <jdharris@csn.net> Sunday, June 11, 1995
- Re: Stegosaurus ac941@leo.nmc.edu (Douglas E. Goudie) Tuesday, June 13, 1995
- Re: Stegosaurus "Jerry D. Harris" <jdharris@csn.net> Wednesday, June 14, 1995
- Artifacts-R-Us? mesmatt@eagle.wbm.ca (Mesozoic Matt) Saturday, June 10, 1995
- Dino Bronzes whatever happened? WILLSCULPT@aol.com Saturday, June 10, 1995
- Re; Favorite Dinosaur WILLSCULPT@aol.com Sunday, June 11, 1995
- Re; Favorite Living Fossil WILLSCULPT@aol.com Sunday, June 11, 1995
- Flapper or Glider Gilfredo Rodriguez <ab564@seorf.ohiou.edu> Sunday, June 11, 1995
- In defense of the mail list BRIN736@aol.com Sunday, June 11, 1995
- Aussie dinosaurs, and my questions. Sundance Bilson-Thompson <kickaha@student.adelaide.edu.au> Monday, June 12, 1995
- PETE! G. PAUL AND HIS SEGNOSAURS... "D.W.Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Monday, June 12, 1995
- DOUBLE NEGATIVES! "D.W.Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Monday, June 12, 1995
- Battat jpoling@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Jeff Poling) Monday, June 12, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: Battat Flyinggoat@aol.com Tuesday, June 13, 1995
- Dig Sites kferrant@llnj.pppl.gov (Kenneth Ferrante) Monday, June 12, 1995
- ****ing interlibrary loan! "D.W.Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Monday, June 12, 1995
- definition John Schneiderman <dino@revelation.unomaha.edu> Monday, June 12, 1995
- Re: eastern us dinos (2nd att... Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Monday, June 12, 1995
- paleo beards "Moody, Scott" <Moody@mail.oucom.ohiou.edu> Monday, June 12, 1995
(Possible followups)
- paleo beards ed.godsey@cdmg.uucp.netcom.com (Ed Godsey) Monday, June 26, 1995
- Dinosaur Exhibit Info Timothy Isles <tisles@sol.uvic.ca> Monday, June 12, 1995
- Molecular Paleontology Workshop "Lisa Robbins (GLY)" <robbins@chuma.cas.usf.edu> Monday, June 12, 1995
- Of dinosaurs & other primeval big beasties [[+ Pterosaur bk] "Terry Colvin" <colvint@CC.IMS.DISA.MIL> Monday, June 12, 1995
- Thanks, all... Timothy Isles <tisles@sol.uvic.ca> Monday, June 12, 1995
- Re: Platypus (therapsid?) Phillip Bigelow <n8010095@henson.cc.wwu.edu> Monday, June 12, 1995
- Faster Earth rotation supporting large-animal weight? keel@bildad.astr.ua.edu (William Keel) Monday, June 12, 1995
- digest "Pat Grant (Library: Serials Catalog" <PATG@VAX2.CONCORDIA.CA> Tuesday, June 13, 1995
- Preservation of Sci-Tech Materials Survey Results jnewby@LIBRARY.WEBER.EDU Tuesday, June 13, 1995
- mailing list vs. UseNet Phillip Bigelow <n8010095@henson.cc.wwu.edu> Tuesday, June 13, 1995
- Artifacts-R-Us Ulr mesmatt@eagle.wbm.ca (Mesozoic Matt) Tuesday, June 13, 1995
- Peggy's donations Phillip Bigelow <n8010095@henson.cc.wwu.edu> Tuesday, June 13, 1995
- September Canadian museums/dig sites Jooles <WTVJMWG@cardiff.ac.uk> Tuesday, June 13, 1995
- Fossils Peggy Hall <phall@PrimeNet.Com> Tuesday, June 13, 1995
- MEGA-ORCAS, WHO'S THE BIGGEST? "D.W.Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Tuesday, June 13, 1995
- Re; Bakker WILLSCULPT@aol.com Tuesday, June 13, 1995
- Linnean mistakes and stuff Stang1996@aol.com Tuesday, June 13, 1995
- Re: Archies in the Morrison?! jshields@iol.ie (James Shields) Tuesday, June 13, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Archies in the Morrison?! Phillip Bigelow <n8010095@henson.cc.wwu.edu> Tuesday, June 13, 1995
- Re: Archies in the Morrison?! Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Tuesday, June 13, 1995
- Re: Archies in the Morrison?! "Jerry D. Harris" <jdharris@csn.net> Wednesday, June 14, 1995
- Re: Archies in the Morrison?! John Schneiderman <dino@revelation.unomaha.edu> Wednesday, June 14, 1995
- Re: Archies in the Morrison?! Phillip Bigelow <n8010095@henson.cc.wwu.edu> Wednesday, June 14, 1995
- model of T. rex brain MFHanson@aol.com Tuesday, June 13, 1995
- Re: Archies in the Morrison cnedin@geology.adelaide.edu.au (Chris Nedin) Tuesday, June 13, 1995
- poker beards Tony Thulborn <paswamp@mailbox.uq.oz.au> Tuesday, June 13, 1995
- cladistics? jbauer@capital.edu (John Bauer) Tuesday, June 13, 1995
- AVIMIMIDS & MANIRAPTORA SENSU HOLTZ "D.W.Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Tuesday, June 13, 1995
- "Torvosauroids" (was Re: DOUBLE NEGATIVES!) rowe@lepomis.psych.upenn.edu (Mickey Rowe) Tuesday, June 13, 1995
- Re: Hair, facial Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Tuesday, June 13, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Hair, facial Ralph Chapman <MNHAD002@SIVM.SI.EDU> Tuesday, June 13, 1995
- JP Bill Adlam <bill.adlam@st-peters.oxford.ac.uk> Tuesday, June 13, 1995
- The Dinosaurs of Jurassic Park Skip Dahlgren <SDAHLGREN@liblan.uams.edu> Tuesday, June 13, 1995
- eggs 'n' things rowe@lepomis.psych.upenn.edu (Mickey Rowe) Tuesday, June 13, 1995
- Number of dinos that ever existed? awitze@earthmag.com (Alex Witze) Tuesday, June 13, 1995
- divergence times sort of defined Bill Adlam <bill.adlam@st-peters.oxford.ac.uk> Tuesday, June 13, 1995
- some new refs: European dinos Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Tuesday, June 13, 1995
- basal sauropods John Schneiderman <dino@revelation.unomaha.edu> Tuesday, June 13, 1995
- eastern us dinos (Hadrosaurus) RMargulski <rmarguls@cybercom.com> Tuesday, June 13, 1995
- JP/mosquitos psparks@CERF.NET (paul sparks) Tuesday, June 13, 1995
- Re: The Dinosaurs of Jurassic... Stang1996@aol.com Tuesday, June 13, 1995
- Stegosaur request Bill Adlam <bill.adlam@st-peters.oxford.ac.uk> Tuesday, June 13, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: Stegosaur request Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Wednesday, June 14, 1995
- Re: Hair, facial, cladistics and more... wraddatz@wheel.dcn.davis.ca.us (Warren Raddatz) Wednesday, June 14, 1995
- K/T Extinction & Birds WILLSCULPT@aol.com Wednesday, June 14, 1995
- Dino Bronzes whatever hap ed.godsey@cdmg.uucp.netcom.com (Ed Godsey) Wednesday, June 14, 1995
- Battat's hair; Prototheria PESELYG@LYNX.APSU.EDU Wednesday, June 14, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: Battat's hair; Prototheria jshields@iol.ie (James Shields) Wednesday, June 14, 1995
- Re: Battat's hair; Prototheria Flyinggoat@aol.com Thursday, June 15, 1995
- Re: Battat's hair; Prototheria Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Thursday, June 15, 1995
- Re: Battat's hair; Prototheria @lepomis.psych.upenn.edu:murphy!acmcr!vr (Vicki Rosenzweig) Thursday, June 15, 1995
- Re: Battat's hair; Prototheria pwillis@ozemail.com.au (Paul Willis) Friday, June 16, 1995
- Re: Battat's hair; Prototheria chartiem@ERE.UMontreal.CA (Chartier Michel) Friday, June 16, 1995
- Re: Battat's hair; Prototheria jshields@iol.ie (James Shields) Friday, June 16, 1995
- Re: Battat's hair; Prototheria cnedin@geology.adelaide.edu.au (Chris Nedin) Friday, June 16, 1995
- Re: Battat's hair; Prototheria FEUKAC@PLU.edu Friday, June 16, 1995
- Many thanks for Dinosaur questions answered sgivner@nylink.org (Sari Givner) Thursday, June 15, 1995
- bird hibernation "Pat Grant (Library: Serials Catalog" <PATG@VAX2.CONCORDIA.CA> Thursday, June 15, 1995
- Typo (was Re: K/T Extinction & Birds) Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Thursday, June 15, 1995
- milking this subject "Bonnie Blackwell, x 3332" <bonn@qcvaxa.acc.qc.edu> Friday, June 16, 1995
- Re: Cladograms (long) Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Friday, June 16, 1995
- Lone Star Dinosaurs "Randy Franek" <FRANEK@cc1.unt.edu> Friday, June 16, 1995
- Last Message (for a while) Tom Holtz <tholtz@geochange.er.usgs.gov> Friday, June 16, 1995
- Re: Cladograms DAVEH47@delphi.com Friday, June 16, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: Cladograms Bill Adlam <bill.adlam@st-peters.oxford.ac.uk> Friday, June 16, 1995
- armored theropods John Schneiderman <dino@revelation.unomaha.edu> Friday, June 16, 1995
- ICZN 4th Edition Draft for Discussion (fwd) chartiem@ERE.UMontreal.CA (Chartier Michel) Saturday, June 17, 1995
- Digs and doin's - & Non-dino dodo Lightwaves@aol.com Sunday, June 18, 1995
- ALLOSAURUS TENDAGURENSIS...ETC "D.W.Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Monday, June 19, 1995
- what are gastralia? MFHanson@aol.com Monday, June 19, 1995
- A new guy in town Bernardino "Nino" Perez-Moreno <NINO@vm1.sdi.uam.es> Monday, June 19, 1995
(Possible followups)
- re:a new guy in town jbauer@capital.edu (John Bauer) Monday, June 19, 1995
- re:a new guy in town FEUKAC@PLU.edu Monday, June 19, 1995
- re:a new guy in town art@acc.com (Art Berggreen) Monday, June 19, 1995
- re:a new guy in town NEIL CLARK <NCLARK@museum.gla.ac.uk> Tuesday, June 20, 1995
- re:a new guy in town Mikiel <Mikiel@ASU.Edu> Tuesday, June 20, 1995
- (Fwd) State Laws Neil Clark <NCLARK@museum.gla.ac.uk> Monday, June 19, 1995
- What do you know? DinoLvr@ix.netcom.com (Kelly Milner-Halls ) Monday, June 19, 1995
- Help Kids! DinoLvr@ix.netcom.com (Kelly Milner-Halls ) Monday, June 19, 1995
- Re: Prototheria Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Monday, June 19, 1995
- Ratio of Saurischians/Ornithischians Amado Narvaez <anarvaez@umd5.umd.edu> Monday, June 19, 1995
- insects jbauer@capital.edu (John Bauer) Monday, June 19, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: insects art@acc.com (Art Berggreen) Monday, June 19, 1995
- Re: insects Rich Travsky <RTRAVSKY@UWYO.EDU> Tuesday, June 20, 1995
- Re: insects NEIL CLARK <NCLARK@museum.gla.ac.uk> Tuesday, June 20, 1995
- Re: insects Flyinggoat@aol.com Tuesday, June 20, 1995
- Re: insects Flyinggoat@aol.com Tuesday, June 20, 1995
- Re: insects Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Tuesday, June 20, 1995
- photographs required pwillis@ozemail.com.au (Paul Willis) Tuesday, June 20, 1995
- ANNOYING RUMOURS, DIGS AT DIGS... "D.W.Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Tuesday, June 20, 1995
- crop milk BRUSH@UConnVM.UConn.Edu Tuesday, June 20, 1995
- More Rumors... jdharris@csn.net (Jerry D. Harris) Tuesday, June 20, 1995
- Multiple answers Nino <NINO@vm1.sdi.uam.es> Tuesday, June 20, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: Multiple answers wraddatz@wheel.dcn.davis.ca.us (Warren Raddatz) Wednesday, June 21, 1995
- BHI trial update pjanke@maroon.tc.umn.edu Tuesday, June 20, 1995
- dinosaur thoracic musculature Jmnorton@aol.com Tuesday, June 20, 1995
- Time Space and Matter -2 STEVEN9120@aol.com Tuesday, June 20, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: Time Space and Matter -2 jshields@iol.ie (James Shields) Wednesday, June 21, 1995
- Re: Time Space and Matter -2 FEUKAC@PLU.edu Thursday, June 29, 1995
- Re: Time Space and Matter -2 jshields@iol.ie (James Shields) Friday, June 30, 1995
- Re: Time Space and Matter -2 jshields@iol.ie (James Shields) Friday, June 30, 1995
- Re: Time Space and Matter -2 pwillis@ozemail.com.au (Paul Willis) Friday, June 30, 1995
- Coelurosauria-Tyrannosaurid relations ChrisBouc@aol.com Tuesday, June 20, 1995
- peekie boo and Battat in N Cal "Cunningham, Betty" <bcunning@nssi.com> Tuesday, June 20, 1995
- Re: Gender differences[D[D[D[D "Terry Colvin" <colvint@CC.IMS.DISA.MIL> Tuesday, June 20, 1995
- Epanterias and Breviparopus DAVEH47@delphi.com Tuesday, June 20, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: Epanterias and Breviparopus Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Wednesday, June 21, 1995
- Re: Epanterias and Breviparopus pwillis@ozemail.com.au (Paul Willis) Thursday, June 22, 1995
- Re: Epanterias and Breviparopus Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Thursday, June 22, 1995
- Re: Epanterias and Breviparopus pwillis@ozemail.com.au (Paul Willis) Friday, June 23, 1995
- Re: Epanterias and Breviparopus Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Friday, June 23, 1995
- Elitist unvieling & List domination(no .sig file) Lightwaves@aol.com Wednesday, June 21, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: Elitist unvieling & List domination(no .sig file) Kiran Wagle <groo@netcom.com> Wednesday, June 21, 1995
- Re: Elitist unvieling & List domination(no .sig file) "Alex W. Hertzog" <ahertzog@ozarks.sgcl.lib.mo.us> Wednesday, June 21, 1995
- Re: Elitist unvieling & List domination(no .sig file) Stephen Okay <sokay@buccaneer.com> Wednesday, June 21, 1995
- Re: Elitist unvieling & List domination(no .sig file) San Diego Natural History Museum Library <libsdnhm@CLASS.ORG> Wednesday, June 21, 1995
- Re: Elitist unvieling & List domination(no .sig file) Garret Romaine <GRomaine@msmail.radisys.com> Wednesday, June 21, 1995
- Re: Elitist unvieling & List domination(no .sig file) Greg Claytor <greg1@svpal.org> Wednesday, June 21, 1995
- Multiple subjects Nino <NINO@vm1.sdi.uam.es> Wednesday, June 21, 1995
- (sigh) elitist snobbery Flyinggoat@aol.com Wednesday, June 21, 1995
- Battat 800 Number? Skip Dahlgren <SDAHLGREN@liblan.uams.edu> Wednesday, June 21, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: Battat 800 Number? jpoling@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Jeff Poling) Wednesday, June 21, 1995
- Um... wraddatz@wheel.dcn.davis.ca.us (Warren Raddatz) Wednesday, June 21, 1995
- Cerapoda1 and Cerapoda2 jpoling@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Jeff Poling) Wednesday, June 21, 1995
- Trial DAVEH47@delphi.com Thursday, June 22, 1995
- Free inquiry and debate DAVEH47@delphi.com Thursday, June 22, 1995
- New Books Ralph Chapman <MNHAD002@SIVM.SI.EDU> Thursday, June 22, 1995
- Some subjects Nino <NINO@vm1.sdi.uam.es> Thursday, June 22, 1995
- BOB THE SPLITTER, QUETZALCOATS.. "D.W.Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Thursday, June 22, 1995
- New refs Ralph Chapman <MNHAD002@SIVM.SI.EDU> Thursday, June 22, 1995
- dinosaur list DWgriff000@aol.com Thursday, June 22, 1995
- Cold or Warm Blooded Gilfredo Rodriguez <ab564@seorf.ohiou.edu> Thursday, June 22, 1995
- Advice needed DDelano65@aol.com Thursday, June 22, 1995
- Arachnids and other odd fellows... Skip Dahlgren <SDAHLGREN@liblan.uams.edu> Thursday, June 22, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: Arachnids and other odd fellows... pwillis@ozemail.com.au (Paul Willis) Friday, June 23, 1995
- Re[2]: Arachnids and other odd fellows... "Terry Colvin" <colvint@CC.IMS.DISA.MIL> Friday, June 23, 1995
- Re[2]: Arachnids and other odd fellows... jdharris@csn.net (Jerry D. Harris) Friday, June 23, 1995
- Re: Re[2]: Arachnids and other odd fellows... chartiem@ERE.UMontreal.CA (Chartier Michel) Sunday, June 25, 1995
- Re: Re[2]: Arachnids and other odd fellows... jdharris@csn.net (Jerry D. Harris) Sunday, June 25, 1995
- Museum Displays STEVEN9120@aol.com Thursday, June 22, 1995
- One Post : ) Stang1996@aol.com Thursday, June 22, 1995
- Bird brains VanKathy@aol.com Thursday, June 22, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: Bird brains Amado Narvaez <anarvaez@umd5.umd.edu> Thursday, June 22, 1995
- Bakker and Paleo Splitting jdharris@csn.net (Jerry D. Harris) Thursday, June 22, 1995
- Re: Museum Displays, Stego splitting Mike Bonham <bonham@jade.ab.ca> Friday, June 23, 1995
- New Reference Glen Heward <G.Heward@greenwich.ac.uk> Friday, June 23, 1995
- splitting headache "Considine, Blaise" <bpc.apa@email.apa.org> Friday, June 23, 1995
- Re: Elitist unvieling LONG Tompaleo@aol.com Friday, June 23, 1995
- Re: Advice needed---Careers in VP lwitmer@acl.nyit.edu Friday, June 23, 1995
- The Minds of Birds "Randy Franek" <FRANEK@cc1.unt.edu> Friday, June 23, 1995
- [ARe: Museum Displays, Stego splitting Greg Claytor <greg1@svpal.org> Friday, June 23, 1995
- museum catalog of specimens John Schneiderman <dino@revelation.unomaha.edu> Friday, June 23, 1995
- Corrections and reasons Lightwaves@aol.com Friday, June 23, 1995
- Bird-talk again... ST-grock@artemis.earth.monash.edu.au (Darren R. Grocke) Friday, June 23, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: Bird-talk again... ornstn@hookup.net (Ronald Orenstein) Saturday, June 24, 1995
- Re: Bird-talk again... Derek Tearne <derek@iconz.co.nz> Sunday, June 25, 1995
- Re: Bird-talk again... horteniw@cuug.ab.ca (Wayne Hortensius) Sunday, June 25, 1995
- Re: Bird-talk again... pwillis@ozemail.com.au (Paul Willis) Sunday, June 25, 1995
- Re: Bird-talk again... Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Monday, June 26, 1995
- Oh no! Not Monotremes again! jshields@iol.ie (James Shields) Friday, June 23, 1995
- Digital Art Services(free offer) Lightwaves@aol.com Saturday, June 24, 1995
- Are Birds Saurischian? Amado Narvaez <anarvaez@umd5.umd.edu> Saturday, June 24, 1995
- Dinosaur's hopping? bk090@freenet.carleton.ca (David Brez Carlisle) Sunday, June 25, 1995
- Warm- vs. Cold-blooded Dinos DAVEH47@delphi.com Sunday, June 25, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: Warm- vs. Cold-blooded Dinos jshields@iol.ie (James Shields) Monday, June 26, 1995
- Re: Warm- vs. Cold-blooded Dinos wraddatz@wheel.dcn.davis.ca.us (Warren Raddatz) Monday, June 26, 1995
- Re: Warm- vs. Cold-blooded Dinos pwillis@ozemail.com.au (Paul Willis) Tuesday, June 27, 1995
- Re: Warm- vs. Cold-blooded Dinos Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Tuesday, June 27, 1995
- Re: Warm- vs. Cold-blooded Dinos Neil Clark <NCLARK@museum.gla.ac.uk> Tuesday, June 27, 1995
- Re: Warm- vs. Cold-blooded Dinos Ellin Beltz <uebeltz@uxa.ecn.bgu.edu> Tuesday, June 27, 1995
- Re: Warm- vs. Cold-blooded Dinos Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Tuesday, June 27, 1995
- Re: Warm- vs. Cold-blooded Dinos Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Tuesday, June 27, 1995
- Re: Warm- vs. Cold-blooded Dinos Alan Geralnick <alang@tecsun1.tec.army.mil> Tuesday, June 27, 1995
- Re: Warm- vs. Cold-blooded Dinos pwillis@ozemail.com.au (Paul Willis) Wednesday, June 28, 1995
- Re: Warm- vs. Cold-blooded Dinos jshields@iol.ie (James Shields) Wednesday, June 28, 1995
- Re: Warm- vs. Cold-blooded Dinos jshields@iol.ie (James Shields) Wednesday, June 28, 1995
- Re: Warm- vs. Cold-blooded Dinos pwillis@ozemail.com.au (Paul Willis) Thursday, June 29, 1995
- Dino Herasies...HELP! Greg Claytor <greg1@svpal.org> Monday, June 26, 1995
- Hot-blooded dinos Nino <NINO@vm1.sdi.uam.es> Monday, June 26, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: Hot-blooded dinos Neil Clark <NCLARK@museum.gla.ac.uk> Monday, June 26, 1995
- Re: Hot-blooded dinos ornstn@hookup.net (Ronald Orenstein) Monday, June 26, 1995
- Re: Hot-blooded dinos jdharris@csn.net (Jerry D. Harris) Monday, June 26, 1995
- Re: Hot-blooded dinos pwillis@ozemail.com.au (Paul Willis) Tuesday, June 27, 1995
- Re: Hot-blooded dinos Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Tuesday, June 27, 1995
- Re: Hot-blooded dinos pwillis@ozemail.com.au (Paul Willis) Wednesday, June 28, 1995
- Re: Hot-blooded dinos Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Wednesday, June 28, 1995
- Re: Hot-blooded dinos jdharris@csn.net (Jerry D. Harris) Thursday, June 29, 1995
- Re: Challenger Expedition Reports "Eleanor MacLean" <MACLEAN@LIB1.Lan.McGill.CA> Monday, June 26, 1995
- HOPPING MAD...! "D.W.Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Monday, June 26, 1995
- I found a paper fossil..Thanks Larry K. Greg Claytor <greg1@svpal.org> Monday, June 26, 1995
- Size Means Everything ! STEVEN9120@aol.com Monday, June 26, 1995
- Best teacher Lightwaves@aol.com Monday, June 26, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: Best teacher Neil Clark <NCLARK@museum.gla.ac.uk> Tuesday, June 27, 1995
- Re: Best teacher pwillis@ozemail.com.au (Paul Willis) Tuesday, June 27, 1995
- Re: Best teacher Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Wednesday, June 28, 1995
- Re: Best teacher Garret Romaine <GRomaine@msmail.radisys.com> Wednesday, June 28, 1995
- Re: best teacher BP9238@KUHUB.CC.UKANS.EDU Friday, June 30, 1995
- DNA jbauer@capital.edu (John Bauer) Monday, June 26, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: DNA art@acc.com (Art Berggreen) Tuesday, June 27, 1995
- Re:Re:DNA aq900@freenet.carleton.ca (Christopher J. OHara) Tuesday, June 27, 1995
- Mailing list cladogram jpoling@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Jeff Poling) Monday, June 26, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Mailing list cladogram jpoling@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Jeff Poling) Wednesday, June 28, 1995
- Theropod traps pwillis@ozemail.com.au (Paul Willis) Tuesday, June 27, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: Theropod traps Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Tuesday, June 27, 1995
- Re: Theropod traps pwillis@ozemail.com.au (Paul Willis) Wednesday, June 28, 1995
- Re: Theropod traps Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Wednesday, June 28, 1995
- Re: Theropod traps pwillis@ozemail.com.au (Paul Willis) Thursday, June 29, 1995
- Re: Theropod traps jdharris@csn.net (Jerry D. Harris) Thursday, June 29, 1995
- Re: Theropod traps Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Thursday, June 29, 1995
- Re: Theropod traps Ellin Beltz <uebeltz@uxa.ecn.bgu.edu> Thursday, June 29, 1995
- Re: Theropod traps Neil Clark <NCLARK@museum.gla.ac.uk> Thursday, June 29, 1995
- Re: Theropod traps FEUKAC@PLU.edu Thursday, June 29, 1995
- Re: Theropod traps NEIL CLARK <NCLARK@museum.gla.ac.uk> Friday, June 30, 1995
- Re: Theropod traps Alan Geralnick <alang@tecsun1.tec.army.mil> Friday, June 30, 1995
- Oh Yes, Its Another Reference Glen Heward <G.Heward@greenwich.ac.uk> Tuesday, June 27, 1995
- Re: No brontosaurus? "Terry Colvin" <colvint@CC.IMS.DISA.MIL> Tuesday, June 27, 1995
(Possible followups)
- No brontosaurus? "Terry Colvin" <colvint@CC.IMS.DISA.MIL> Thursday, June 29, 1995
- Big Track Ralph Chapman <MNHAD002@SIVM.SI.EDU> Tuesday, June 27, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: Big Track pwillis@ozemail.com.au (Paul Willis) Wednesday, June 28, 1995
- Off to the states mesmatt@eagle.wbm.ca (Mesozoic Matt) Tuesday, June 27, 1995
- Warm vs. cold dinos Nino <NINO@vm1.sdi.uam.es> Tuesday, June 27, 1995
- Re: paraphyly (was: Not Monotremes again!) Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Tuesday, June 27, 1995
- Dilophosaurus, no crests, no ribs chartiem@ERE.UMontreal.CA (Chartier Michel) Tuesday, June 27, 1995
- Brontosaurus/Apatosaurus "Terry Colvin" <colvint@CC.IMS.DISA.MIL> Tuesday, June 27, 1995
- info on dilophosaurus John Schneiderman <dino@revelation.unomaha.edu> Tuesday, June 27, 1995
- Re: Net Journal pwillis@ozemail.com.au (Paul Willis) Tuesday, June 27, 1995
- Re: best professor Paleopoet@aol.com Tuesday, June 27, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: best professor Greg Claytor <greg1@svpal.org> Wednesday, June 28, 1995
- endo/ectothermic bk090@freenet.carleton.ca (David Brez Carlisle) Tuesday, June 27, 1995
- Human DNA on dinosaur fossils bk090@freenet.carleton.ca (David Brez Carlisle) Tuesday, June 27, 1995
- Warm or Cold ~ My View + Teacher Stang1996@aol.com Wednesday, June 28, 1995
- re:dilophosaurus KAREN E RICHARDSON <K.E.Richardson@greenwich.ac.uk> Wednesday, June 28, 1995
- PHYSIOLOGY.... YAWWNNN II "D.W.Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Wednesday, June 28, 1995
- best teachers "Bonnie Blackwell, x 3332" <bonn@qcvaxa.acc.qc.edu> Wednesday, June 28, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Best teachers wraddatz@wheel.dcn.davis.ca.us (Warren Raddatz) Wednesday, June 28, 1995
- best teachers melizand@hrnowl.lonestar.org (Melizande Underhill) Friday, June 30, 1995
- DRINKER AND FELLOW OTHIES "D.W.Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Wednesday, June 28, 1995
- apology bk090@freenet.carleton.ca (David Brez Carlisle) Wednesday, June 28, 1995
- delta 18O "Bonnie Blackwell, x 3332" <bonn@qcvaxa.acc.qc.edu> Wednesday, June 28, 1995
- Response to Size MeansEverything STEVEN9120@aol.com Wednesday, June 28, 1995
- Re: Warm or Cold ~ My View carey@lerc.nasa.gov (Charlie Carey) Wednesday, June 28, 1995
- Re: best professors callaway@ICSI.Net Wednesday, June 28, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: best professors Lee Jefferis <ljefferi@mt1669.ddo.mt.blm.gov> Wednesday, June 28, 1995
- The Poling Reader jpoling@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Jeff Poling) Wednesday, June 28, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: The Poling Reader "Robert G. Tuck Jr." <tuckr@ddi.digital.net> Thursday, June 29, 1995
- warm/cold blood bk090@freenet.carleton.ca (David Brez Carlisle) Wednesday, June 28, 1995
- Tilted world & more genetics Lightwaves@aol.com Wednesday, June 28, 1995
- Rotodactylus prints DPterosaur@aol.com Wednesday, June 28, 1995
- JOKE IN CARROLL, CHEATING CHEETAHS.... "D.W.Naish" <dwn194@soton.ac.uk> Thursday, June 29, 1995
- British Brachiosaur !!! "P.L.Manning" <P.L.Manning@sheffield.ac.uk> Thursday, June 29, 1995
- Re: Response to Size MeansEve... STEVEN9120@aol.com Thursday, June 29, 1995
- joke & tarpits Ralph Chapman <MNHAD002@SIVM.SI.EDU> Thursday, June 29, 1995
- re:Isle of Wight NEIL CLARK <NCLARK@museum.gla.ac.uk> Thursday, June 29, 1995
- Unsubscribing (sorry to disturb) Chris Geatch <cig100@unix.york.ac.uk> Thursday, June 29, 1995
- Upright bipedalism in dinos Skip Dahlgren <SDAHLGREN@liblan.uams.edu> Thursday, June 29, 1995
- Rotation, Climate and All That Glen Heward <G.Heward@greenwich.ac.uk> Thursday, June 29, 1995
- spin doctor Glen Heward <G.Heward@greenwich.ac.uk> Thursday, June 29, 1995
- Milankovich Cycles Tompaleo@aol.com Thursday, June 29, 1995
- Re: Help locating Dino Fest and Vert Poleo Soc. Greg Claytor <greg1@svpal.org> Thursday, June 29, 1995
- dinosaur->bird when? sum@geopak.com Thursday, June 29, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: dinosaur->bird when? jdharris@csn.net (Jerry D. Harris) Thursday, June 29, 1995
- Re: dinosaur->bird when? wraddatz@wheel.dcn.davis.ca.us (Warren Raddatz) Friday, June 30, 1995
- Re: dinosaur->bird when? Stan Friesen <swf@ElSegundoCA.ATTGIS.COM> Friday, June 30, 1995
- Re: dinosaur->bird when? jshields@iol.ie (James Shields) Friday, June 30, 1995
- Re: dinosaur->bird when? pwillis@ozemail.com.au (Paul Willis) Friday, June 30, 1995
- Alaskan dinosaurs brouwers@gdsvr1.cr.usgs.gov (Elisabeth Brouwers) Thursday, June 29, 1995
- Ceratopsian Frills Amado Narvaez <anarvaez@umd5.umd.edu> Thursday, June 29, 1995
- dandruff bk090@freenet.carleton.ca (David Brez Carlisle) Thursday, June 29, 1995
- new ref. Mikiel <Mikiel@ASU.Edu> Friday, June 30, 1995
- Lot's o' stuff Stang1996@aol.com Friday, June 30, 1995
- Dinosaur Tracking Field Trip (FREE !!!) "P.L.Manning" <P.L.Manning@sheffield.ac.uk> Friday, June 30, 1995
- Did human beings ev olve in the sea? bk090@freenet.carleton.ca (David Brez Carlisle) Friday, June 30, 1995
- T-Rex Gilfredo Rodriguez <ab564@seorf.ohiou.edu> Friday, June 30, 1995
(Possible followups)
- Re: T-Rex sean.kerns@sdrc.com (Snake) Friday, June 30, 1995
- Re: T-Rex John Schneiderman <dino@revelation.unomaha.edu> Friday, June 30, 1995
- Earths Axis tlcomp@iu.net (Timothy C. Loss) Friday, June 30, 1995
- Prehistoric Stamps Ron Baalke <BAALKE@kelvin.jpl.nasa.gov> Friday, June 30, 1995
- Re: Penguin Locomotion WILLSCULPT@aol.com Friday, June 30, 1995
- Re. Milankovich Cycles Tompaleo@aol.com Friday, June 30, 1995
Mail converted by MHonArc 2.6.10