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Some references

 Some various references for your consideration - some have been
 touched on before, I believe:

 There is a strong discussion of the Utah "dino DNA" work of Scott
 Woodward in the 26May95 Science with comments by various people including
 Mary Schwietzer of Trex RBC fame. Pretty much blasts the crap out of
 the Utah study and sends it back to the drawing board - pretty much as
 expected given the almost impossible constraints on that study.

 I don;t recall if I mentioned the paper on the Permian synapsid Varanosaurus
 by Berman, David S., et al. 1995. Annals Carnegie Museum 64(2):99-133.
 It's a thorough re-analysis of material on this neat-lookin' thing.

 Speaking of Permian reptiles, there's a paper on some Chinese bolosaurs:

 Li Jinling & Cheng Zhengwu. 1995. The first discovery of bolosaurs
   from Upper Permian of China. Vertebrata PalAsiatica 33(1):17-23.

 pretty cryptic...

 3 papers of interest in the most recent issue of Anais da Academia
   Brasiliera de Ciencias 67(1) for 1995.

 First up is som theropod footprints from the Cretaceous Cedro Basin:

 Carvalho, Ismar de Souza, Maria Somalia Sales Viana & Mario Ferreira
    de Lima Filho. Bacia de Cedro: a Ichnofauna Cretacea de Vertebrados.
    pp. 25-31.

 Then 2 papers on the magician's protodinosaur - the "thecodont"

   Azevedo, Sergio Alex Kugland de. Paleoecologia de Prestosuchus
     chiniquensis Huene, 1942. Inter-relacoes Paleoecologicas entre
     as faunas reptilianas do Triassico Sul-brasileiro. whew..
     pp. 55-59.
  _________. Estudo morfofuncional do Aparelho maxilomandibular de
     P.ch. H, 1942.  pp. 61-65.

 The former seems to suggest that Prestosuchus is the CMFIO or
 head-honcho of Mid-Upper Triassic of Brrrrrrrrrasil and the latter
 is a short but detailed discussion on musculo-skeletal relationship.
 of the jaw region.

 I tell you, I think South America will explode with dinos soon.

 A small paper on a pterosaur by Padian and friends:

 Padian, Kevin, A.J. de Ricqles & J.R. Horner. Bone histology determines
   identification of a new fossil taxon of pterosaur (Reptilia:
   Archosauria). C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Series IIa, 320:77-84.

 An odd azhdarchid pterosaur described - nice pedigree on the junior
 authors there. Bone histology factors in - no surprise given AdR's
 presence there.

 Also in that journal, a new Theropod from the Albian of France based on
 hip and leg stuff. Another scrappy find id'd using associated
 microfauna in sediments:

 Accarie, Hugues & a batch o' others. 1995. Discovery of a new theropod
   dinosaur Genusaurus sisteronis n.g., n.sp. in the Marine Albian
   of Sisteron (Alpes de Haute-Provence, France) and the extension into the
   Lower Cretaceous of the ceratosaur lineage. CR etc. 320:327-334.

We have a new good date from the Judith River from Elk Basin of Wyoming
   showing it to be 80ish million (above a 80.71+or- 0.55 ma) layer.
   the paper is by Hicks, Jason F., et al. 1995. J. Geology 103:243-256.

 Finally, in that issue is a reprint of TC Chamberlin's paper on
 multiple working hypotheses with an intro by Dave Raup. If you've
 never read it, I suggest starting now. IT has much to say to those
 who develop pet theories and can;t see the forest for the trees with
 data suggesting other things. I know a number of dino workers who
 could use a good dose of this paper.

 Chamberlin, T.C. (orig. 1897). The methods of Multiple Working
   Hypotheses. Intro By David c. Raup. 1995. J. Geology 103;349-354.

 That's it for now. Hasta la vista, babies

 Ralph Chapman, NMNH