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Warm or Cold ~ My View + Teacher
My vote would definately have to be for 100% automatic
endothermy for all animals recognized as dinosaurs, pterosaurs and
their ancestors. Most of the resons I think this have been listed
already, so I'll add some more, just to not be monotonous.
The main other reason is the ratios of O16 to O18 in the bones of
the dinosaurs. For those of you that don't know, some scientists did
some tests measuring the ratio of two non-radioactive isotopes of
Oxygen that were present in the dinosaurs' bones. Theoretically,
O18, being heavier, would be laid down in the bone less often then
the lighter O16 if it was in a warmer solution, more often if it was in a
cooler solution. I'm assuming that this is correct. This does not tell
us what the temperature of the dinosaurs' blood was, but it can give
us two ratios to compare if we take samples from the ribs (near the
center of the body) compared to a sample from the tip of the tail or a
toe (i.e. an extremity). If the animal was a mass homeotherm (i.e.
non-metabolic temperature regulation) there would probably be a
normal warm-blooded-esque ratio from the ribs, but since it cannot
regulate its temperature by way of its metabolism, the ratio from the
tip of the tail would have quite a bit more O18 in it because its overall
mean temperature was quite a bit lower than that of the ribs'. If, on
the other hand, the animal was warm-blooded, the tip of the tail
sample would have a ratio much closer to that of the ribs'; but still
with more O18, since its overall mean temperature was slightly lower
than the center of the body's.
Now to the important stuff. As you might have guessed as to
where I was leading, the tests show that tip of the tail ratios and the
rib ratios were fairly close together, as would be expected in a
warm-blooded animal, not a mass-homeotherm. That is pretty good
direct evidence (to me at least) that dinosaurs were warm-blooded.
Another thing I like to point out about mass-homeothermy is its
assertation that sauropods (and big dinosaurs in general) can't be
warm-blooded because they would have overheated. What!? Being
warm-blooded would have been _absolutely_ what they wanted.
Think of it theis way. It's 90 degrees F outside, nice and warm; but
Mr. Diplodocus' temperature is 99 degrees F. What is heating up
what? Think about it for a minute, according to thermodynamics, Mr.
Diplodocus is heating up the air, not the reverse.
Well then, say it's 106 degrees F now. Would Mr. Diplodocus get
overheated now? Think of it this way. Get a one pint saucepan and
fill it with water and put it on the stove; then get a 10 gallon spaghetti
pot and fill it with water and put it on the stove on high. Who is going
to boil first? Exactly.
My afvorite teacher is three. My science teachers over the last
three years have just been super and have really influenced my to go
into the sciences. First is Tracy Charters, my 9th Grade chemistry
teacher (HA! chemistry my butt!). Next is Clint Peeples, my
sophomore biology teacher. He was pretty darn super. He knew his
stuff and didn't dance around evolution, but taught it as fact (I read
somewhere that 25% of all Americans don't believe in evolution; I
think they all live in Redmond Washington :{ ). He really focussed
on population dynamics and such and taught us about how the
impending environmental disaster came into being. He has been
tracking the Coho and Chinoock Salmon populations in Bear Creek
for the past 20 years or so, and takes his classes on a field trip every
tear to see the salmon going up streem to spawn. It's pretty darn
bleek, he's happy to see one salmon a class period these days (i.e.
there were hundreds before). I think he holds some advisory position
in the City of Redmod. My last influential teachr was my chemistry
teacher from this past year, Niel Biermann. What can I say, that
man made Azumithal Quantum Numbers fun. He was just plane
kick-ass. He also tells the story of when he out a hunk of Potassium
metal in his pocket and it caught on fire (Alkili Metal; super-dooper
reactive in air; even moreso than Sodium) and his pants got on fire
right durring class! Now that would have been something to see!
To NINO. You were worried about speaking English okay. Don't
worry. Just ask yourself, do you think any of us use proper English?
Peter Buchholz