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Re: Anyone Else Get This? [SPAM-L] Re: Book List of Paleontology fromChina-New!

"Richard W. Travsky" wrote:
> I got the following spam
>   Dear Sir/Madam:
>  We know you are an researcher in Paleontology. Following please find 3 new
>  publications.May be these books are useful to your library collection and
>  your research work. More books and details please visit:
>  http://www.hceis.com
>  http://www.hceis.com/product/index/paleontology.htm
> Makes me think someone got the list's subscribers...

Yes, I got this email too. I doubt it is actual SPAM, since they seem to
have gone to a bit of trouble to send it to people with palaeo-related

I was sent a previous one which listed some Mesozoic Chinese references
(like the Liaoning Biota book).


Dann Pigdon                   Australian Dinosaurs:
GIS / Archaeologist         http://www.geocities.com/dannsdinosaurs
Melbourne, Australia        http://www.alphalink.com.au/~dannj/