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I have a review of Rex Appeal coming out in New Scientist soon, and I also recommend it. It's part Pete Larson and part Sue, and together they work very well. -- Jeff Hecht

At 8:28 PM -0400 8/6/02, Ray Sanford wrote:

Today I was in a bookstore and saw what to me is a new book (published 2002):

Rex Appeal: The Amazing Story of Sue, the Dinosaur That Changed Science, the
Law, and My Life
by Peter L. Larson, Kristin Donnan (the actual writer), Robert Bakker

    I'm glad I didn't buy it for the retail $26.95 (U.S. dollars), because
/ref%3Dsr%5F11%5F1/103-8844437-4208635 has it for $18.87.  That's a 30%
savings, before postage.

    Anyhow, the story seems to be well-told and to have all the details of
the Sue story from the inside, and lots of fascinating photos, etc.

Jeff Hecht, science & technology writer
jeff@jeffhecht.com; http://www.jeffhecht.com
Boston Correspondent: New Scientist magazine
Contributing Editor: Laser Focus World,  WDM Solutions
525 Auburn St., Auburndale, MA 02466 USA
v. 617-965-3834; fax 617-332-4760