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Re: Further on toys

> (Though the adult T Rex roaring toy with stomping action
> is a cast from the Stan Winston maquee used for the computer >animation.

>>I did not know this! Hate to ask it, but are you positive? I know >>that
the original, unreleased version of the T.rex toy looked >>almost exactly
like the film version, but this one has a much >>longer snout, lower "eye
bumps" and thinner legs. Is it possible >>that it was only the beta model
which was taken
>>from Winston's version?

    As I understand it, they took the mold for the 1/16th maquee cast that
Stan Winston made to have the computer animators saw up into sections to be
scanned in.  They modified it slightly at Kenner for 2 reasons, 
ONE: the material they manufactured the toy in needed to be pliable and
wasn't able to hold the details of the original,
TWO: they had to cut it apart a lot to put in the insides.
    I happen to have the Horizon vinyl release of the Stan Winston 1/16th
original (cast from the original Stan Winston molds)(I won a Best-in-Show at
the SJ IPMS with it).
    You may be thinking of the pictures from The Making of Jurassic Park.
 Most of the T Rex appearances in there were the 1/5th scale and full size
figures also manufactured for the movie.  The 1/16th scale was ONLY intended
to be used for the computer animation scanning.  The only picture of the
smaller one is on page 22, the small, tan T Rex behind the Raptor.
    Most of what I know came from when I met Steve Williams and Joe Letteri
in person at a SIGGRAPH meeting that was dedicated to Jurassic Park special
effects.  (You bet I got their autographs in my Making of Jurassic Park copy.
 I got Jack Horner, too, at SVP 94.  I missed Joe Pasquali, though, when he
applied for a job as system designer at the company I worked for)  I also
picked up the Cinefex that was based on the movie (I have NO idea where it is
at this moment)

Betty Cunningham(Flyinggoat@aol.com)
illustrator, animator, and likes to collect dead things