DINOSAUR-1997Nov by subject
- [no subject]
- [no subject] Davor Vrcibradic <davor@unicamp.br> Tuesday, November 04, 1997
- [no subject] mark <mhatch@www.erskine.pvt.k12.me.us> Thursday, November 06, 1997
- [no subject] Farlow@SMTPLINK.IPFW.INDIANA.EDU Monday, November 10, 1997
- [no subject] Dinogeorge@aol.com Sunday, November 16, 1997
- "babble" about cladistics
- Re: "Mega-raptors" and the high frequency of undescribed dromaeosaurs in lists
- re: "Mega-raptors" and the high frequency of undescribed dromaeosaurs in lists.
- "Megaraptor"?
- "Megaraptor"? "T. Mike Keesey" <tkeese1@gl.umbc.edu> Thursday, November 20, 1997
- Re: "Megaraptor"? "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <th81@umail.umd.edu> Friday, November 21, 1997
- Re: "Megaraptor"? bchoo@cyllene.uwa.edu.au (Brian Choo) Friday, November 21, 1997
- "Megaraptor"? MKIRKALDY@aol.com Friday, November 21, 1997
- Re: "Megaraptor"? "T. Mike Keesey" <tkeese1@gl.umbc.edu> Friday, November 21, 1997
- "Raptor" wrong
- "Raptor" wrong mark <mhatch@www.erskine.pvt.k12.me.us> Wednesday, November 12, 1997
- Re: (correction)Information Request
- (Hopefully not much more) cladobabble
- ...elephants?
- ...elephants? DinosØMP <padron@online.no> Wednesday, November 05, 1997
- Re: ...elephants? Ronald Orenstein <ornstn@inforamp.net> Wednesday, November 05, 1997
- _Sinosauropteryx_ fibers
- _Sinosauropteryx_ fibers "Gigi Babcock or Ralph Miller III" <gbabcock@best.com> Sunday, November 02, 1997
- Re: _Sinosauropteryx_ fibers Jeff Hecht <jhecht@world.std.com> Sunday, November 02, 1997
- Re: _Sinosauropteryx_ fibers augwhite@neosoft.com (Toby White) Sunday, November 02, 1997
- Re: _Sinosauropteryx_ fibers Bettyc <Bettyc@flyinggoat.com> Sunday, November 02, 1997
- Re: _Sinosauropteryx_ fibers Bettyc <Bettyc@flyinggoat.com> Sunday, November 02, 1997
- Re: _Sinosauropteryx_ fibers Ronald Orenstein <ornstn@inforamp.net> Monday, November 03, 1997
- Re: _Sinosauropteryx_ fibers
- ABCNEWS.COM on dinosaur lungs
- ABCNEWS.COM on dinosaur lungs WOlewiler@aol.com Friday, November 14, 1997
- Re: ABCNEWS.COM on dinosaur lungs "David Krentz" <david_krentz@fa.disney.com> Friday, November 14, 1997
- Re: ABCNEWS.COM on dinosaur lungs Ronald Orenstein <ornstn@inforamp.net> Friday, November 14, 1997
- Re: ABCNEWS.COM on dinosaur lungs jonest@ava.bcc.orst.edu (Terry D. Jones) Friday, November 14, 1997
- Re: ABCNEWS.COM on dinosaur lungs Jeff Poling <jpoling@dinosauria.com> Saturday, November 15, 1997
- Re: ABCNEWS.COM on dinosaur lungs Bill Adlam <wa105@mead.anglia.ac.uk> Monday, November 17, 1997
- Address request
- Address request mark <mhatch@www.erskine.pvt.k12.me.us> Thursday, November 13, 1997
- Air Scribes and Vinac
- Albertosaurus For Sale
- alert!
- alert! rbartlet@axionet.com (Rod Bartlett) Friday, November 28, 1997
- RE: alert! "John Clavin (Digital)" <v-jclav@microsoft.com> Friday, November 28, 1997
- RE: alert! JohnE37179@aol.com Friday, November 28, 1997
- RE: alert! "John Clavin (Digital)" <v-jclav@microsoft.com> Friday, November 28, 1997
- RE: RE: alert! JohnE37179@aol.com Friday, November 28, 1997
- RE: alert! Derek Tearne <derek@iprolink.co.nz> Saturday, November 29, 1997
- RE: alert! Richard W Travsky <rtravsky@uwyo.edu> Saturday, November 29, 1997
- Aliwalia
- Aliwalia "Françoise Forel" <forelf@internet19.fr> Saturday, November 15, 1997
- Re: Aliwalia Dinogeorge@aol.com Sunday, November 16, 1997
- Amphibian digits
- Amphibian digits Jeff Poling <jpoling@dinosauria.com> Saturday, November 29, 1997
- Another depressing Dinosaur TV Week
- Apology
- Apology George Winters <george@global-expos.com> Friday, November 07, 1997
- Arboreal Dinosaurs
- Aublysodon molnari nanotyrannus
- Australian mammal remains
- Australian mammal remains Dann Pigdon <dannj@alphalink.com.au> Friday, November 21, 1997
- Re: Australian mammal remains Jeff Hecht <jhecht@world.std.com> Friday, November 21, 1997
- Re: Australian mammal remains Adam Yates <zooamy@zoo.latrobe.edu.au> Friday, November 21, 1997
- Re: Australian mammal remains MKIRKALDY@aol.com Friday, November 21, 1997
- Re: Australian mammal remains glh@grfn.org Saturday, November 22, 1997
- Re: Australian mammal remains pwillis@ozemail.com.au (Paul Willis) Saturday, November 22, 1997
- Re: Australian mammal remains augwhite@neosoft.com (Toby White) Saturday, November 22, 1997
- Re: Australian mammal remains "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <th81@umail.umd.edu> Monday, November 24, 1997
- Re: Australian mammal remains pwillis@ozemail.com.au (Paul Willis) Monday, November 24, 1997
- Fw: Avoiding flash glare (was Oz displays/museums)
- Back!
- Back! luisrey@ndirect.co.uk (luisrey) Sunday, November 02, 1997
- Re: Back! Jack <jconrad@lib.drury.edu> Monday, November 03, 1997
- Benton request
- Benton request Graeme Worth <endocrin@opera.iinet.net.au> Wednesday, November 05, 1997
- Re: bipedal lunges
- Bird Lungs vs. Dinosaur Lungs
- Re: Birds, dinosaurs, and digit 1
- Re: Birds, dinosaurs, and digit 1 Dinogeorge@aol.com Sunday, November 09, 1997
- Re: Birds, dinosaurs, and digit 1 luisrey@ndirect.co.uk (luisrey) Monday, November 10, 1997
- Re: Birds, dinosaurs, and digit 1 Stanley Friesen <sarima@ix.netcom.com> Thursday, November 13, 1997
- Re: Birds, dinosaurs, and digit 1 Stanley Friesen <sarima@ix.netcom.com> Thursday, November 13, 1997
- Re: Birds, dinosaurs, and digit 1 "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <th81@umail.umd.edu> Thursday, November 13, 1997
- Bone identification
- Burke and Feduccia Paper: Question
- Carcharodontosaurids and Abelisaurs
- Cataloguing Software
- CeRaToPsIaNs...a different question (s).
- chickens = trex instructions
- Re: clad[istics] debate
- cladobabble--here we go again
- cladobabble--here we go again "King, Norm" <nking.ucs@smtp.usi.edu> Friday, November 14, 1997
- Re: cladobabble--here we go again Dale <frog@cncnet.com> Friday, November 14, 1997
- Re: cladobabble--here we go again "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <th81@umail.umd.edu> Friday, November 14, 1997
- Re: cladobabble--here we go again "King, Norm" <nking.ucs@smtp.usi.edu> Monday, November 17, 1997
- Re: cladobabble--here we go again Chuck Prime <prime@winternet.com> Tuesday, November 18, 1997
- Re: cladobabble--here we go again "Jonathan R. Wagner" <znc14@ttacs1.ttu.edu> Tuesday, November 18, 1997
- Re: cladobabble.../Some clarification...
- Re: cladobabble.../Some clarification... ([very]long)
- Re: cladobabble.../Some clarification... (long)
- Re: cladobabble.../Some clarification... (long) "King, Norm" <nking.ucs@smtp.usi.edu> Tuesday, November 18, 1997
- Re: cladobabble.../Some clarification... (long) "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <th81@umail.umd.edu> Wednesday, November 19, 1997
- Re: cladobabble.../Some clarification... (long) Jeffrey Martz <martz@holly.ColoState.EDU> Wednesday, November 19, 1997
- Re: cladobabble.../Some clarification... (long) Dinogeorge@aol.com Wednesday, November 19, 1997
- cladology debate
- cladology debate "King, Norm" <nking.ucs@smtp.usi.edu> Friday, November 21, 1997
- Claws and Pipping Muscles
- Contact info
- Contact info Graeme Worth <endocrin@opera.iinet.net.au> Friday, November 07, 1997
- Re: Contact info Marko Urm <murm@ut.ee> Friday, November 07, 1997
- Correcting one of my statments about dinosaur artist
- Daspletosaur horns
- December National Geographic
- December National Geographic Daniel Varner <danvarner@worldnet.att.net> Sunday, November 16, 1997
- Re: December National Geographic "Larry Dunn" <larrydunn@hotmail.com> Sunday, November 16, 1997
- Re: December National Geographic Daniel Varner <danvarner@worldnet.att.net> Sunday, November 16, 1997
- Re: December National Geographic WhitcraJ@SMTPLINK.IPFW.INDIANA.EDU Monday, November 17, 1997
- Re: December National Geographic "Larry Dunn" <larrydunn@hotmail.com> Monday, November 17, 1997
- Definitions of Dinosaurian Taxa
- DEINONYCHUS Tetanurae@aol.com Thursday, November 06, 1997
- Dino Hunt
- Dino Hunt "David Krentz" <david_krentz@fa.disney.com> Friday, November 07, 1997
- Re: Dino list breakfast
- Dino Museum Thank You!
- Dino-lung ventilation
- dinosaur and perissodactyl digits
- Re: DINOSAUR digest 467
- Re: Dinosaur Genera List Correction #80
- Dinosaur Genera List corrections #80
- Dinosaur Genera List corrections #81
- Dinosaur Genera List corrections #82
- dinosaur mailing list administrative message
- Re: Dinosaur Portfolios?
- Dinosaur TV Week
- Dinosaur TV Week "Larry Dunn" <larrydunn@hotmail.com> Sunday, November 02, 1997
- Dinosaur TV Week "Larry Dunn" <larrydunn@hotmail.com> Saturday, November 08, 1997
- Dinosaur TV Week "Larry Dunn" <larrydunn@hotmail.com> Sunday, November 23, 1997
- Diplodocid whip tails
- Diplodocid whip-tails
- Diplodocid whip-tails Dann Pigdon <dannj@alphalink.com.au> Thursday, November 13, 1997
- Re: Diplodocid whip-tails Gary Riegler <herricks@cin.net> Thursday, November 13, 1997
- RE: Diplodocid whip-tails Nathan Myhrvold <nathanm@MICROSOFT.com> Thursday, November 13, 1997
- Re: Diplodocid whip-tails Hybodus@aol.com Thursday, November 13, 1997
- RE: Diplodocid whip-tails Daniel Varner <danvarner@worldnet.att.net> Thursday, November 13, 1997
- FW: Diplodocid whip-tails Nathan Myhrvold <nathanm@MICROSOFT.com> Friday, November 14, 1997
- Disney's "Dinosaurs"
- Re: Disney's Dinosaurs
- Don Lessem request
- Dromaeosaur hand pics
- Eating a Nautilus (attn: Gothgrrl)
- Eating a Nautilus (attn: Gothgrrl) "Larry Dunn" <larrydunn@hotmail.com> Sunday, November 16, 1997
- Re: Eating a Nautilus (attn: Gothgrrl) Daniel Varner <danvarner@worldnet.att.net> Sunday, November 16, 1997
- Re: Eating a Nautilus (attn: Gothgrrl) Dann Pigdon <dannj@alphalink.com.au> Sunday, November 16, 1997
- Re: Eating a Nautilus (attn: Gothgrrl) Shane Leuck <s.leuck@tst-medhat.com> Monday, November 17, 1997
- Re: Eating a Nautilus (attn: Gothgrrl) Daniel Varner <danvarner@worldnet.att.net> Monday, November 17, 1997
- Re: Eating a Nautilus (attn: Gothgrrl) Shane Leuck <s.leuck@tst-medhat.com> Monday, November 17, 1997
- Fwd: Eating a Nautilus (attn: Gothgrrl) FOSSILNUT@aol.com Tuesday, November 18, 1997
- egg size
- egg size Dale <frog@cncnet.com> Wednesday, November 12, 1997
- Re: Egg sizes
- Re: Egg sizes Dann Pigdon <dannj@alphalink.com.au> Tuesday, November 04, 1997
- Egg sizes William Monteleone <wmonte@concentric.net> Tuesday, November 04, 1997
- Re: Egg sizes Matt Fraser <mattf+@pitt.edu> Tuesday, November 04, 1997
- Re: Egg sizes augwhite@neosoft.com (Toby White) Tuesday, November 04, 1997
- Re: Egg sizes Dann Pigdon <dannj@alphalink.com.au> Thursday, November 06, 1997
- EGG SIZES Davor Vrcibradic <davor@unicamp.br> Friday, November 07, 1997
- Re: Egg sizes
- Re: Egg sizes John Bois <jbois@umd5.umd.edu> Friday, November 07, 1997
- Eggs in Southern England
- Elmisauridae and holotypes
- Elmisauridae and holotypes roger@arkansas.net (Roger A. Stphenson) Thursday, November 20, 1997
- Re: Elmisauridae and holotypes "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <th81@umail.umd.edu> Friday, November 21, 1997
- Re: Elmisauridae and holotypes Gothgrrl@aol.com Saturday, November 22, 1997
- Re: Elmisauridae and holotypes Dinogeorge@aol.com Sunday, November 23, 1997
- Re: Elmisauridae and holotypes bchoo@cyllene.uwa.edu.au (Brian Choo) Sunday, November 23, 1997
- Re: Elmisauridae and holotypes Gothgrrl@aol.com Sunday, November 23, 1997
- Elmsauridae, What happened at SVP?
- Elmsauridae, What happened at SVP? roger@arkansas.net (Roger A. Stphenson) Thursday, November 13, 1997
- Re: Elmsauridae, What happened at SVP? "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <th81@umail.umd.edu> Friday, November 14, 1997
- Re: Elmsauridae, What happened at SVP? Stanley Friesen <sarima@ix.netcom.com> Saturday, November 15, 1997
- Re: Elmsauridae, What happened at SVP? Dinogeorge@aol.com Sunday, November 16, 1997
- encylopedia
- Extremely off-topic Sperm Whale follow-up
- Farlow Encyclopedia
- Feathered lizards?
- Feduccia and dino-hand questions
- Re: Feduccia's article
- A few lengths
- A few lengths Darryl <dinoguy@interlog.com> Thursday, November 06, 1997
- Flora ecologies in the Cretaceous
- From ScienceScan
- FYI Greg Claytor <gclaytor@flash.net> Thursday, November 20, 1997
- Re: FYI Derek Tearne <derek@iprolink.co.nz> Thursday, November 20, 1997
- gamma detection
- Re: gender
- Re: gender Dinogeorge@aol.com Saturday, November 08, 1997
- Re: gender "Gigi Babcock or Ralph Miller III" <gbabcock@best.com> Saturday, November 08, 1997
- Re: gender Dinogeorge@aol.com Sunday, November 09, 1997
- Genera status
- Genera status Graeme Worth <endocrin@opera.iinet.net.au> Tuesday, November 04, 1997
- Re: Genera status "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <th81@umail.umd.edu> Wednesday, November 05, 1997
- Re: Genera status "T. Mike Keesey" <tkeese1@gl.umbc.edu> Wednesday, November 05, 1997
- Re: Genera status "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <th81@umail.umd.edu> Wednesday, November 05, 1997
- Gojirasaurus
- Gojirasaurus AETHERaptr@aol.com Monday, November 24, 1997
- Re: Gojirasaurus "Larry Dunn" <larrydunn@hotmail.com> Monday, November 24, 1997
- Re: Gojirasaurus Dinogeorge@aol.com Monday, November 24, 1997
- Re: Gojirasaurus Dinogeorge@aol.com Tuesday, November 25, 1997
- Re: Gojirasaurus "Larry Dunn" <larrydunn@hotmail.com> Tuesday, November 25, 1997
- Re: Gojirasaurus bchoo@cyllene.uwa.edu.au (Brian Choo) Tuesday, November 25, 1997
- Gored to death
- Gored to death roger@arkansas.net (Roger A. Stphenson) Thursday, November 20, 1997
- Re: Gored to death Betty Cunningham <bettyc@captivation.com> Thursday, November 20, 1997
- Re: Gored to death kodiak@inetworld.net (T.A. Curtis) Friday, November 21, 1997
- got milk
- got milk Dale <frog@cncnet.com> Wednesday, November 12, 1997
- Re: got milk "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <th81@umail.umd.edu> Wednesday, November 12, 1997
- Re: got milk Pieter.Depuydt@rug.ac.be Friday, November 14, 1997
- height (was Re: Velociraptor)
- Height (was Re: Velociraptor)
- Height of extinct creatures
- Hell Creek Faunal List-Thanks
- Hole-nesting question for GSP.
- The horned dinosaurs book
- Horner e-mail
- Horner e-mail "Matthew Troutman" <m_troutman@hotmail.com> Thursday, November 06, 1997
- HUMOR:Fwd: people with too much time on their hands]
- HYPACROSAURUS stebingeri
- Is NEMESIS a dead theory?
- JAMES GURNEY franczak@ntplx.net (Brian Franczak) Sunday, November 23, 1997
- Re: James Gurney
- Re: James Gurney Daniel Varner <danvarner@worldnet.att.net> Sunday, November 23, 1997
- Re: JAMES GURNEY Casey <TUCKERCJ@muohio.edu> Sunday, November 23, 1997
- Re: JAMES GURNEY augwhite@neosoft.com (Toby White) Sunday, November 23, 1997
- Re: JAMES GURNEY luisrey@ndirect.co.uk (luisrey) Sunday, November 23, 1997
- Re: JAMES GURNEY Jonathon Woolf <jwoolf@erinet.com> Monday, November 24, 1997
- Re: JAMES GURNEY "Gigi Babcock or Ralph Miller III" <gbabcock@best.com> Monday, November 24, 1997
- Re: JAMES GURNEY Betty Cunningham <bettyc@captivation.com> Monday, November 24, 1997
- Re: JAMES GURNEY "David Krentz" <david_krentz@fa.disney.com> Monday, November 24, 1997
- Re: Jim Gurney
- Re: Jim Gurney "Gigi Babcock or Ralph Miller III" <gbabcock@best.com> Tuesday, November 25, 1997
- Jim Gurney bashing
- Jurassic tetrapods from California
- JVP "David Krentz" <david_krentz@fa.disney.com> Friday, November 14, 1997
- Re: JVP Dinogeorge@aol.com Sunday, November 16, 1997
- Re: JVP & other publications
- lawyer vision
- lawyer vision Jeff Poling <jpoling@dinosauria.com> Friday, November 07, 1997
- Re: lawyer vision The Armadillo with the Mask <armadilo@daft.com> Saturday, November 15, 1997
- Re: lawyer vision "Larry Dunn" <larrydunn@hotmail.com> Saturday, November 15, 1997
- Longisquama species
- Looking for bibliography
- Looking for Eleanora Robbins
- Lost World sauropod (was Re: _Velociraptor_ or Size)
- Lost World sauropod (was Re: _Velociraptor_ or Size) "Gigi Babcock or Ralph Miller III" <gbabcock@best.com> Wednesday, November 12, 1997
- Re: Lost World sauropod (was Re: _Velociraptor_ or Size) Daniel Varner <danvarner@worldnet.att.net> Wednesday, November 12, 1997
- Re: Lost World sauropod (was Re: _Velociraptor_ or Size) tuckercj@miavx1.acs.muohio.edu Wednesday, November 12, 1997
- Re: Lost World sauropod (was Re: _Velociraptor_ or Size) Alan Sinder <alan@nichimen.com> Wednesday, November 12, 1997
- Re: Lost World sauropod (was Re: _Velociraptor_ or Size) Dinogeorge@aol.com Thursday, November 13, 1997
- Re: Lost World sauropod (was Re: _Velociraptor_ or Size) "D.I.G." <dinosaur@interport.net> Thursday, November 13, 1997
- Re: Lost World sauropod (was Re: _Velociraptor_ or Size) "D.I.G." <dinosaur@interport.net> Sunday, November 16, 1997
- Re: Lost World sauropod and Glut volume 2
- lungs
- lungs Molator@aol.com Monday, November 24, 1997
- Re: Madagascar sickle clawed bird/theropod
- Majungasaurus Questions
- Mammals
- Mammals "Matthew Troutman" <m_troutman@hotmail.com> Monday, November 24, 1997
- Re: Megaraptor
- Re: Megaraptor "Jaime Headden" <jaemei@hotmail.com> Wednesday, November 26, 1997
- Re: Megaraptor "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <th81@umail.umd.edu> Wednesday, November 26, 1997
- Re: Megaraptor "T. Mike Keesey" <tkeese1@gl.umbc.edu> Wednesday, November 26, 1997
- Re: Megaraptor "T. Mike Keesey" <tkeese1@gl.umbc.edu> Wednesday, November 26, 1997
- Re: Megaraptor "Jonathan R. Wagner" <znc14@ttacs1.ttu.edu> Thursday, November 27, 1997
- Re: Megaraptor "Jonathan R. Wagner" <znc14@ttacs1.ttu.edu> Saturday, November 29, 1997
- Re: Megaraptor (again)
- Montana remains Montana remains
- More on Birds, dinosaurs, and digits
- More on Birds, dinosaurs, and digits Stanley Friesen <sarima@ix.netcom.com> Thursday, November 27, 1997
- Re: More on Birds, dinosaurs, and digits augwhite@neosoft.com (Toby White) Saturday, November 29, 1997
- Re: More on Birds, dinosaurs, and digits Jeff Poling <jpoling@dinosauria.com> Saturday, November 29, 1997
- Re: More on Birds, dinosaurs, and digits Stanley Friesen <sarima@ix.netcom.com> Sunday, November 30, 1997
- Re: More on Birds, dinosaurs, and digits (LONG)
- Re: More on Birds, dinosaurs, and digits (oops!)
- mosasaurs
- mosasaurs Davor Vrcibradic <davor@unicamp.br> Friday, November 28, 1997
- moving dinosaurs
- Mr. Z rex
- Mr. Z rex "Mickey P. Rowe" <mrowe@indiana.edu> Wednesday, November 26, 1997
- re: Mr. Z-rex
- re: Mr. Z-rex Phillip Bigelow <bh162@scn.org> Thursday, November 27, 1997
- Museum of the Rockies
- Museums with Dino Collections OUTSIDE of United States
- Musings about JP and LW
- Re: My baby has been born
- Mystery Claw??!?
- Mystery Claw??!? mark <mhatch@www.erskine.pvt.k12.me.us> Thursday, November 06, 1997
- Neoteny & Avian Evolution
- Neoteny & Avian Evolution Casey <TUCKERCJ@muohio.edu> Friday, November 14, 1997
- Re: Neoteny & Avian Evolution "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <th81@umail.umd.edu> Friday, November 14, 1997
- Re: Neoteny & Avian Evolution "John R. Hutchinson" <jrhutch@socrates.berkeley.edu> Friday, November 14, 1997
- Re: Neoteny & Avian Evolution Ronald Orenstein <ornstn@inforamp.net> Friday, November 14, 1997
- Re: Neoteny & Avian Evolution Jack <jconrad@lib.drury.edu> Saturday, November 15, 1997
- Re: Neoteny & Avian Evolution Aaron Feuk <feukac@plu.edu> Saturday, November 15, 1997
- New Montana rex
- New Montana rex Gary Riegler <herricks@cin.net> Saturday, November 29, 1997
- Re: New Protarcheaopteryx specimens
- New refs
- New refs Ralph Chapman <CHAPMAN.RALPH@NMNH.SI.EDU> Tuesday, November 25, 1997
- New Rigby Giant
- New Rigby Giant Sean Connell <thelip@flash.net> Wednesday, November 05, 1997
- Re: New Rigby Giant Jack <jconrad@lib.drury.edu> Wednesday, November 05, 1997
- Re: New Rigby Giant Dann Pigdon <dannj@alphalink.com.au> Thursday, November 06, 1997
- Re: New Rigby Giant Dinogeorge@aol.com Friday, November 07, 1997
- Re: New Rigby Giant MKIRKALDY@aol.com Monday, November 10, 1997
- RE: New Rigby Giant "stevo@dgs.net" <stevo@dgsys.com> Wednesday, November 12, 1997
- Re: New Rigby Giant MKIRKALDY@aol.com Wednesday, November 12, 1997
- Re: New Rigby Giant Jack <jconrad@lib.drury.edu> Wednesday, November 12, 1997
- RE: New Rigby Giant "stevo@dgs.net" <stevo@dgsys.com> Sunday, November 16, 1997
- Obligatory parental nest attendance.
- Obligatory parental nest attendance. John Bois <jbois@umd5.umd.edu> Sunday, November 16, 1997
- Re: Obligatory parental nest attendance. Ellen Sue Blakey <ellensb@trib.com> Sunday, November 16, 1997
- Re: Obligatory parental nest attendance. Dann Pigdon <dannj@alphalink.com.au> Sunday, November 16, 1997
- Re: Obligatory parental nest attendance. John Bois <jbois@umd5.umd.edu> Sunday, November 16, 1997
- Re: Obligatory parental nest attendance. John Bois <jbois@umd5.umd.edu> Sunday, November 16, 1997
- On dinosaur lungs
- On the lone prarie
- Oz displays/museums
- Oz dromaeosaurs(Re: Megaraptor)
- Paleo Scholarships
- Paleontology/Fossil Software Applications?
- Paraphyletic groups [was Re: cladobabble...[...]]
- Peebles and MOR (WAS: RE: Pebbles and Bam Bam)
- Peebles Ranch troubles; follow-up
- Peers or Piss Ants? (was Re:THEROPOD LUNG UNREALITY (LONG))
- Re: Phyl tax misunderstandings
- Re: Phyl tax misunderstandings "King, Norm" <nking.ucs@smtp.usi.edu> Friday, November 14, 1997
- Re: Phyl tax misunderstandings "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <th81@umail.umd.edu> Saturday, November 15, 1997
- Re: Phyl tax misunderstandings Ronald Orenstein <ornstn@inforamp.net> Saturday, November 15, 1997
- Re: Phyl tax misunderstandings Dinogeorge@aol.com Sunday, November 16, 1997
- Re: Phyl tax misunderstandings (was Re: tetrapoda)
- Phyl tax misunderstandings (was Re: tetrapoda) (LONG)
- Phyl tax misunderstandings (was Re: tetrapoda) (LONG) "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <th81@umail.umd.edu> Friday, November 14, 1997
- Re: Phyl tax misunderstandings (was Re: tetrapoda) (LONG) Dinogeorge@aol.com Saturday, November 15, 1997
- Re: Phyl tax misunderstandings (was Re: tetrapoda) (LONG) Dinogeorge@aol.com Saturday, November 15, 1997
- Re: Phyl tax misunderstandings (was Re: tetrapoda) (LONG) Jonathon Woolf <jwoolf@erinet.com> Saturday, November 15, 1997
- Re: Phyl tax misunderstandings (was Re: tetrapoda) (LONG) "Thomas R. Holtz, Jr." <th81@umail.umd.edu> Sunday, November 16, 1997
- Re: Phyl tax misunderstandings (was Re: tetrapoda) (LONG) Stanley Friesen <sarima@ix.netcom.com> Sunday, November 16, 1997
- Re: Phyl tax misunderstandings (was Re: tetrapoda) (LONG) Dinogeorge@aol.com Monday, November 17, 1997
- Re: Phyl tax misunderstandings - oops!
- Phylogenetic epistomology (was cladobabble--here we go again)
- Pipping
- Pipping Briscobob@aol.com Friday, November 07, 1997
- Plural Carnotaurus
- Plural Carnotaurus "David Krentz" <david_krentz@fa.disney.com> Friday, November 07, 1997
- Re: Plural Carnotaurus franczak@ntplx.net (Brian Franczak) Friday, November 07, 1997
- Re: Plural Carnotaurus "T. Mike Keesey" <tkeese1@gl.umbc.edu> Friday, November 07, 1997
- Re: Plural Carnotaurus "Peter Von Sholly" <vonrex@gte.net> Friday, November 07, 1997
- Re: Plural Carnotaurus Dann Pigdon <dannj@alphalink.com.au> Friday, November 07, 1997
- Re: Plural Carnotaurus Dinogeorge <Dinogeorge@aol.com> Friday, November 07, 1997
- Re: Plural Carnotaurus rjmeyer@ix.netcom.com (Rob Meyerson) Friday, November 07, 1997
- Proper use of the list
- Re: Protoavis
- Re: Protoavis?
- Pterosaurs
- Pterosaurs "Christopher Straughn" <chrisas@elnet.com> Wednesday, November 26, 1997
- Re:Pubic Openings (Egg Sizes)
- Purloined Dinosaur Art
- Quartzite, Arizona
- A question about "Trinitychelys hiatti" and the Chico Formation
- question on ankylosaurs for the list (fwd)
- recumbent posture
- recumbent posture URL correction
- Request for Dino Art for International Dinosaur Month Leaflet
- Retraction
- Retraction augwhite@neosoft.com (Toby White) Tuesday, November 11, 1997
- Ruben et al. article on-line
- Re: Sauropod necks
- Re: Scandinavian dinos!!!....aaaaand some spinosaur sruff....
- Scotty the T-Rex Question
- Re: Second Thoughts on Sue
- Re: Selective Extinction
- Re: Selective Extinction Bettyc <Bettyc@flyinggoat.com> Monday, November 03, 1997
- Re: Selective Extinction Bettyc <Bettyc@flyinggoat.com> Monday, November 03, 1997
- Re: Selective Extinction Chris Campbell <sankarah@ou.edu> Monday, November 03, 1997
- Re: Selective Extinction pwillis@ozemail.com.au (Paul Willis) Tuesday, November 04, 1997
- Re: Selective Extinction augwhite@neosoft.com (Toby White) Tuesday, November 04, 1997
- Re: Selective Extinction augwhite@neosoft.com (Toby White) Wednesday, November 05, 1997
- Re: Selective Extinction "Michael" <tons@net-side.com> Wednesday, November 05, 1997
- Re: Selective Extinction Dann Pigdon <dannj@alphalink.com.au> Thursday, November 06, 1997
- Re: Selective Extinction Jay Reynolds Freeman <freeman@netcom.com> Thursday, November 06, 1997
- Re: Selective Extinction "Michael" <tons@net-side.com> Friday, November 07, 1997
- Re: Selective Extinction "Augustus T. White" <augwhite@neosoft.com> Friday, November 07, 1997
- Sequoias
- Sequoias smoore@scuacc.scu.edu Saturday, November 01, 1997
- SEQUOIAS AND SAUROPODS (WAS Re: Sequoias and t rex)
- Sequoias and t rex
- Siluosaurus
- Siluosaurus "Jarno Peschier" <jpeschie@cs.ruu.nl> Sunday, November 16, 1997
- Size (was Re: Height (was Re: Velociraptor))
- Some clarification (was Re: cladobabble--here we go again)
- Sorry
- Sorry mark <mhatch@www.erskine.pvt.k12.me.us> Thursday, November 06, 1997
- Spanish Moss
- Spanish Moss Daniel Varner <danvarner@worldnet.att.net> Tuesday, November 04, 1997
- Re: Spanish Moss Ronald Orenstein <ornstn@inforamp.net> Tuesday, November 04, 1997
- Re: Spanish Moss Daniel Varner <danvarner@worldnet.att.net> Tuesday, November 04, 1997
- Re: Spanish Moss franczak@ntplx.net (Brian Franczak) Wednesday, November 05, 1997
- Status of Anasazisaurus
- Staurikoeoraptor
- Stegosaur questions
- Re: Subscription to Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology
- Re: Sue...Hmmmmm
- Re: SVP and Back!
- T.rex teeth
- T.rex teeth "Bruce R. Danz" <brd@postoffice.worldnet.att.net> Monday, November 24, 1997
- Teaching the straight dope
- Teeth
- Teeth Antoni Lacasa-Ruiz <fossils@redestb.es> Sunday, November 23, 1997
- Re: teeth
- Re: teeth Phillip Bigelow <bh162@scn.org> Monday, November 24, 1997
- Re: Teeth
- Re: Teeth pwillis@ozemail.com.au (Paul Willis) Monday, November 24, 1997
- tetrapoda
- tetrapoda Jack <jconrad@lib.drury.edu> Thursday, November 13, 1997
- Re: tetrapoda "T. Mike Keesey" <tkeese1@gl.umbc.edu> Thursday, November 13, 1997
- Re: tetrapoda Adam Yates <zooamy@zoo.latrobe.edu.au> Thursday, November 13, 1997
- Re: tetrapoda Pieter.Depuydt@rug.ac.be Friday, November 14, 1997
- Re: tetrapoda Jonathon Woolf <jwoolf@erinet.com> Friday, November 14, 1997
- Re: tetrapoda Pieter.Depuydt@rug.ac.be Friday, November 14, 1997
- Tetrapoda (was Re: Phyl tax misunderstandings)
- Thanks
- Thanks "akins@msu.oscs.montana.edu" <akins@msu.oscs.montana.edu> Friday, November 21, 1997
- Thanks from Dinogeorge
- The Thanksgiving Demise of Barney
- that e-mail virus hoax
- Theropod man?
- Theropod man? Daniel Varner <danvarner@worldnet.att.net> Wednesday, November 26, 1997
- Re: Thescelosaurus & Tenontosaurus
- Thescelosaurus specimens
- Third European Workshop on Vertebrate Palaeontology
- Three things (not of Orient are)
- Tools and Prep Supplies
- Re: Type material: does it have to be pretty?
- Type material: does it have to look pretty?
- Type material: does it have to look pretty? Phillip Bigelow <bh162@scn.org> Thursday, November 13, 1997
- Re: Type material: does it have to look pretty? Dinogeorge@aol.com Thursday, November 27, 1997
- Re: Type material: does it have to look pretty? Dinogeorge@aol.com Saturday, November 29, 1997
- Re: Type material: does it have to look pretty? Betty Cunningham <bettyc@captivation.com> Saturday, November 29, 1997
- Re: Type material: does it have to look pretty? Betty Cunningham <bettyc@captivation.com> Sunday, November 30, 1997
- Re: Type material: does it have to look pretty? Dinogeorge@aol.com Sunday, November 30, 1997
- Re-upping and Jim Gurney
- Re-upping and Jim Gurney Ralph Chapman <CHAPMAN.RALPH@NMNH.SI.EDU> Tuesday, November 25, 1997
- Re: Re-upping and Jim Gurney Betty Cunningham <bettyc@captivation.com> Tuesday, November 25, 1997
- Re: Re-upping and Jim Gurney Daniel Varner <danvarner@worldnet.att.net> Tuesday, November 25, 1997
- Re: Re-upping and Jim Gurney Betty Cunningham <bettyc@captivation.com> Wednesday, November 26, 1997
- Re: Re-upping and Jim Gurney JohnE37179@aol.com Thursday, November 27, 1997
- Re: Velocirapor or Size
- Re: Velocirapor or Size "David Krentz" <david_krentz@fa.disney.com> Thursday, November 06, 1997
- Re: Velocirapor or Size "Gigi Babcock or Ralph Miller III" <gbabcock@best.com> Friday, November 07, 1997
- Re: Velocirapor or Size "Charles W. Johnson" <cwj2@eskimo.com> Saturday, November 08, 1997
- Re: Velocirapor or Size Jeffrey Martz <martz@holly.ColoState.EDU> Monday, November 10, 1997
- Re: Velocirapor or Size "David Krentz" <david_krentz@fa.disney.com> Monday, November 10, 1997
- Re: Velocirapor or Size Jeffrey Martz <martz@holly.ColoState.EDU> Tuesday, November 11, 1997
- Re: Velocirapor or Size "D.I.G." <dinosaur@interport.net> Tuesday, November 11, 1997
- Re: Velocirapor or Size Daniel Varner <danvarner@worldnet.att.net> Tuesday, November 11, 1997
- Velociraptor
- Velociraptor mark <mhatch@www.erskine.pvt.k12.me.us> Wednesday, November 05, 1997
- Re: Velociraptor Jack <jconrad@lib.drury.edu> Wednesday, November 05, 1997
- Re: Velociraptor "Larry Dunn" <larrydunn@hotmail.com> Wednesday, November 05, 1997
- Re: Velociraptor Jonathon Woolf <jwoolf@erinet.com> Wednesday, November 05, 1997
- Re: Velociraptor Jonathon Woolf <jwoolf@erinet.com> Wednesday, November 05, 1997
- Re: Velociraptor "Michael" <tons@net-side.com> Wednesday, November 05, 1997
- Re: Velociraptor Sean Connell <thelip@flash.net> Thursday, November 06, 1997
- Re: Velociraptor Chris Campbell <sankarah@ou.edu> Thursday, November 06, 1997
- Re: Velociraptor Chris Campbell <sankarah@ou.edu> Thursday, November 06, 1997
- Re: Velociraptor Jonathon Woolf <jwoolf@erinet.com> Thursday, November 06, 1997
- Re: Velociraptor mark <mhatch@www.erskine.pvt.k12.me.us> Thursday, November 06, 1997
- RE: Velociraptor mark <mhatch@www.erskine.pvt.k12.me.us> Thursday, November 06, 1997
- Re: Velociraptor Bill Adlam <wa105@mead.anglia.ac.uk> Thursday, November 06, 1997
- RE: Velociraptor bchoo@cyllene.uwa.edu.au (Brian Choo) Thursday, November 06, 1997
- RE: Velociraptor Ronald Orenstein <ornstn@inforamp.net> Thursday, November 06, 1997
- RE: Velociraptor mark <mhatch@www.erskine.pvt.k12.me.us> Thursday, November 06, 1997
- Re: Velociraptor "Gigi Babcock or Ralph Miller III" <gbabcock@best.com> Thursday, November 06, 1997
- Re: Velociraptor Jack <jconrad@lib.drury.edu> Thursday, November 06, 1997
- Re: Velociraptor "T. Mike Keesey" <tkeese1@gl.umbc.edu> Thursday, November 06, 1997
- Re: Velociraptor "Jonathan R. Wagner" <znc14@ttacs1.ttu.edu> Thursday, November 06, 1997
- Re: Velociraptor franczak@ntplx.net (Brian Franczak) Thursday, November 06, 1997
- RE: Velociraptor "Charles W. Johnson" <cwj2@eskimo.com> Thursday, November 06, 1997
- Re: Velociraptor "Michael" <tons@net-side.com> Friday, November 07, 1997
- Re: Velociraptor Jonathon Woolf <jwoolf@erinet.com> Friday, November 07, 1997
- Re: Velociraptor "Brian Tegowski" <tegowski@primenet.com> Friday, November 07, 1997
- Re: Velociraptor Chris Campbell <sankarah@ou.edu> Friday, November 07, 1997
- Re: Velociraptor DinosØMP <padron@online.no> Friday, November 07, 1997
- Re: Velociraptor "D.I.G." <dinosaur@interport.net> Tuesday, November 11, 1997
- Re: Velociraptor "D.I.G." <dinosaur@interport.net> Monday, November 17, 1997
- Velociraptor claws
- Velociraptor size per JP's paraphernalia
- Web site test
- Re: What is a dromaeosaurid?
- Re: What is a dromaeosaurid? (I usually can spell it)
- What is a dromeosaurid?
- When does "live birth" become a critical survival edge?
- Whoops!
- Whoops! "T. Mike Keesey" <tkeese1@gl.umbc.edu> Friday, November 28, 1997
- Whose definition of Dinosauria?
- Re: your mail
- Re: your mail Matt Fraser <mattf+@pitt.edu> Tuesday, November 04, 1997
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