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Re: SVP and Back!

From:   APSU01::PESELYG       3-NOV-1997 17:33:34.64

From:   IN%"dragonfyr@tycho.com"  3-NOV-1997 12:37:01.00
To:     IN%"dinosaur@usc.edu"
Subj:   RE: SVP and Back!
From: Louise Sugar <dragonfyr@tycho.com>

My only reaction when viewing all the pictures was 'My God! They're all just
babies!!"  You all look so darned YOUNG!!  Or maybe it's just that I am
beginning to get older  :D

Cf. _Science_ 278 (10 Oct 1997) 219:

"With the ranks of paleontologists dwindling and graying..."

Belied by the Dinolist Breakfast photos!  Thanks to those concerned
for making the pictures available.    

George Pesely, Dept. of History, Austin Peay State Univ., Clarksville TN
peselyg@apsu01.apsu.edu          http://www.apsu.edu/~peselyg/