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Re: late night thoughts: misunderstand what?
Would you mind being more specific about what I misunderstand?
I understand that consensus is that when T. rex proper was in full flower
sauropods were getting kind of scarce... might have been one
race where the predator won.
It was the other way around. First sauropods became scarce or extinct in
North America, then they reappeared, and then *T. rex* evolved. Your
scenario requires that *T. rex* appeared first, and then sauropods became
rarer and rarer and then died out.
Tyrannosaurids don't look at all like specialized sauropod-hunters. From
such an animal I'd expect the ability to make huge wounds in a short time
and then retreat. This is what carnosaurs, especially carcharodontosaurids,
look like. Tyrannosaurs were pursuit-and-bite predators. Sauropods don't run
away, and staying to fight with a sauropod is ill-advised.
Furthermore, the geographical overlap of tyrannosaurids and sauropods is
And there's no evidence for an arms race...