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Απ: Practical work experience?

Hi everyone

I am also not a ''real paleontologist''

Although I am studying vertebrate palaeontology all my life, currently
I am studying in the Chemical Engineering Department of Thessaloniki,

My final thesis is

''DNA and Protein Isolation from the 290 Million Year old
AmphibianDiscosauriscus austriacusand applications of Biotechnology
in Palaeontology''

We will presentthis workin the ICAAP 2007 (International Congress on
Amino Acids and Proteins) http://icaap.web.auth.gr

So, I try to combine Palaeontology and Biochemistry

And by the way I would like to comment on previous question about
electroreceptors in primitive tetrapoda

Discosauriscus had elecroreceptors.


Life finds a way

(Jurassic Park I)

Georgalis Georgios
Vertebrate Palaeontology Researcher

2007/6/11, Henri Rönkkö <hronkko@iki.fi>:

I'm interested to know if there are places where one could get experience
with the practical work of palaeontology, like fieldwork or preparation. If
there's nothing but voluntary work, that must do. It would be best if it was
in Europe.

Henri Rönkkö

Georgalis Georgios
Vertebrate Palaeontology Researcher