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RE: "Utah site yields first Cretaceous-era sauropod skulls ever in N. America"

> From: owner-dinosaur@usc.edu [mailto:owner-dinosaur@usc.edu]On Behalf Of
> Jura
> Isn't _Alamosaurus_ the only known Cretaceous, North
> American sauropod? Does anyone know if this material
> can be attributed to it? If not, then I suppose
> Cretaceous sauropods were more abundant than was once
> thought.

Ummm, there are several more Cretaceous sauropods. The Maryland material 
(Astrodon johnstoni aka Pleurocoelus) were in fact the
first sauropods found in North America. Sauroposeidon, the unnamed "Texas 
Pleurocoelus" material, Cedarsaurus, and Venenosaurus are
all other Cretaceous North American sauropods. And sauropod tracks have long 
been known from the Cretaceous of North America.

Alamosaurus just gets the press...

                Thomas R. Holtz, Jr.
                Vertebrate Paleontologist
Department of Geology           Director, Earth, Life & Time Program
University of Maryland          College Park Scholars
        Mailing Address:
                Building 237, Room 1117
                College Park, MD  20742

Phone:  301-405-4084    Email:  tholtz@geol.umd.edu
Fax (Geol):  301-314-9661       Fax (CPS-ELT): 301-405-0796