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Re: Crappy Old Dinosaur Books

Lisa & Mike:
I am smiling because I too have an extensive collection of "crappy" and
not-so-crappy old dino books and toys that I've been gathering ( yard sales,
flea markets, library book sales) over the years.  Ostensibly for the
artwork for ideas, but mostly because I love to have the stuff around. I'll
leave it to the SVP auction when I'm extinct!  In the meantime I still give
lots away to kids when I give talks at schools.
- Patti

Patti Kane-Vanni
Bala Cynwyd, PA  19004
pkv1@erols.com or paleopatti@hotmail.com

"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions.  Small people
always do that, but really great ones make you feel that you too, can become
great." - Mark Twain
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Lisa Meeks" <lmeeks1977@hotmail.com>
To: <mike@indexdata.com>; <dinosaur@usc.edu>
Sent: Friday, June 25, 2004 8:40 AM
Subject: RE: Crappy Old Dinosaur Books

> Mike
> Your email makes me laugh, because I remember spending long summer nights
> the age of 15 drawing the 'thunder lizard' and their version of
>   How does that Allosaur even walk!  My favorite part if about the
> Brachisaurs who were (and I'm paraphrasing) 'too big and stupid to ever
> leave the water'  Still, I keep the book as a fond reminder of old ideas
> artistic rendition.
> Lisa
> >From: Mike Taylor <mike@indexdata.com>
> >Reply-To: mike@indexdata.com
> >To: dinosaur@usc.edu
> >Subject: Crappy Old Dinosaur Books
> >Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2004 10:09:06 +0100
> >
> >Anyone who shares my love of crappy old dinosaur books will enjoy this
> >page, lovingly assembled by a fellow fan:
> > http://www2.gol.com/users/doubtboy/dinosaurbooks.html
> >
> >I have particularly fond memories of _The How and Why Wonder Book of
> >Dinosaurs_.  Looking at the scans, I am astonished that even back then
> >I didn't revolt at the anorexic _Allosaurus_ :-)  I also loved the
> >_Brontosaurus_/_Allosaurus_ fight scene from _Dinosaurs and Other
> >Prehistoric Reptiles_.  (Yes, I know; but you just _can't_ say
> >_Apatosaurus_ when you're talking about these old books :-)
> >
> >Enjoy.
> >
> >  _/|_ _______________________________________________________________
> >/o ) \/  Mike Taylor  <mike@indexdata.com>  http://www.miketaylor.org.uk
> >)_v__/\  "Oh, don't be so sentimental mother, things explode every day"
> > -- Monty Python's Flying Circus.
> >
> >--
> >Listen to free demos of soundtrack music for film, TV and radio
> > http://www.pipedreaming.org.uk/soundtrack/
> >
> >
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