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RE: Tyrannosaurid questions
> From: owner-dinosaur@usc.edu [mailto:owner-dinosaur@usc.edu]On Behalf Of
> Nicholas Gardner
> Why does the Norell et al 2001 Ostrom Symposium paper exclude the
> tyrannosaurids from Coelurosauria? Semantics? A revised
> definition of the
> Coelurosauria?
Nothing more than the personal preferences of (some of) the authors of that
paper. Please note: not all cladists, nor even all of the hardest of
cladists, use phylogenetic taxonomy. Furthermore (and I know that this is
heresy on the list), some paleontologists really aren't interested in the
higher level taxonomy of dinosaurs (as opposed to the systematics).
> Are jugal rugosities a synapomorphy a clade within the Tyrannosauridae?
Tyrannosauridae within Tyrannosauroidea.
> To what extent are tyrannosaurid skin impressions known?
> Specimen numbers?
> Species? Maturity of specimens? Refs? Does anyone have high
> quality images
> of these impression?
Patience, my man!! None are published yet. I am not at liberty to
distribute images of said specimens, but if you go to the Royal Tyrrell
there is at least one postcard-sized specimen on display.
Please refer to the archives of the list for more details.
> Are there any good photos of the tyrannosaurids RMM 6670 and
> NMMNH P-27469?
> Does anyone know anything about the affinities of these taxa?
pant... pant... pant...
Okay, calmer now.
RMM 6670 is the type of the new Alabama taxon. Wait for the description.
Don't make me reach through the Internet and slap people around about
this... :-) Trust me, it is worth the wait.
NMMNH P-27469 is illustrated in Carr and Williamson (2000. NMMNHS Bull. 17:
113-145). An indeterminate tyrannosaurine.
Thomas R. Holtz, Jr.
Vertebrate Paleontologist
Department of Geology Director, Earth, Life & Time Program
University of Maryland College Park Scholars
College Park, MD 20742
Phone: 301-405-4084 Email: tholtz@geol.umd.edu
Fax (Geol): 301-314-9661 Fax (CPS-ELT): 301-405-0796