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Tyrannosaurid questions

Dear all,

Why does the Norell et al 2001 Ostrom Symposium paper exclude the tyrannosaurids from Coelurosauria? Semantics? A revised definition of the Coelurosauria?

Are jugal rugosities a synapomorphy a clade within the Tyrannosauridae?

To what extent are tyrannosaurid skin impressions known? Specimen numbers? Species? Maturity of specimens? Refs? Does anyone have high quality images of these impression?

Are there any good photos of the tyrannosaurids RMM 6670 and NMMNH P-27469? Does anyone know anything about the affinities of these taxa?

Thanks in Advance,

Nick Gardner                              [Aim] CloudRaptor05
Dinosaur:  Alternate Perspectives         [Msn] n_gardner637@hotmail.com
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Altperdino/ [Yim] n_gardner637@yahoo.com

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