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Re: Hypsilophodontid toes & tracks
> Now if you can find an example where one of the Lark Quarry hypsies
>paused, you might come up with
>an appropriate five-digit manus impression in addition to that type
>four-digit pes, and you will have a hypsilophodontid-diagnostic ichnite.
> I understand the smaller animals at the Lark Quarry were really
>'freaking out' over the appearance of
>one "big ass theropod" (to quote one of our most esteemed 'therepodan' list
>members), so unless one finds tracks made before that happened, well, lots
>of luck! However, you might look for the manus situation at other track
The trackway is on the side of a small hill - the small dinosaurs are
'running away' from the
summit. The layer preserving the trackway appears to go right underneath
(up track?) the hill. I reckon that the point were the small animals were
playing Cretinaceous beach volleyball before the big bully came along is
under there somewhere. As is (perhaps) the spot where the 'carnosaur' made
its kill.
Maybe we need one of them modified, shielded gamma scintillator things!
I suggest you petition Alex Cook (aka Dr Evil) to knock the top off the
hill. He will demand (wave your crooked little finger) "seven meelliion
"If the vertebrate fossil record of Australia tells us anything, it is this;
dinosaurs, bad; plesiosaurs, good."
Colin McHenry
56 Gaskill St
CANOWINDRA, NSW 2804, Australia
Ph: +61 2 6344 1009
Mobile phone: 0428 131 858
email: cmchenry@westserv.net.au
> So you see, ONCE ONE LEARNS WHAT TO LOOK FOR, discoveries begin.
>Pretty soon, four-toed hypsie tracks could be popping up in the perception
>fields of people at many places down there and elsewhere, if history is any
> Ray Stanford
>"You know my method. It is founded upon the observance of trifles." --
>Sherlock Holmes in The Boscombe Valley Mystery
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Dann Pigdon" <dannj@alphalink.com.au>
>To: "DML" <dinosaur@usc.edu>
>Sent: Monday, August 05, 2002 8:13 PM
>Subject: Re: Hypsilophodontid toes & tracks
>Wouldn't you know it - I've had an (almost) four-toed small ornithopod
>track quite literally under my nose the whole time. It is a cast of one
>of the smaller Wintonopus tracks from Lark Quarry, about 4 cm long.