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Re: Marshosaurus

> alluded to such an
> identification several times.  Characters found in
> coelurosaurs that I see
> include the constricted tooth roots, a lateral
> dentary groove containing
> foramina, posterior serrations much larger than
> anterior serrations,
> serrations on anterior carinae restricted to distal
> half of tooth, reduced
> anterior pubic foot, open obturator notch in pubis
> and ischium 2/3 the

Thanks for the details. It is good that there are
synapomorphies from both the dentary and the pelvic
girdle, so most probably they did come from the same
organism. Does Madsden not note a similarity between
the pubes of Coelurus and MArshosaurus? I guess this
is the same obturator notch you are talking about.

Excuse my ignorance for asking this question:
On the web site of the Dinosaur Park and Museum they
say that two more complete skeletons of Marshosaurus
have been uncovered and there are articulated skulls.
Has this material been published? Should that not
clich the coelurosaur issue and throw light on the
late Jurassic evolution of coelurosaurs?


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