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Re: Dino-mags?

The Dinosaur Society, basically, no longer exists.

There have been previous threads that explain this in more detail than anyone
could hope for.

Mary Nalasco wrote:

> Whatever ended up happening to The Dinosaur Society? The Dinosaur Report
> used to keep me updated on things, but I lost all contact with them when
> they moved. That was the only dinosaur publication I knew of (besides the
> Dino Times.)
> >From: Caleb <terminator2029@usa.net>
> >Reply-To: terminator2029@usa.net
> >To: Dino List <dinosaur@usc.edu>
> >Subject: Dino-mags?
> >Date: 28 Feb 00 15:34:51 MST
> >
> >Hey guys and gals,
> >
> >    Would there be any magazines that are strictly about
> >dinosaurs/paleontology? I heard of the JVP, but I also heard it takes alot
> >to
> >get a subscription and its rather expensive, so that's a little out of the
> >question. I have a bunch of back issues of Earth magazine that I've never
> >read, and those seem to have something in each one, but, I was wondering if
> >there's one STRICTLY devoted (and a good, professional one, nothing like
> >the
> >Dino-Times [which I used to subscribe to and had a page entirely published
> >on
> >me once, really cool, but I was like 12 so not really]).
> >    Also, I was wondering about how long was the teeth from a
> >Charcharodontosaurus? I got a real tooth for Christmas and it doesn't seem
> >like it would be the full length. just curious.
> >
> >
> >                                       Thx,
> >                                       Caleb Lewis
> >
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