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vertebrate paleontology symposium

     On April 22-23, 1999 The North-Central Section of the Geological 
     Society of America will meet in Champaign, Illinois.  As part of this 
     meeting I am organizing a symposium on the Functional Morphology and 
     Paleobiology of Extinct Vertebrates.  Presentations dealing with any 
     group of vertebrates, terrestrial or marine, of whatever stratigraphic 
     interval, that are germane to the overall theme of the symposium are 
     I have informally announced this meeting in these lists before, but 
     this time it's official.  Persons interested in participating should 
     contact me as soon as possible.
     James O. Farlow
     Department of Geosciences
     Indiana-Purdue University
     2101 Coliseum Boulevard East
     Fort Wayne, IN  46805  USA
     (219) 481-6251
     FAX: (219) 481-6880