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Re: Was Triceratops pestered by ticks?/ Amber listserve


    At the DinoFest Symposium, Paul Nash (of AMNH - NYC) showed several New
Jersey Amber pieces from mid to late Cretaceous.  One of these was a biting
insect reminicient of the mosquito, with a  very long apparently stiff
probuscus.  Paul described it as a potential dinosaurian bloodsucker.

    Steve Kurth videotaped Paul's talk ("New Discoveries in Amber from the
Cretaceous of New Jersey") and part of Bill Gallagher's talk ("Cretaceous
Park, New Jersey's Amber Deposits") that followed.  (Unfortunately, Steve
and his brother brought the wrong length tapes, and the tape ran out in the
middle of Bill's talk).

    Allan Edels

-----Original Message-----
From: Phillip Bigelow <bh162@scn.org>
To: dinosaur@usc.edu <dinosaur@usc.edu>
Date: Saturday, June 06, 1998 1:32 AM
Subject: Re: Was Triceratops pestered by ticks?/ Amber listserve
