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Re: fossil sales

>Bravo, Mickey......if one is unable to express one's opinion for fear of the
>reactions of others then what is the use of stating anything at all....Larry

My dear sir - this list is for expressing opinions about _dinosaurs_.
Not about wildlife, Newt Gingrich, or animal rights.

>is entitled to his 'opinion'  as are we all.....but I agree about the
>flaming..it is uncalled for, I have no idea what set him off (indigestion?),
>and I wish it would stop.

What "set me off" was injecting _wildlife_ opinions into a list for
dinosaurs.  And if you wish it would stop, why did you have to stick
an oar in and prolong it?

>BTW e-mailing him directly seems to have no effect either....he seems to
>think this group is here only to espouse his opinions.

It is.  About _dinosaurs_.  But if you insist on arguing about
something else, I'm _still_ game.

If you must post non-dinosaur material, at least do it in some
dead language with weird plurals so we can defend it as a nomen-
clature exercise...

Larry Smith