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Publications from SVP and GSA

Hey dino-types: at GSA and SVP a number of new publications came to light
and when the massive amount of material I shipped home gets here, I'll
send out more info on some of it. I did want to mention 2 new Paleo Society
publications that just came out:

1) Every year at GSA there is a short course on a major topic in paleo and
this year was Major Features of Vertebrate Evolution covering general topics
mostly on the origin of major vertebrate groups. This is Short Course #7 and
is in the typical white soft cover that typifies the Paleo Society pubs. It
has 12 chapters and is $15 (270 pgs.).

2) The Paleo Society also was one of the sponsors of DinoFest, held in Indiana
in March 1994. The volume for this is their biggest (>500 pgs.) and is $30. It
contains many interesting papers including Jack Horner's discussion on T. rex's
eating habits (this should start some activity), Peter Larson's sexing of
T. rex (ditto), and all sorts of other papers on scientific and more popular
areas of discussion.

Other Paleo Society pubs of interest includes (and I get no financial
return for this, by the way, just want to support the Society and let you
guys know of reasonable priced interesting pubs).

Other Short Course notes:
   Mammals (1984 - a bit out-dated but interesting nonetheless) - $12,
Mollusks (1985 - ditto) $12, Land Plants (1986) $12, Protists (1987) $8,
Molecular Evolution (1988, ditto) $12, The Age of Dinosaurs (1989) $15,
Arthropods (1990) $15, Analytical paleo (1991) $15, Trace Fossils (1992)
$15, Taphonomic Approaches (1993 - I have a paper in this one) $15.

Other pubs include:
   Evolution-Creation Controversy (1984) $7.50, Paleoecology and Taphonomy
of Recent to Pleistocene of Calif. (1987) $12.50, Methods and Applications
of Plant Ecology (1988) $12.50, Paleocommunity temporal dynamics (1990)
$20, and a fascinating book on Paleotechniques edited by Rod Feldmann,
Joe Hannibal and myself which includes all sorts of info of how to do
various aspects of collection and prep of fossils (1989) $20.

You order through the Department of Geological Sciences, University of
Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996-1410 USA and send to The Paleontological
Society c/o that Dept. and make checks payable to the Paleontological
Society. I believe they are postpaid and sent via 4th class. Overseas
should add $2 per book.

Again, the Paleo Society gets all the funds and this allows them to
support their functions and produce more of these - all have been
worth it to me and i have the whole set (collect them all - trade with

More on other books that were ate GSA and SVP as I go through my stuff -
The Seismosaurus book was in good form and Fraser and Sues book In the
Shadow of the Dinosaurs came out the day between the meetings.

More later - Ralph Chapman