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Re: Favorite Dinosaur Image or most inspirational

One Sunday when I was about 4 1/2, I saw a re-draw of
Knight's Camarasurus-headed Brontosaur in Ripley's
Believe It Or Not in the Sunday funnies.  I remarked
that I'd like to know more, and a copy of Knight's
Before The Dawn Of History appeared a few days later. 
Between that and the statue of sabretooths fighting at
Park La Brea, Los Angeles, I was a goner.

A few years ago, I projected Burian's Iguanodon on the
wall as the first picture in a dinosaur presentation
to second graders.  The entire class went "Wooow!",
and that "Wooow!" brought back all the feelings of
wonder, majesty, and awe I'd known as a child.  The
class and I suddenly bonded, and we spent a few magic
hours exploring a different world.

Glen Ledingham


--- "Kent A. Stevens" <kent@cs.uoregon.edu> wrote:

> At a tender age, I recall picking out (as a birthday
> present, I  
> think) a copy of Prehistoric Animals
> (Augusta/Burian) at Pickwick  
> Bookstore in Hollywood, complete with dustjacket and
> cardboard  
> slipcover.  I just now pulled it off the shelf
> because I recalled it  
> had the reduced price stamped on the cover ($4.98). 
> I spent hours  
> pouring over those wondrous images.   Somehow it has
> remained in new  
> shape despite the attention, thanks to the
> cardboard.
> Those images are unforgettable.  My favorite: the
> proud Iguanodon in  
> sepia tones.
> Kent