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Re:'So, who's a goin'... to Ottawa?

We will be there and looking forward to seeing you Luis.

Bob and Tess

Well, it seems that this year that I finally manage to go, many people are refraining...

Yes, we will be going and will bring quite a few things with us, specially now that the new Random House Thom Holtz encyclopedia is almost ready. Anyone interested will be able to have a preview (or even get) copies of some of the new 300 (or so) illustrations (many strange novelties plus a lot of old artwork completely reworked to match the times).

I hope that both Thom and I will be able to satisfy any curiosity left for this seemingly never ending project... a mammoth task but we are almost there.
I will have some more information up in my very neglected website soon.

So I hope to see a at least few of you in Ottawa.

Luis Rey

Visit my website

On 10 Sep 2006, at 03:46, Geoff Habiger wrote:

Paleoartisans will not be going this year - unfortunately. New family
additions and the fact that we don't want to deal with tariffs and  taxes
for selling out of the country mean we'll be missing this year. We  will be
going to Austin in 2007.

Geoff Habiger
Artemesia Publishing
Author of Dinosaur Learning Activity Book

Dear List,

    Not to be one to break tradition, here once again is my yearly
to everyone.

    Well, who is going to SVP this year?
    I am, unfortunately not, due to learning the hard way that  sometimes
clients don't always tell the truth about payment schedules and  start up
dates.I will, however, be saving my pennies for Austin, Texas in  2007.

One year older, and hopefully a hell of a lot smarter Cliff
