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Paleonturology 06 Award [more information]
Again, I have no inside information, but I will add this time that the
organization does have a website:
Some of you might have noticed that the previous announcement referred
to an attachment... Listproc removed that attachment before bouncing
the message to me, so I don't have access to it. If you're
interested, I recommend you visit the website.
-- Mickey P. Rowe (mrowe@lifesci.ucsb.edu)
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Date: Tue, 5 Sep 2006 17:39:21 +0200
From: "=?iso-8859-1?B?THVpcyBBbGNhbOE=?=" <alcala@dinopolis.com>
To: "mrowe@lifesci.ucsb.edu" <mrowe@lifesci.ucsb.edu>
Subject: Paleonturology 06 Award
More details about the Paleonturology'06 Award.
Best regards, Luis Alcal?á, Secretary of Paleonturology'06
(We are waiting for your reprints! And... good luck!)
Fundaci?ón Conjunto Paleontol?ógico de Teruel-Din?ópolis, Fundaci?ón
Teruel SIGLO XXI, and Din?ópolis, with the purpose of rewarding
palaeontological research and promoting it among teenagers, call the
Fourth International Award in Palaeontology Research
Any palaeontological research paper published in 2005 in any language
and format can enter the award (see requirements). Paleonturology'06
is endowed with a FOUR THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED EUROS (4.500).
1st.- Any palaeontological research paper published in 2005 in any language and
format can enter the award. That is, the ones dated in 2005 or the ones
accepted for their
publication provided that their publishing date could be justified.
2nd.- The papers can be entered by:
A) Their author. Supposing it is signed by several authors, one of them,
the first author, will certify that all the others accept to be represented by
him to all intents
and purposes before the organisation to enter this award and that they accept
it, in that
case. Supposing there is more than one, we understand by author the first
person signing it
or the one who proves being everyone else?s representative.
B) Any other person or organisation.
3rd.- It is compulsory to present five printed copies (even in the case of
publications) and a registration form with the data required in ANNEX I. The
author will
ensure that the copies are in the hands of the organisers before 30 November
2006 in this
Fundaci?ón Conjunto Paleontol?ógico de Teruel-Din?ópolis
Avda. Sagunto s/n (Edificio Din?ópolis). E-44002 Teruel (Spain), Tel.: 34 978
61 76 30,
Fax.: 34 978 61 76 38, e-mail: fundacion@dinopolis.com
4th.- The jury will be made up of three outstanding researchers (appointed by
organisers) and by the Managing Director of the FCPTD, acting as a Secretary,
but without
a right to vote. Its constitution will be known at the same time as their
5th.- The jury will act with complete freedom and, in addition to their normal
powers -to propose and take a decision, awarding or declaring it void-, will
interpret the
present Requirements. The decision of the jury will be final.
6th.- The decision of the jury will be announced in Teruel before the end of the
year 2006. It will also be advertised on the media. All the participants
requesting a certificate
of the decision will be sent a copy.
7th.- The Fourth International Award in Palaeontology Research
Paleonturology?´06 is
endowed with a FOUR THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED EUROS (4.500?) prize -
indivisible and subject to the current fiscal legislation- and, before its
acceptance, the
author will be committed to:
A) Writing a version to popularise the awarded paper paying special
attention to its
additional graphics. It has to be sent to the organisation within a period of
three months
from the notification of the award and to relinquish the publication rights to
organisation. The organisation will use it to publish a popular version; it
will be translated,
if necessary, and will collaborate with the author to reach the required
didactic level (pupils
between 15 and 17). The mentioned right has to be exercised within a year from
the date of
the decision.
B) Taking part in a possible award ceremony in Teruel or, if that were not
to facilitate the event through a connection by videoconference.
The amount of the award will be paid in its 50% within a period of three months
from the notification of the award and the remaining 50% when the popular
version is
handed in.
8th.- A previous jury, composed by experts in Palaeontology, will select the
of papers they estimate relevant, in any case not less than ten. If a
shortlisted paper has not
be entered by its author, the organisation will propose to him the acceptance
of the
commitments established in the 7th requirement. In that case he will compete
for the
award; otherwise, or not replying within two weeks, he will be withdrawn from
the final
9th.- The organisers of this award are neither committed to attend the mail nor
provide information on the titles selected by the previous jury. These titles
will be entered
in the record of the meeting of the jury.
10th.- Entering papers for this award implies the acceptance of these
by the author.
PALEONTUROLOGY 03: Faunal change, environmental variability and late
Pliocene hominin evolution. Ren?é Bobe, Anna K. Behrensmeyer & Ralph E.
Chapman (Smithsonian Institution, Washington, USA). Journal of Human Evolution,
42: 475-497. 2002.
PALEONTUROLOGY 04: Rib fabrication in Ostreoidea and Plicatuloidea (Bivalvia,
Pteriomorphia) and its evolutionary significance. Antonio G. Checa & Antonio P.
Jim?énez-Jim?énez (Universidad de Granada, Spain). Zoomorphology, 122: 145-159.
PALEONTUROLOGY 05: Dinosaur gastralia; origin, morphology and function.
Leon P.A.M. Claessens (Harvard University, USA). Journal of Vertebrate
Paleontology, 24: 89-106. 2004.
Paleonturology?´06 / Paleonturolog?ía?´06
Title of the publication:
Contact address (postal address, telephone, fax, e-mail):
The author of this paper accepts the Requirements/bases of the award,
specifically, the 7th:
The Fourth International Award in Palaeontology Research Paleonturolog?ía?´06
is endowed with a
FOUR THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED EUROS (4.500?) prize -indivisible and subject to the
current fiscal legislation- and, before its acceptance, the author will be
committed to:
A) Writing a version to popularise the awarded paper paying special attention
to its additional
graphics. It has to be sent to the organisation within a period of three months
from the notification of the
award and to relinquish the publication rights to the organisation. The
organisation will use it to publish a
popular version; it will be translated, if necessary, and will collaborate with
the author to reach the required
didactic level (pupils between 15 and 17). The mentioned right has to be
exercised within a year from the
date of the decision.
B) Taking part in a possible award ceremony in Teruel or, if that were not
possible, to facilitate
the event through a connection by videoconference.
The amount of the award will be paid in its 50% within a period of three months
from the notification of the award and the remaining 50% when the popular
version is
handed in.
Signature of the author (in the case of several authors, all of them sign
accepting to be
represented to all intents and purposes of this award by one of them) and date:
Title of the publication:
Author/s? contact address (postal address, telephone, fax, e-mail):
Paper entered by:
Contact address (postal address, telephone, fax, e-mail):
Signature of the person who enters the paper and date:
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