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"Mean" Dinosaurs
We're all familiar with the maximum estimated dimensions (length, mass
etc) for dinosaurs, but are there any publications or websites out there
that list the mean dimensions for various species? Obviously there's no
such thing as a statistically "meaningful" (if you'll excuse the pun)
mean when a species is known only by a single animal, but has anyone
studied mono-specific bone beds and published anything other than the
maximum dimensions? It's all well and good to hypothesise about the
habits of a 12 metre tyrannosaur, but such models can't be reasonably
applied to the species in general if such large animals were the
exception rather than the rule.
(Yes, I've been reading S.Wroe 2002 "A review of terrestrial mammalian
and reptilian carnivore ecology in Australian fossil faunas, and factors
influencing their diversity: the myth of reptilian domination and its
broader ramifications". Free PDFs rule.)
Dann Pigdon Australian Dinosaurs:
GIS, Archaeologist http://www.geocities.com/dannsdinosaurs
Melbourne, Australia http://www.alphalink.com.au/~dannj/