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Re: Revising Hou et al, 96 (very very long)

Mickey Mortimer wrote:
3. opisthopubic pelvis

Why not split this into three states, like this,

pelvis: propubic (0) mesopubic (1) opisthopubic pelvis (2) ?

*. hypopubic cup
This was not included because it is merely the ABSRDers excuse for
Archaeopteryx's pubic foot.  Archaeopteryx does not have a hypopubic
cup, though Velociraptor ironically has a similar structure.

So a hypopubic cup is not a pubic boot?

9. longitudinally elongate sternum
Again, not seen in Nick's taxa, but is present in some enantiornithines like Eoalulavis.

The original character was confusing. I thought it was referring to the absence of gastralia.

*. coracoid sulci on sternum

Is this, by any chance, the same as "sternum anteriorly slotted for coracoid"?

17. proximodorsal ischial process

Well, I got that one translated right from the paper where it was the anterodorsal process. A small step but a step...

18. shortened tail with pygostyle
Technically, there are taxa like Caudipteryx with long tails and pygostyles, and we're not certain if things like Rahonavis and Yandangornis had such small pygostyles, but for this analysis, the
character is left as is.

It would make more sense to me to split this into:

tail/femur ratio: greater than 3.0 (0) less than 3.0 and greater than 2.0 (1) less than 2.0 (2)

This was brought up in September last year by you and David Marjanovic. I would think it somewhat useful as Confuciusornis has 1.08 whereas Yandangornis has 2.88 whereas Archaeopteryx has 3.78 and Deinonychus has 5.88. I don't really know as I haven't measured any others.

pygostyle: absent (0) present (1)

19. dorsal pleurocoels
Hou et al. made this and the previous into a single character, which
is ludicrous as they are not correlated at all.

Actually, Hou et al. had the character as caudal pleurocoels. According to you, these are present in Nomingia, Microvenator, and the caenagnathoideans but not avians of any kind.

20. reduced fingers
This supposed enantiornithine synapomorphy desperately needs
quantification, so I'll take it to mean that the phalangeal count must be at least as reduced as enantiornithines (2-3-1).

Good. You figured it out. I couldn't. But you have Hesperornis coded as "1" when it shouldn't it be "?"...

Clearly this is consistant with the standard avian phylogeny, but such a small amount of characters will not do.

I know. The analysis of maniraptors I'm currently working on in my spare time has a lot more characters than this. I was just using what I could dig up from Hou et al.'s paper as practice. It took me on a search through the Norell and Clark, 2001 data matrix and similar places.


Using Mickey?s data matrix on PHYLIP, I performed four runs.

Run 1:  Rooted consensus tree with added taxa

    |  |  `--+--Protopteryx
    |  |     `--+--Boluochia
    |  |        `--+--Gobipteryx
    |  |           |--Longipteryx
    |  |           |--Iberomesornis
    |  |           `--Sinornis
    |  `--+--Archaeopteryx
    |     `--Sapeornis
                      |  `--+--Neornithes
                      |     `--Yandangornis
  `                         `--+--Archaeoraptor

Run 2:  Rooted consensus tree with added taxa but excluding Chaoyangia

    |  `--+--Hesperornis
    |     `--+--+--Patagopteryx
    |        |  `--+--Apsaravis
    |        |     `--Neornithes
    |        `--+--Ichthyornis
    |           `--+--Yanornis
    |              `--+--Yixianornis
    |                 `--Archaeoraptor
       |  `--Archaeopteryx
                   |  `--Liaoningornis

Run 3:  Rooted consensus tree with original taxa

          |  `--Liaoningornis

Run 4:  Rooted consensus tree with original taxa but excluding Chaoyangia

       |  `--Enantiornithes

Nick Gardner

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