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My PowerMac is back on the network. Work is still ongoing and there might
be temporary downtimes, hopefully not.

However, the ip number I am using is temporary until the network people (in
next couple days) give me a new one. Util I get my final ip number the URL
http://jacobson.isgs.uiuc.edu/ does not have a reference on the host table
at uiuc. In order to reach my lair you need to use the following temporary

By the end of the week or early next week I should have my ip number
registered and be on the U of I host table again and then the URL


should again work. Thanks for your patience

  Russ Jacobson                     INTERNET:jacobson@geoserv.isgs.uiuc.edu
  207 NRB, 615 E Peabody            217-244-2426   Home Phone: 217-384-6983
  Illinois Geological Survey         DINOSAUR RUSS: who lives, eats,
  Champaign, IL 61820                breathes and smells dinosaurs!!!
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