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Re: [dinosaur] The table of largest sauropods

Yes and no.

While evidence suggests that sauropods did in fact have determinate growth, the majority of sauropod specimens are not skeletally mature, and so the maximum attainable size of their species would have been larger.

Here is were you run into the issue of contrasting maximum attainable size to normal body size, especially with variable sample sizes. Despite the existence of an Apatosaurus specimen far larger than any known Dreadnoughtus specimen, we only have two specimens of Dreadnoughtus, which are immature and presumably close to average size for their age (and the holotype is still larger than the majority of Apatosaurus).

On Mon, Jan 23, 2017 at 6:50 PM Ruben Safir <ruben@mrbrklyn.com> wrote:
Didn't they continually grow through out their lives?  If so, these
estimates are subject to age differences

On 01/23/2017 06:45 PM, John D'Angelo wrote:
> I would take any list of the largest sauropods with a grain of salt.
> Body mass estimates are extremely difficult to pin down, especially in a
> clade notorious for incomplete skeletons. Note also that different
> methods of estimating body mass can yield dramatically different mass
> estimates, as has happened in the case of Dreadnoughtus schrani.
> Volumetric estimates give it a body mass of roughly 20-40 tonnes,
> whereas scaling based on the size of its humerus and femur gives a much
> higher 60 tonnes. Comparing mass estimates found by these differing
> strategies is unwise, and I don't think Wikipedia has distinguished
> between strategies.
> Alamosaurus also deserves to go on the list, as material from an
> indivudual in the same size class as Puertasaurus is known (Fowler and
> Sullivan 2011, APP 56: 685-690)
> The giant Oklahoma Apatosaurus has not, to my knowledge, been assigned
> to A. ajax.
> I'm not sure how good the data for Mamenchisaurus sinocanadorum is,
> either, as I don't know what data Greg Paul based his estimate on precisely.
> On Mon, Jan 23, 2017 at 7:56 AM Poekilopleuron
> <dinosaurtom2015@seznam.cz <mailto:dinosaurtom2015@seznam.cz>> wrote:
>     Good day,
>     I would like to ask, if the wikipedia table of largest/heaviest
>     sauropods is currently valid and up-to-date (it doesn´t seem so)?
>     Could it look like this perhaps? Thank you, Tom
>     1. Argentinosaurus huinculensis - 70 - 96 tonnes
>     2. Puertasaurus reuili - about the same
>     3. Unnamed Patagonian titanosaur - around 77 tonnes
>     4. "Antarctosaurus" giganteus - 40 - 80 tonnes
>     5. Notocolossus gonzalezparejasi - 45 - 75 tonnes
>     6. Apatosaurus ajax - 40 - 75 tonnes
>     7. Futalognkosaurus dukei - 50 - 70 tonnes
>     8. Mamenchisaurus sinocanadorum - 50 - 65 tonnes
>     9. Sauroposeidon proteles - 50 - 60 tonnes
>     10. Dreadnoughtus schrani - 40 - 60 tonnes

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