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Your quarterly e-newsletter from Royal Society Publishing

October 2012 | Read this online
"Read this online":http://newsletters.royalsociety.org/q/1MvUhtsUpT7YqF/wv

In this issue:

 ->   All our content is FREE to access until 29 November 2012
 ->   Latest news from 'Open Biology'
 ->   'Philosophical Transactions B' wins wildlife award for the second year
 ->   Save 25% on open access article processing charges
 ->   Royal Society journals move to a continuous publication model
 ->   Selected content - all FREE to access
 ->   Women in science edit-a-thon

All our content is FREE to access until 29 November 2012

It's Open Access Week this week and, as usual, Royal Society Publishing is 
participating in this annual event by allowing free access to all our content. 
Even better, our free access will be extended until 29 November 2012!

If there is a Royal Society article you have been meaning to read, now is the 
time to read it; if you have recently published an article in a Royal Society 
journal, now is the time to share that research with your peers. Delve into our 
archive, containing more than 68,000 articles, today!

Recent highlighted content includes:

'Philosophical Transactions B' issue
Impacts of global environmental change on drylands: from ecosystem structure 
and functioning to poverty alleviation

'Proceedings B' article
How does climate change cause extinction?

'Biology Letters' article
Chronic stress elevates telomerase activity in rats

'Philosophical Transactions A' issue
Chemistry, astronomy and physics of H3+

'Proceedings A' article
Einstein's special relativity beyond the speed of light

'Journal of the Royal Society Interface' article
Evidence for behavioural thermoregulation by whale sharks

'Interface Focus' issue
Geometry of interfaces: topological complexity in biology and materials

Forthcoming content

'Philosophical Transactions A' issue
Principles and applications of quantum control engineering

'Philosophical Transactions B' issue
Endocannabinoids in nervous system health and disease

'Proceedings B' Special Feature
Genomics of adaptation, edited by J Radwan and W Babik
Online from 24 October

'Biology Letters' Special Feature
Experimental evolution, edited by P Sniegowski, T Bataillon and P Joyce
Online from 31 October

Want to be notified when this content is published? Sign up for content alerts 

Recent free podcast

Do dolphins use linear maths?

Latest news from 'Open Biology'

The articles in 'Open Biology', our open access journal covering biology at the 
molecular and cellular level, are always free to access. Forthcoming 'Open 
Biology' content includes:

Ribosomal frameshifting utilized in influenza A virus expression occurs within 
the sequence UCC_UUU_CGU and is in the +1 direction - online from 24 October

A type III restriction modification system in Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. capri 
- online from 31 October

Manipulation of PK-M mutually exclusive alternative splicing by antisense 
oligonucleotides - online from 31 October

Don't miss out on future 'Open Biology' content. Sign up for content alerts at
http://newsletters.royalsociety.org/c/15IvMffYyz8WgAT1fzW3nqEd  to receive 
notification of articles as they are published online.

Submit to 'Open Biology' and benefit from fast, constructive peer-review; rapid 
publication; and the highest level of scientific input from members of the 
Editorial Board.

If you want to find out more about the journal, come and meet us at booth 
number 1316 at the American Society for Cell Biology in San Francisco from 
15-19 December or follow us on Twitter 

You can also meet us at:

Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting
11-14 November 2012, Knoxville, USA

Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Mechanics
18-20 November 2012, San Diego, USA

American Society for Cell Biology Annual Meeting
15-19 December 2012, San Francisco, USA

Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB) Meeting
3-7 January 2013, San Francisco, USA

Biophysical Society Meeting
2-6 February 2013, Philadelphia, USA

BSCB-BSDB and Japanese Society for Developmental Biology Meeting
17-20 March 2012, Warwick, UK

A 'Philosophical Transactions B' article wins Wildlife Society award for the 
second year running

'The home-range concept: are traditional estimators still relevant with modern 
telemetry technology?' is the article chosen by the Wildlife Society to win 
their coveted annual journal article award. The winning article is free to 
access athttp://newsletters.royalsociety.org/c/15IvQkJxkskd8T4ujKAnAJd9

The 'Philosophical Transactions B' themed issue in which the article appears, 
'Challenges and opportunities of using GPS-based location data in animal 
ecology' is also free to access 

'Philosophical Transactions B' publishes topical Themed Issues from across the 
biological sciences.  Take advantage of the free access period and read all the 
latest issues of the journal 

Save 25% when publishing an open access article in one of our journals

As a Royal Society author, don't forget that you can benefit from a 25% 
discount on our standard open access article processing fees if your 
institution is a member of our Institutional Membership Programme.

We would like to welcome the University of Sussex on board as a new member and 
remind all researchers at that institution that they are now eligible for a 25% 
discount on article processing fees when they choose to publish their article 
open access in a Royal Society journal.

Check if your institution is a member 

The Royal Society journals will move to a continuous publication model in 2013

We recently wrote to you about our intended move to a continuous publication 
model from 2013 and explained the implictions of this move for authors and 
researchers. If you did not have an opportunity to read the original email, you 
may be interested in reading a copy of it here

If you have any questions about our move to a continuous publication model, 
please consult our continuous publication FAQ page 
athttp://newsletters.royalsociety.org/c/15Iw0yqrgbhokCx9Zbdc7YCu  or contact us 

Royal Society Wikipedia edit-a-thon for women in science

On Friday 19 October, the Royal Society hosted a group edit-a-thon, in 
partnership with Wikimedia UK, to improve Wikipedia articles about women in 
science.  Find out more 

Professor Uta Frith FRS, who was involved in organising the event, said:

“It’s shameful that when you ask people, including scientists, to name well-known female 
scientists and engineers they can barely get past Marie Curie. I think this is very much because they are 
not in our consciousness or they have not been given high enough profile for their work. Wikipedia is one 
of the first places that many people go for information but if it’s not there how will we ever learn 
about our scientific heroines. This event is a very small but important step towards putting these very 
special women in the spotlight they deserve.”

Attendees worked together to edit articles, using the library's resources.

In support of the event, Royal Society Publishing has highlighted biographies 
of selected female Fellows of the Royal Society, which are freely accessible 
until 29 November 2012 

© 2012 Royal Society. Registered Charity No 207403.