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Re: pdf needed second try

Third try! As always, make sure to send in plain text _only_. Not "determine automatically", but "plain text" in case you use Thunderbird. When you send it in plain text and HTML (which is the default in some programs and webmail interfaces like, apparently, Hotmail), the HTML gets replaced by the "truncated" message, and that's all that some programs then show.


I need the pdf of this paper: Buffetaut E. 1979. Revision der Crocodylia
(Reptilia) aus den Gosau-Schichten (Ober-Kreide) von =D6sterreich. =
Beitr=E4ge zur Pal=E4ontologie von =D6sterreich, 6: 89-105, Wien.


(the English translation too, if existing)


Can you help me?





I'd be rather surprised if any pdf of that journal existed, let alone of an article from 1979. I might be able to take a photocopy here in the geosciences library, if I find the paper, and send the photocopy to you...