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Re: late night thoughts: misunderstand what?4
don ohmes writes:
It is reasonable to assume the large bipeds had to be careful about their footing. Eg, how steep a grade can a 2m human climb without using the hands? Not very. Also, soft ground must have been a huge problem. If you don't believe it, go for a hike in a swamp, without using your hands. There may have been large areas of refugia that were available to quads in many environments. In other words, a basic quadruped vs biped advantage.
I suspect that theropod feet (with their large spreading toes) were much
better suited to 'soft ground' than the compact feet of sauropods (of any
size). Whether you're a biped or a quadruped doesn't really come into it.
Sure, a quadruped may be spreading it's weight over more points of contact,
but a sauropod foot would have plunged into soft ground at a much faster
rate than the foot of a large theropod would. As long as the biped lifts
it's feet before they sink too far, it should be fine (and having just two
feet decreases the amount of time between steps).
A sauropod (even with less weight on each foot) would have plunged to the
knees/elbows well before it could have lifted each foot. In fact, if the
sauropod walking style was like that of an elephant (with at least three
feet in contact most of the time) then they'd be even more prone to sinking,
since the time lag between placing a foot down and lifting the same foot up
again is even longer.
Dann Pigdon
GIS / Archaeologist http://www.geocities.com/dannsdinosaurs
Melbourne, Australia http://heretichides.soffiles.com