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Re: Hone and Benton 2007 (their second paper)
Date: Sun, 03 Jun 2007 19:21:37 -0500
Depends what you mean by "arboreal"? Are you saying that _Archaeopteryx_
was not arboreal because it lacked perching adaptations?
In a previous post, Jim Cunningham stated that goats were arboreal because
they can climb trees. But what goats do is hook their hooves over branches
and clamber up the tree (not very elegantly). However, goats do not
habitually climb trees and they show no specific adaptations to either
scansoriality or arboreality.
*tries to imagine Archie (or any other wing-feathered maniraptoran) climbing
like a goat*
u,mmm.....I'm having trouble forming that image. think you could provide a
sketch or a drawing of it, to help the rest of us along?
(even a cartoon)
thought to ask.
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