But I don't _care_ what such a person would say. I thought I'd made
that clear. I love a good, solid clade as much as the next man --
just as I love a good real ale as much as the next man. But just as
I'd not want to have to commit to never drinnking anything else except
beer, so neither do I want to sign the no-non-monophyletic-taxa
I flatly contradict this assertion. Given phylogenetic definitions of
Titanosauridae as (_Saltasaurus_ not _Andesaurus_) and Tendaguriidae
as (_Tendaguria_ not _Opisthocoelicaudia_), if we recovered the
\ _Andesaurus_
\ _Tendaguria_
\ /
\ /\_Opisthocoelicaudia_
then those two "families" would remain, one inside the other, their
names unmodified, according to every set of phylogenetic nomenclatural
principles I've ever seen.