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Re: Hadeicum; eon or era?

Hadean is an era.

Your 12 year old sister is taking paleontology *classes* in school?! 
Entire classes?!?  I swear, one of these days my head is going to

"Mr. Doody, I'll ask you one more time.  Are you now, or have you ever,
been a member of the Communist Party?  Yes or no, Mr. Doody!  You're not
so chatty when you don't have your "assistant" with you, are you?"--Sen.
Joseph McCarthy, trying to interrogate Howdy Doody, Senate subcommittee
hearing, 1954.

On Tue, 06 Jun 2006 22:30:44 +0200 Hanneke JM Meijer
<hanneke.meijer@gmail.com> writes:
> In case my previous email got truncated:
> My 12 year old sister is taking paleontology classes in school (the
> earlier the better!), but now she is asking questions that I have
> trouble answering..... Her first one was about the Hadeicum; 
> whether
> this is an eon or era. I myself thought it was an era, but she 
> showed
> me some websites that say it is an eon, and now I am confused too. 
> Can
> somebody help me out on this one? Thanks!
> Kind regards, Hanneke Meijer
> -- 
> ww.PalArch.nl
> PalArch Foundation, Amsterdam
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