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Re: Please welcome Doctor Naish

The celebrations will last forever it seems... Eric Buffetaut had a hard job I'm sure, but at the end even he had to admit it... Darren secret persona is discovered at last: he is really Dr. Naish! No need for more cover-ups... no more doubts.
Since as we know all Ph.D's get rich immediately, now he finally can pay us all those beers he owe us!

On 2 Jun 2006, at 09:20, Mike Taylor wrote:

I'm delighted to tell you all that Darren Naish sailed through his
Ph.D. viva yesterday, and is now no longer Mister Naish.  I'm sure
that many of you will join me in offering hearty congratulations.

_/|_ ___________________________________________________________________
/o ) \/ Mike Taylor <mike@miketaylor.org.uk> http:// www.miketaylor.org.uk
)_v__/\ "``IMHO'' is only four keystrokes" -- Dave Foreman.

Luis Rey

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