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Re: Thread of Ptero size thread

----- Original Message ----
From: jrc <jrccea@bellsouth.net>
To: d_ohmes@yahoo.com
Cc: dinosaur@usc.edu
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2006 7:43:07 AM
Subject: Re: Thread of Ptero size thread

> This either a bad observation, or a different gait w/ a characteristic 
> flit-flit-flit sound. It is very brief, because it doesn't take long at 
> all for them to reach a perch.

Bounding might be a possibility.

--------- Yeah.

> ------------- Too ignorant too understand why they can't find a forward 
> flap cruise gait suitable for their specialization... }: D

Mike is saying that they can find one suitible for their specialization, but 
it is nowhere near optimal for flapping cruise because they are unable to 
retract the wing significantly during the upstroke.  That implies an 
unavoidable, relatively low thrust coefficient in forward flight. 

---------------- Actually, I get that on an "intertaxic" comparison basis. I 
meant I don't understand why a gait within the taxa that is less 
energy-intensive than "forward hovering" is not kinematically feasible. He was 
speaking intra-specifically, right? If he was, then I guess you just told me 
again, and I'll just have to wait for comprehension. Maybe I will get some for 
