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Re: grant for antonio.
Frank Bliss 1107 Parks Rd, Weston Wyoming 82731 and the check should
be made out to me. I will then take the funds and donate them to a
nonprofit (probably the National Foundation for the Geosciences) who
will bank transfer the money to Fabio. Thanks much, we will get this
grant done if everyone on the DML sends a few dollars. If anyone is
not up to speed, give me an email at frank@blissnet.com to get the
details how some of us are trying to fund research on a basal hadrosaur
in Italy from small donations on the DML. As of last friday, the fund
was around 230 dollars US. but the mail is due today. Fabio has also
gotten some funds via paypal but I don't have that total yet. Fabio,
how about a report.
Frank Bliss
MS Biostratigraphy
Weston, Wyoming
On May 30, 2005, at 11:13 PM, Tommy Bradley wrote:
One moment Frank,
Uh, I assume sending you a check in the mail is okay? I hope that's
what you intended. I'm sorry if you're reading this thinking, "DUH!"
I also realized, I don't have your address. Where should the envelop
be address to?
As soon as I know, it's on it's way! :-)
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