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K-T extinction rate, percentages etc.

Good day to all list members,
When I was recently reading through my czech translation of a great D. M. 
Raup's book "Extinction: Bad Genes or Bad Luck?" I've come upon a table of K-T 
extinction numbers for various vertebrate groups (Raup's source is William 
Clemens data collected from the western USA(?). It looks like this:
Columns from left to right: Taxon - number of genera before the (K-T) event - 
number of extinct genera past the event - percentage of extinct genera

Chondrichthyes     5        3          60%

Ostheichthyes     13        5          38

"AMPHIBIA"        12        4          33

Chelonia          18        2          11

Eosuchia           1        0           0

Crocodilia         4        1?         25?

Eolatacertilia     1        1         100

Lacertilia        15        4?         27?

Serpentes          2        0?          0?

Saurischia         8        8         100

Ornithischia      14       14         100

Pterosauria        ?        ?         100

"AVES"             ?        ?           ?

Microtuberculata  11        4          36

Marsupialia        4        3          75

Placentalia        9        1          11

TOTAL            117       50          43%

These values are from 1990 (?) or even older, so I suppose there were some new 
finds and hence the table would change considerably. My question is: can anyone 
share URL or does anyone even have an up-to-date info on this? Or any other 
updated similar table on the K-T extinction situation? Thanks in advance. Also, 
as the book is quite well known, what's the general opinion on this 43 % 
extinction value for vertebrates (and how does it correspond with the overall 
value of 65-70% for all K-T biota?) What was the situation in Hell Creek?

The same for another table from the same book:

K-T extinction event
Taxonomical (Linnean) unit     Losses (in percents)

Phyle(-um)     0 %

Classes        1

Orders        10

Families      14      

Genera        38

Species     65-70

Individuals    ? 

Values from around 1990. Are there any more accurate up-to-date calculations? 
Thanks for any info, in advance Vlad

"Raptor sacra res raptori"