Mike Taylor wrote:
At SVPCA 2004, Khristan Remes claimed that "Barosaurus" _africanus_ is generically distinct from all
other sauropods, though closer to _Barosaurus_ than to anything else, and advocated the use of the "available name" _Tornieria_ -- a re-use which I am not sure clarifies matters.
Thomas R. Holtz, Jr. wrote:
Upchurch et al. (2004), in Dinosauria II, advocate the use of _Tornieria_ for "Barosaurus" _africanus_.
_Janenschia robusta_ (basal titanosaurian), _Tendaguria tananiensis_ (weird but
not certain if it is basal sauropod or neosauropod),
_Dicraeosaurus hansemanni_, _D. sattleri_. So, like the Morrison, you couldn't swing a dead coelurosaur without hitting another damn sauropod...