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Re: Coming Summer Attractions

Unfortunately, they have fairly perfunctory blurbs. Do you know if there is
at least a table of contents for any of these available anywhere?


        Christopher Taylor

On 12/5/05 6:51 am, "Danvarner@aol.com" <Danvarner@aol.com> wrote:

> Here are some new books that will be  arriving this summer. I've used url's
> from Amazon as you can click on the cover  images for enlargements of cover
> art:
> The Carnivorous  Dinosaurs (IUPress)
> http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0253345391/qid=1115835759/sr=2-1/ref=pd
> _bbs_b_2_1/102-4311471-3335369
> Thunder-Lizards: The Sauropodomorph Dinosaurs (IUPress)
> http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0253345421/qid=1115836298/sr=2-1/ref=pd
> _bbs_b_2_1/102-4311471-3335369
> The Pterosaurs: From Deep Time (Pi Press)
> http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/013146308X/qid=1115836508/sr=2-1/ref=pd
> _bbs_b_2_1/102-4311471-3335369
> And last, but not least, Oceans Of Kansas (IUPress)
> http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0253345472/qid=1115836856/sr=2-1/ref=pd
> _bbs_b_2_1/102-4311471-3335369
> DV  