And as we all know, dinosaur nomenclature is *always* logical. :-)
Well, I figured people still knew Greek in 1920...
(I don't, though.)
*Massospondylus* as a sauropod. Will I ever get used to this... ;-)
If little _Anchisaurus_ is a sauropod, why not _Massospondylus_? :-)
Moser, M. (2003). _Plateosaurus engelhardti_ Meyer, 1837 (Dinosauria: Sauropodomorpha) aus dem Feuerletten (Mittelkeuper; Obertrias) von Bayern. Zitteliana B 24: 3-186.
_Gresslyosaurus_ is reinstated by Moser based on sacral morphology: "
the ventral side of the left SR2 [sacral rib 2] ... there is a deep groove,
which extends onto the corpus and is bordered caudally by a strong
This character is not found in _Plateosaurus_ and _Sellosaurus_, therefore it is accepted as a diagnostic character for a separate genus _Gresslyosaurus_ from the Rhaetian." (Moser, 2003; p.168).
Oh. Rhaetian. Does *Plateosaurus* extend into the Rhaetian, too?