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Re: New Merian C. Cooper biography

There is a strong rumor that Showtime will make a Bio pic about Cooper's hard to believe life. He was a real life action movie hero. He intended to fly a gorilla to Komodo and film a life and death struggle between a dragon and the gorilla. Thank God for stop motion animation!

David Krentz
On Aug 9, 2005, at 12:25 PM, Guy Leahy wrote:

Or, if the link doesn't work...

Living Dangerously:  The Adventures of Merian C.
Cooper, Creator of King Kong
Author: Mark Vaz
Publisher: Random House, August 2005
ISBN: 1400062764
Price: (hardcover) $26.95

Guy Leahy

--- Guy Leahy <xrciseguy@prodigy.net> wrote:

For those of you interested in all things "King
Kong"... :-)

http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/search-handle-form/ 102-7193972-6182547

Guy Leahy